MASO07 Development of Sociology in India MA Question Bank : vmou.ac.in

Name of the University : Vardhman Mahaveer Open University
Degree : MA
Department : Sociology
Subject Code/Name : MASO-07 – Development of Sociology in India
Year : II
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : vmou.ac.in

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VMOU Development of Sociology in India Question Paper

Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 80
Note: The question paper is divided into three sections A, B & C. Write Answers as per the given instructions.

Related : Vardhman Mahaveer Open University MASO02 Logic of Sociological Enquiry MA Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/3611.html

Section – A

i. In which Indian university sociology was introduced as a subject-
ii. Mention the name of four Indian sociologists.
iii. What is Positivism-
iv. Write the name of two propounders of philosophical-theoretical
v. What is Social Ecology-
vi. Who propounded the theory of dialectics of traditions.
vii. What do you mean by Brahaminisation-
viii. Who is the author of the book “Homo Heirarehicus”-
ix. Mention the meaning of Post-Industrial society.
x. What is Indology-
xi. Define functionalism.

xii. What is meant by great tradition.
xiii. Mention the name of any two important books of Andre Beteille.
xiv. Define Peasant Society.
xv. Who has authored the book titled ‘Diversities’-
xvi. Give the name of any two women’s organizations of present India.
xvii. Who has written the book, “Modernization of Indian tradition”-
xviii. What do you mean by empiricism-
xix. Define structuralism.
xx. Enlist any two laws associated with the rights of women in India.
xxi. Who has written the book “Caste and Race in India”.
Xi Give the name of four social reform movements of India.
Xii What do you understand by ‘untouchability’-
Xiii Mention the two forms of industry.
xiv State the four important pre-conditions for the sustainable development.

Section – B

1. Discuss the nature of sociology.
2. Explain the cultural approach to the study of Indian Society.
3. Elaborate Ghurye’s race theory of Indian History-
4. Discuss the views of M.N. Srinivas on Caste.
5. Highlight the causes of peasant dissatisfaction.
6. Give the difference between development and evolution.
7. Illustrate the studies based on kinship in Indian Society.
8. Explain the concept of industrial relation.
9. Critically evaluate the concept of Dominant Caste.
10. Analyse the Marxist perspective in Indian Sociology.
11. Evaluate the theory of value given by Radha Kamal Mukherjee.
12. Discuss A.R. Desai’s approach of studying Indian nationalism.
13. Elaborate the concepts of ‘peasant’ and ‘peasant society’ as given
14. Elaborate the concept of progress and modernization.
15. Analyse the status of women in vedic and the post vedic period in India.
16. Elaborate the concept of sustainable development.
17. Evaluate G.S. Ghurye as a nationalist thinker .
18. Analyse the historical perspective in Indian Sociology.
19. Briefly discuss the contribution of D.P. Mukherjee to Indian Sociology.
20. Discuss Louis Dumont’s views on Jajmani System.
21. Elaborate the impacts of land reforms on peasant society.
22. Explain the types of social movements.
23. Elaborate the factors affecting the status of women.
24. Explain the meaning and purpose of development.

Section – C

Long Answer Type Questions :–
Q.1 Write an essay on the development of Sociology in pre-independence India.
Elaborate the contribution of Radha Kamal Mukherjee to Indian Sociology.

Q.2 Examine the contributions of A.R. Desai to Indian Sociology as a Marxist thinker.
Evaluate the concept of ‘Purity and Pollution’ as given by Louis Dumont.

Q.3 Discuss the changes in traditional norms of agrarian society as mentioned by Andre Beteille.
Define Social Movement. Discuss the fundamental elements of Social Movement.

Q.4 Discuss various factors responsible for the changes in the women’s situation in India.
Evaluate the policy and programme of planned development in India.

Q.5 Discuss the development of sociology in pre-independence India.
Elaborate different approaches related to sociological studies or research in India.
Q.6 Critically evaluate G.S. Ghurye’s contribution to Indian Sociology.
Discuss M.N. Srinivas contribution to Indian Sociology.
Q.7 Define peasant society. Discuss different approaches to the study of peasant relations.
Evaluate social mobility among the scheduled castes in modern India.

Q.8 Define industrialization. Discuss the nature of industrial relations.
Discuss the main approaches of developmental studies in Indian Sociology.

Q9. Discuss the nature of Sociological Research in India.
Analyse the theory of dialectics of traditions as propounded by D.P. Mukherjee.

Q.10 Evaluate the views of M. N. Srinivas based on the study of religion and society among the Coorgs of South India.
Critically evaluate Dumont’s theory of the Varna system in India.

Q.11 Explain the ethnographic perspective of Andre Beteille.
Bring out the types of social movements on the basis of old and new issues.

Q.12 Give the sociological concept of marriage. Elaborate various theories of emergence of marriage and family.
Describe the Structural-functional and Marxist approaches of development studies in Indian sociology.

Categories: Sociology
Tags: vmou.ac.in
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