MAEG05 Principles of Criticism MA Question Bank : vmou.ac.in

Name of the University : Vardhman Mahaveer Open University
Degree : MA
Department : English
Subject Code/Name : MAEG-05 – Principles of Criticism
Year : II
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : https://www.vmou.ac.in/

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/vmou.ac.in/3571-MAEG-11_251.pdf

VMOU Principles of Criticism Question Paper

1) Answer the following questions in about 30-50 words :

Related : VMOU MAEG11 Canadian Literature MA Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/3570.html

Section A

2) What do you mean by the word “aesthetics”-
3) Who wrote the Natyashahtra- What does it deal with-
4) What does Bharatmuni mean by ‘sthayi bhavas’-
5) What do you know about Vakrokti-

6) Give Aristotle’s definition of tragedy.
7) What difference does Aristotle find between history and poetry-
8) Which is the most important among the six elements of tragedy- Why-
9) What fault Dr. Johnson find with the diction of Shakespeare’s plays-
10) What accounts chiefly for the universal appeal of Shakespeare across time and space-

11) Explain Coleridge’s phrase ‘willing suspension of disbelief’-
12) How does Coleridge compare a poem with a plant-
13) Throw light on Coleridge’s concept of ‘ esemplastic power’.
14) Discuss the influence of German philosophers on Coleridge.
15) Give Arnold’s definition of culture.

16) What does, according to Arnold, the man of culture aim at-
17) What does Arnold mean by ‘philistines’-
18) Define Eliot’s concept of ‘objective-correlative’.
19) For Eliot tradition is an alive metaphor. Elaborate.
20) What is the historical sense according to Eliot-

21) How, according to Eliot, can a writer achieve impersonality-
22) What is F.R. Leavis’s idea of criticism-
23) Mention the business of a critic that Leavis propounds in Revaluation.
24) What does Leavis say about the language of Milton-
25) What does Leavis like about Pope-

Section B

1) Bharatmuni talks about four kinds of ‘abhinayas’. Elucidate.
2) Write a short note on ‘Bhava’ or ‘Abhasas’.
3) Elucidate the term ‘Vakrokti’.
4) Who is fit to be a tragic hero according to Aristotle- Elaborate.
5) According to Aristotle in what ways Tragedy is superior to epic-
6) Elucidate Aristotle’s concept of ‘Hamartia.’
7) What does An Essay on Man focus on-
8) What does Coleridge mean by ‘Secondary Imagination’-
9) What does Coleridge say about Wordswoth’s views about diction-
10) What does Arnold say about Christianity in Culture and Anarchy-
11) Explain Arnolds comparison of Hebraism and Hellenism.
12) Give an account of Eliot’scientific analogy of platinum and sulphur.
13) How should, according to Eliot, a critic undertake the inquiry-
14) Who is an ideal critic according to Leavis-
15) How does leavis compare Wordsworth and Lawrence-
16) Elucidate Fry’s concept of ‘Romance’
17) Write a brief note on ‘collective unconscious’.
180 What is centripetal criticism according to Northope Frye-
19) What is Lionel Trilling’s concept of “The Liberal Imagination”-
20) What are Fanon’s views on national culture-

June 2016

Section – A :
Note : Answer all questions. As per the nature of the question delimit your answers in one word, one sentence or maximum upto 30 words. Each question carries 2 marks.
1) (i) Who wrote Natyashastra?
(ii) What do you mean by Kavya Prayaojana?
(iii) Name two novels of Mulk Raj Anand of social protest.
(iv) State the duration of writing of ‘Imaginary Homelands’.
(v) Name the famous work of Fanon of decolonization.
(vi) In which year does the second phase of feminist writings ends?
(vii) Who wrote “The poet as Hero: Keats in his letters.”?
(viii) What is the literal meaning of ‘Arche type’?

Section – B :
(Short Answer Type Questions)
Note : Answer any four questions. Each answer should not exceed 200 words. Each question carries 8 marks.
2) Discuss Aristotelian concept of tragic hero.
3) Discuss T.S. Eliot’s theory of Impersonality of poetry.
4) Explain Bharata’s Rasa Siddhanta.
5) Examine Coleridge’s views on poet and poetry.
6) Write notes on Frantz Fanon’s ‘‘The wretched of the earth’’.
7) Explain the history of archetypical criticism.
8) Discuss the merits of Shakespeare as a playwright as stated by Johnson.
9) Throw light on Northrop Frye and his Anatomy of Criticism.

Section – C :
(Long Answer Questions)
Note : Answer any two questions. You have to delimit your each answer maximum upto 500 words. Each question carries 16 marks.
10) Summarise Salman Rushdie’s ‘‘Imaginary Homelands essays and criticism’’ in your own words.
11) Kuntak’s Vakroktijiritam marks a milestone in the field of Indian literarcy criticism. Elucidate.
12) Enumerate the traits of Victorian criticism through Arnold’s Culture and Anarchy.
13) Examine F.R. Leavis as a literarcy critic on the basis of your reading of ‘Revolution’.

Categories: English
Tags: vmou.ac.in

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