MASO02 Logic of Sociological Enquiry MA Question Bank : vmou.ac.in

Name of the University : Vardhman Mahaveer Open University
Degree : MA
Department : Sociology
Subject Code/Name : MASO-02 – Logic of Sociological Enquiry
Year : I
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : vmou.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/vmou.ac.in/3611-MASO-02_146.pdf

VMOU Logic of Sociological Enquiry Question Paper

Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 80
Note: The question paper is divided into three sections A, B & C. Write Answers as per the given instructions.

Related : Vardhman Mahaveer Open University MASO01 Foundation of Sociology MA Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/3609.html 

Section – A

i. Give the meaning of social research.
ii. Define model and paradigm,
iii. Who is the author of the book ‘Scientific Social Sarveys and Research’ –
iv. What do you mean by Sampling-
v. Define variable .
vi. What do you understand by the case study method-
vii. Define Research Design.
viii. What is the Random Sampling-
ix. Define questionnaire.

x. Enlist the four categories of social theory as given by Cohen.
xi. Who coined the word ‘participant observation’-
xii. What is the meaning of objectivity-
xiii. What do you mean by Interview.
xiv. What is meant by ‘null hypothesis’-
xv. What is observation-
xvi. Who is the writer of the book of the ‘Methods in social research ’-
xvii. Enlist the five characteristics of a questionnaire.
xviii. Write the definition of central tendency.
xix. State the three main methods of random sampling .
xx. Define Social Survey.
xxi. Show the formula of mode-
xxii. What is meant by Tabulation-
xxiii. What do you mean by mean deviation-
xxiv. Mention the a difference between positive and negative correlation |

Section – B

Q.1 Define Research Design. Discuss its types.
Q.2 Describe the sources of Hypothesis.
Q.3 State the qualities of a good table and explain its various types.
Q.4 What do you understand by content analysis-
Q.5 Differentiate between Questionnaire and Interview Schedule.
Q.6 Define Interview. Discuss its merits and demerits.
Q.7 Discuss in brief the forms and sources of data used in social research.
Q.8 Differentiate between controlled and uncontrolled observation.
Q.9 What do you mean by scientific method- Illuminate its features.
Q.10 Define the concept.bring out the functions of the concept.
Q.11 What do you understand by Interview-
Q.12 What is Random Sampling- Explain.
Q.13 What is multivariate table- Explian with appropriate examples.
Q.14 Discuss the main features of a good Hypothesis.
Q.15 Differentiate between participant and non-participant observation.
Q.16 Write the definition of content analysis.
Q.17 What is Social Research- Discuss the nature of Social Research.
Q.18 Define Observation- Discuss its type.
Q.19 Show the relationship between theory and fact –
Q.20 What is Tabulation- State the qualities of good table.

Section – C

Long Answer Type Questions:–
Q.1 What do you understand by the case study method? Describe its merits and demerits.
Define Hypothesis. Explain the importance of hypothesis in social research.

Q.2 Define model and paradigm. Discuss their importance in social research.
What do you mean by Sampling? What are the requirements of a good sample?

Q.3 Discuss in brief the types of observation.
What is the Random Sampling? Explain the techniques of random sampling.

Q.4 Write short notes on any two of the following:
(i) Interview Schedule
(ii) Content analysis
(iii) Sources of data collection
Calculate mode –
Class Interval Frequency
100-200 08
200-300 10
300-400 15
400-500 25
500-600 12
600-700 11
700-800 07
800-900 02

Q.5 What is Social Research? Discuss its various types.
What is the case study method? Explain its merits and demerits.

Q.6 Discuss the importances of arithmetic mean as a measure of central tendency.
What do you understand by ‘Secondary Data’? Mention the various sources of secondary data.

Q.7 Define Research Design. Explain the Exploratory research design.
Define Tabulation and discuss the process of table construction.

Q.8 How is Standard Deviation calculated? Describe its merits.
What is Research Methodology? What are the different steps covered in designing the methodology for a research problem?

Q.9 What is Primary Data? Explain its various sources.
Define social survey? Explain the main features and objectives of social survey.

Q.10 What do you understand by scientific method? Illuminate its salient features.
What do you understand by content analysis? Explain it in details.

Q.11 Discuss the main features of a good workable Hypothesis.
How is median calculated for a various data series?

Q.12 Write short notes on the following
1. Questionnaire
2. Interview
Write short notes on the following
1. Sources of data
2. Uses of standard deviation

Categories: Sociology
Tags: vmou.ac.in
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