Cytology M.Sc MLT Question Paper : kuhs.ac.in

Name of the University : Kerala University of Health Sciences
Degree : M.Sc. MLT
Subject Name : Cytology
Year : I
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Website : kuhs.ac.in

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Paper-I : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kuhs.ac.in/3615-4-PAPER-%20I.pdf
Paper-II : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kuhs.ac.in/3615-2-PAPER-%20II.pdf
Paper-III : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kuhs.ac.in/3615-3-PAPER-%20III.pdf
Paper-IV : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kuhs.ac.in/3615-1-PAPER-%20IV.pdf

KUHS Cytology Model Question Paper

First Year M.Sc.MLT Degree Examinations -February 2013
Time: 3 hrs.

Related : KUHS Enzymology, Metabolism And Inborn Errors Of Metabolism M.Sc MLT Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/3610.html

Max. marks : 100
Essays: (10×10 = 100)
Answer all questions:
Draw diagrams wherever necessary :
1. Papanicolaou staining and its applications
2. Cytological examination of urine
3. Fine needle aspiration cytology
4. Cervical cytology
5. Cytological fixatives
6. Broncho alveolar lavage
7. Characteristics of normal synovial fluid
8. Vaginal hormone cytology
9. Pleural fluid cytology
10.Automation in cytology


February 2013
PAPER-II : Time: 3 hrs.
Max.marks : 100
Essays: (10×10 = 100)
Answer all questions :
Draw diagrams wherever necessary :
1. Dehydrating agents.
2. Automated tissue processing.
3. Preparation of haematoxylin and eosin stain.
4. Per-iodic schiff staining (PAS).
5. Faults and remedies in section cutting.
6. Frozen section technique .
7. lmmunohistochemistry procedure. Mention some markers used in breast cancer.
8. Different embedding techniques.
9. Organization of histopathology laboratory .
10.How do you receive specimens in histopathology laboratory. Add a note on fixation.


February 2013 :
Time : 3 hrs.
Max.marks : 100
Essays : (10×10 = 100)
Answer all questions :
Draw diagrams wherever necessary:
1. Banding techniques.
2. Microscopic examination of urine.
3. Semen analysis.
4. Detection of Bence-Jones protein.
5. Concentration techniques for the detection of ova and cysts.
6. Down’ssyndrome.
7. Discuss autosomal recessive inheritance and mention any four examples.
8. Discuss methods of collection of urine. Describe the physical examination.
9. Various methods of detecting HCG levels.
10. Fluorescent Insitu Hybridisation.


February 2013 :
Time: 3 hrs.
Max.marks : 100
Essays: (10×10 = 100)
Answer all questions :
Draw diagrams wherever necessary :
1. Define leukemia. Discuss the laboratory investigations in a case of acute myeloid leukemia.
2. Investigations for haemorrhagic disorders.
3. Automation in haematology.
4. Classify haemolytic anemias. Add a note on osmotic fragility test.
5. Anticoagulants.
6. Laboratory investigations required prior to bone marrow transplantation.
7. Describe the specific abnormalities detected on peripheral blood smear examination in anaemia.
8. What are the types of leukemoid reactions. Add a note on LAP score.
9. Enumerate hemo parasites with a note on its laboratory diagnosis.
10.Explain the aetiology and laboratory diagnosis iron deficiency anaemia.

Paper – I Haematology :
Essays : (10×10 = 100)
1. Laboratory evaluation of iron deficiency
2. Anticoagulants
3. Cytochemical stains used in the evaluation of leukemias
4. Laboratory evaluation of DIC
5. Hb electrophoresis
6. Screening tests of coagulation
7. Quality control of hematology analysers
8. Extra medullary hemopoiesis
9. Bone marrow examination
10. Cytogenetics and leukemias

Second Year M.Sc. MLT Degree Examinations – February 2014 :
Paper – VI Laboratory Organization, Qc And Recent Advances In Pathology
Essays : (10×10 = 100)
1. Microwave technology in histopathology laboratory
2. Quality control in haematology
3. Components of laboratory information system
4. Factors influencing the choice of analysers in a laboratory
5. Universal precautions
6. Biomedical waste management
7. Technological advances in immunohaematology lab
8. Instrumentation in coagulation
9. Automation in tissue processing
10. International accreditation of laboratories

Paper – V Blood Banking & Immuno Pathology :
Essays : (10×10 = 100)
1. Discuss the subgroups of ABO blood group system and its clinical significance
2. What is Weak D. Explain in details its method of detection and clinical significance
3. Discuss the role of nucleic acid testing in blood banking
4. Role of blood component therapy in PPH
5. Cancer and immune system
6. Describe the role of antibody identification in transfusion therapy
7. Describe the immunological aspects of acquired immunodeficiency
8. Recombinant DNA technology
9. Human leucocyte antigens and transfusion
10. Autologous transfusion

Paper – I Haematology :
Essays : (10×10 = 100)
1. Explain haematopoiesis with a diagram. Add a note on haematopoietic stem cells.
2. Define and classify anaemia. Discuss laboratory diagnosis of iron deficiency anaemia
3. Discuss the methods of malaria diagnosis
4. Define and classify leukemias. Add a note on leukemoid reaction
5. Explain the laboratory diagnosis of haemorrhagic diseases
6. Discuss the automated haematology analysers. Add a note on its advantages and sources of error
7. Describe the anticoagulants used in routine haematology
8. Discuss the principle of flow cytometry and its application in haematology
9. Discuss the bone marrow transplantation
10. Describe the Romanowsky-type stains and elaborate on one commonly used stain in haematology

Categories: Medical
Tags: kuhs.ac.in

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