MAEC06 Development of Indian Economy MA Question Bank : vmou.ac.in

Name of the University : Vardhman Mahaveer Open University
Degree : MA
Department : Economics
Subject Code/Name : MAEC-06 – Development of Indian Economy
Year : II
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : vmou.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/vmou.ac.in/3565-MAEC-06_207.pdf

VMOU Development of Indian Economy Question Paper

Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 80
Note: The question paper is divided into three sections A, B & C. Write Answers as per the given instructions.

Related : Vardhman Mahaveer Open University MAEC05 International Economics MA Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/3566.html

Section – A

1. Write any two characteristics of Indian Economy.
2. What is the population of India- According to cencus-2011-
3. What do you mean by Green Revolution-
4. Define small scale Industry.
5. Who is the chairman of the planning commission of India-
6. What is privatization-
7. What do you mean by the Export promotion-
8. Write foil form of FDI.
9. What is the sex ration in Rajasthan in 2011.
10. What is meant by disguised unemployment-

11. What do you mean by Rolling plan-
12. What is period of 12th five year plan-
13. What is full form of SJGSRY-
14. What is share of Agriculture in GDP in current year-
15. Give two suggestions to increase productivity of Agriculture-
16. What do you mean by small Irrigation project-
17. Define the Rural Infrastructer Development fund (IRDF)-
18. What do you mean by Globlization-
19. What do you mean by Liberlization-
20. Define the public industries.
21. Give full form of ICICI.
22. Define the small Industries development bank of India (SIDBI).
23. What is MRTP Act-
24. What do you mean by The Tiny Industries-

Section – B

1. Explain the tendency of urbanization in India.
2. Write short note on National water policy.
3. Explain factor determining agriculture productivity in India-
4. Give suggestion for the successful implementation of Land reforms.
5. Give the causes of unemployment in India
6. Write measures to check price-rising.
7. What is the role of foreign trade in Economic development of India-
8. Discuss the causes of disequilibrium in balance of payments of a country.
9. Show the main Irrigation means in India and their capacity.
10. Describe the three elements of green revolution.
11. Show the main characteristics of New Agriculture policy 2000.
12. What do you mean by the National Bank
13. What is Role of Agriculture financial corporation
14. Show the causes of food problem.
15. Write short note on – Public Distribution system- in India.
16. Analysis the Interrelation between Globlization
17. Show the main problems of small and cottage
18. What is Impact of Economic Librelization
19. Explain the role of Industrial development
20. Write short note on Industrial financial corporation of India.

Section – C

1. Explain the main characteristics of the Indian Economy. What changes are coming in Now a days?
2. What are causes of under development of Indian Economy ? Described in detail.
3. Population explosion is the main abstacle of Economic development of Indian Economy?. Explain it and give the Impact of population explosion on the Indian Economy.
4. What is Economic Development? Show the measurement of Economic Development?
5. Give detail of the Role of Birth and Death Rate in Indian population studies of India?
6. What do you mean by the ?Concept of Poverty?? What are main causes of poverty in India?
7. Explain the poverty reduction programme in Indian five year plans.
8. What do you mean by the unemployment? Analysis the Nature of unemployment in India?
9. ?The Achievements of five year plans in field of employment are Negative?. Explain this statement and Give suggestion to eradication of unemployment.
10. What is Importance of Agriculture in Indian Economy? Show the main obstacle of Agriculture development.
11. What do you mean by the cropping pattern in India? Analysis what changes are coming in current period?
12. What are causes of Low productivity of Agriculture in India and What are measures to Increase productivity of Agriculture discuss?
13. Evalution the success and failourness of Green Revolution in India and Give suggestion to success operation of Green Revolution?
14. What do you mean by the Agricultural credit? What is the trends of different sources of Agriculture credit?
15. What do you mean by the food policy of India? Give the suggestion of Appropriate food policy for Indian Economy.

Categories: Economics
Tags: vmou.ac.in
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