Physical Rehabilitation MPT Question Paper : kuhs.ac.in

Name of the University : Kerala University of Health Sciences
Degree : MPT
Subject Name : Physical Rehabilitation
Year : I
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Website : kuhs.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper :
November 2012 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kuhs.ac.in/3607-1-PHYSICAL%20REHABILITATION.pdf
January 2012 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kuhs.ac.in/3607-2-PHYSICAL%20REHABILITATION.pdf
September 2012 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kuhs.ac.in/3607-3-PHYSICAL%20REHABILITATION.pdf
March 2013 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kuhs.ac.in/3607-4-PHYSICAL%20REHABILITATION.pdf

Physical Rehabilitation :

First Year MPT Degree Examinations – November 2012
Time: 3 hrs

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Max marks : 100
Answer all questions :
Essays : (5×20=100)
1. Discuss assessment and treatment planning strategies for musculoskeletal problems.
2. Explain and illustrate gait analysis in normal subjects.
3. Discuss coronary artery diseases and its physiotherapy interventions .
4. Describe the management of stroke on basis of neurodevelopmental approaches
5. Discuss physiotherapy management for below knee amputation in a male patient.

January 2012 :
Time: 3 hrs
Max marks : 100
Answer all questions :
Essays : (5×20=100)
1. Discuss the assessment and treatment of traumatic head injury for a 27 year old male patient.
2. Explain and illustrate the management of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases .
3. Discuss the role of functional evaluation tools in physical rehabilitation.
4. Describe the uses of kineselogical EMG for assessment and management of neuromuscular dysfunction in physical rehabilitation
5. Discuss physiotherapy management of spondylolysthesis in a 55 year old female patient.

September 2012 :
Time: 3 hrs
Max marks :100
Answer all questions :
Essays : (5×20=100)
1. Describe in detail physical and psychosocial assessment of amputee and ex plain static assessment of below knee prosthesis
2. Describe the classification of sensory system and discuss any three protocols to test combined cortical sensations
3. Discuss any four strategies in physical rehabilitation of stroke patient
4. Explain physical therapy assessment and various physical therapy interventions in burns
5. Discuss pathogenesis of osteoarthritis and its physical rehabilitative management

March 2013 :
Time: 3 hrs
Max marks : 100
Answer all questions :
Essays : (5×20=100)
1. Discuss assessment andtreatment planning strategies formusculoskeletal problems.
2. Explain and illustrate gait analysis in normal subjects.
3. Discuss coronary artery diseases and its physiotherapy interventions.
4. Describe the management of stroke on basis of neurodevelopmental approaches
5. Discuss physiotherapy management for below knee amputation in a male patient.

November 2013 :
Essays (5×20=100)
1. Discuss the dynamic gait analysis of lower limb orthotic applications
2. Describe functional independence measure (FIM), reliability and validity of this instrument Add a note on multidimensional functional assessment instruments.
3. Discuss the stages of myocardial infarction rehabilitation
4. Describe identification of reason for monitoring vital signs. Discuss the factors influencing body temperature
5. Discuss the pathophysiology of multiple sclerosis and its physical rehabilitative interventions

November 2014 :
Essays (5×20=100)
1. Discuss assessment and treatment planning strategies for osteoarthritis of knee joint in a 56 years old female patient.
2. Explain and illustrate the management of burns in acute and chronic stage.
3. Discuss the role of psychological and social adjustments to illness in physical rehabilitation.
4. Describe the physiotherapy assessment and management of spinal cord injury at T12 Vertebra
5. Discuss physiotherapy management for bronchial asthma.

Research Methodology And Biostatistics :
Time : 3 hrs
Max marks : 100
Answer all questions :
Essays (5×20=100)
1. Explain the instruments and tools used in physical therapy research.
2. Describe the importance of literature review in research.
3. Explain various sampling techniques.
4. Explain most widely used four measurement scales.
5. Find out the coefficient of rank correlation of two given values.

January 2012 :
Essays (5×20=100)
1. Discuss the various steps in research process.
2. Define and explain the types of research paradigms (models) in physical therapy.
3. Explain the purpose of research in physical therapy.
4. Define and explain the types of experimental research designs.
5. An IQ test was administered to 5 persons. The values of before and after training are given below. Test whether any change in IQ after the training programme.

Basic Sciences – March 2013 :
Time: 3 hrs Max marks : 100
Answer all questions.
Essays (5×20=100)
1. Explain in detail about the influences of temperature and altitude on the body
systems during exercise.
2. Define obesity. How will you plan a weight control program for an obese person.
3. Explain the role of physiotherapist in injury prevention in corporate industrial setup
4. Discuss in detail the biomechanics of normal gait. Add a note on the pathomechanics
of tendelenberg gait.
5. Explain the various electrophysiological testing used for monitoring the activity of heart.

Categories: Medical
Tags: kuhs.ac.in
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