MP106 Marketing Management MBA Question Bank : vmou.ac.in

Name of the University : Vardhman Mahaveer Open University
Degree : MBA
Subject Code/Name : MP-106 – Marketing Management
Year : I
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : vmou.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/vmou.ac.in/3622.-MP-106_8.pdf

VMOU Marketing Management Question Paper

Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 80

Related : Vardhman Mahaveer Open University MP104 Fundamentals of Information Technology MBA Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/3619.html

Section A

Very Short Answer Type Questions :
1. What is the role of marketing in business scenario-
2. Explain the meaning of consumerism.
3. Explain in brief the various types of marketing environment.
4. What is competitor analysis-
5. What is product life cycle-
6. What is meant by strategic marketing planning-
7. What is marketing strategy for industrial product-
8. What do you mean by consumer behavior-
9. What is the scope of marketing-
10. What are the 4P’s of marketing-

11. Differentiate between a consumer and a customer.
12. Define product line length.
13. Define packaging.
14. What is elastic demand-
15. Write the full form of ‘STP’.
16. What is MLM-
17. What is the difference between Exchange and transaction-
18. Define Holistic marketing.
19. What are PEST factors-
20. Write 2 marketing strategies during the decline stage of product life cycle.
21. What is publicity-
22. Distinguish between publicity and public relations.
23. Define Service marketing.
24. What is telemarketing-

Section B

Short Answer Type Questions :
1. “What are the various approaches of studying marketing”- Elaborate.
2. Is consumer sovereignty a fact or fiction- Why so- Discuss.
3. Explain the difference between the new and old concept of marketing.
4. Differentiate between mass marketing and target marketing.
5. Explain the advantage and disadvantages of single source
6. What do you understand by sales forecasting- Examine critically
7. Prepare a marketing plan for a company producing a premium car.
8. “Advertising is nothing but salesmanship in print.”
9. What do you mean by external environment- Discuss its impact
10. Write short notes on the following :
11. Differentiate between a Retailer and a Wholesaler.
12. What is a Brand- What are the features of branding
13. Differentiate between Advertising and sales Promotion.
14. What do you understand by marketing strategy-
15. Morph marketing is a powerful tool of selling. Describe.
16. What is a “consumer affairs cell”
17. Explain the following :

a) External macro environment
b) Internal marketing environment.

18. Write short notes on the following:
a) Participants in buying behaviour.
b) Dissonance reducing behaviour.

19. What is brand equity? Explain its importance.
20. What factors affect price sensitivity and influence the pricing strategy of a firm.
21. Distinguish between “societal marketing” and “service marketing”.
22. What is event marketing? Discuss its steps in brief.
23.”Product strategy calls for making co-ordinated decisions on product mixes, product lines, brands and packaging.” Comment.

24. Write short notes on: (any two)
a) Marketing research
b) Marketing mix
c) Marketing plan
d) Marketing intelligence

Section C

(Long Answer Type Questions)
Note: Answer any 2 questions. Each answer should not exceed 800 words. Each question carries 16 marks. (Marks 2×16=32)
1. “Market segmentation is important for target markets and target markets are important for product positioning.” Elaborate with examples.
2. What do you mean by marketing information system? Explain its needs components and process?
3. Marketing research is vital for the evaluation of a sound marketing strategy.” Explain this statement. Also discuss its objectives and various stages involved in the marketing research process.
4. “An educated buyer makes a better buyer.” Discuss the implication of this statement. Also explain the basic responsibilities of the consumer.
5. Why do you think the concept of consumerism is getting so much attention these days? What are the states of consumerism in India?
6. What is meant by product line expansion? Are product line expansion and diversification synonyms? What are the reasons of going in for diversification? Explain with the help of examples.
7. What are the steps involved in new product launch? Discuss with the help of a suitable example. How would you select the right target market for your new product?
8. What do you understand by distribution channel? A multinational is planning to launch its brand of cosmetics in India. What channels of distribution should it adopt to make an impact in the already crowded markets of cosmetics?
9. “The present day marketing is consumer oriented” .Explain. Give Indian examples to prove this.
10. Write the consumer buying decision process in detail. Quote examples where required.
11. What is Marketing Research? How is it different from Marketing Information system?

12. Write short notes on the following:
a) Product mix
b) Product mix width
c) Product line pruning
d) Product line stretching
e) Product line extension

13. Explain the importance of Pricing in the marketing mix. What are the determinants in pricing a product.
14. What are the various decisions involved in management of selected channel of distribution. Write in detail.
15. Write a communication plan for the launch of a new breakfast cereal. You need to clearly identify who your target market is and what brand image you wish to create.
16. Advertising is economically beneficial but not socially justifiable. Comment. Give examples as required.
17. What is Holistic marketing concept? Write in detail about it?
18. Explain various marketing philosophies as they have evolved.
19. What is the need for segmentation and what is the market segmentation process. Substantiate with examples.
20. Write short notes on the following:
a) Limitations and problems of E-marketing
b) Marketing Myopia
c) Ethics in Advertising
d) Cost-based pricing methods

Categories: Management Studies
Tags: vmou.ac.in
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