SW02 Historical & Professional Development of Social Work BSW Question Bank : vmou.ac.in

Name of the University : Vardhman Mahaveer Open University
Degree : BSW
Subject Code/Name : SW-02 – Historical and Professional Development of Social Work
Year : I
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : vmou.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/vmou.ac.in/3558-SW-02_160.pdf

VMOU Professional Development of Social Work Question Paper

Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 80
Note: The question paper is divided into three sections A, B & C. Write Answers as per the given instructions.

Related : Vardhman Mahaveer Open University SW05 Personality & Behaviour dynamics BSW Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/3554.html

Section – A

i. Who is the founder of Arya Samaj-
ii. Which social and political organization was founded by A.O. Hume-
iii. Write any two social laws passed in post independence India.
iv. What was the objective of New York Society –
v. What do you mean by era of religion-
vi. Who is the founder of the Theosophical society in India.
vii. What is Sharda Act-
viii. What do you mean by Business-
ix. Define term social security.

x. Who is the founder of Ramkrishna Mission-
xi. When was a Hindu emarriage Act passed-
xii. When was factories Act implemented-
xiii. When did Prison Act pass in England-
xiv. Where was first public shelter established in America-
xv. What is the YWCA-
xvi. Which college was established by Anne Beasant at Banaras-
xvii. What is the contribution of Seth Jamna Lal Bajaj-
xviii. Which is the first institution in India to provide education in Social Work?
xix. In which year Employee State Insurance Act was implemented?
xx. What is the present name of Sir Dorabji Tata Graduate School of Social Work?
xxi. What is the first step in the social work process?

Section – B

1. Write a note on Era of Religion.
2. Write the views of the Canon Bernet ,a leader of charity
3. What do you mean by the settlement House Movement-
4. Differentiate between Occupation and profession.
5. Write a short note on impact of second world war-
6. Explain the status of interference of state in America-
7. Write a note on “Labour Welfare’ In India.
8. Elucidate traits of profession according to Wickenden.
9. Express the views of Thomas Charlms with respect to social work-
10. Write a note on conerage report.
11. Explain the work done for the protection of children.
12. Analyse the recommendations of Yates Report.
1. Write in detail on ‘Era of State Intervention ’.
2. Explain the concept of Social Security
3. Write an essay on Social work as a profession in India
4. Explain the role of planning commission.
5. Discuss in detail the traits of the profession according to Miran Lubel.
13. Write in detail the efforts made in the United States of America for assistance of Disabled persons.
14. Elucidate the role of a social worker as a mediator.
15. Differentiate between business and profession.
16. Write the traits of profession according to Abraham flexner.
17. Elucidate the Objectives of the Elizabeth Poor Law.
18. Write the views of Thomas Charlms on Charity.
19. Explain the professional training as a social work.
20. Write a short note on National Insurance Act, 1946.
21. Write a note on Employees State Insurance Act, 1948.
22. Write the traits of profession given by Millarson.
23. Discuss the public shelter related work in America.
24. Explain the concept of Social Security in detail

Section – C

(Long Answer Questions)
Note : Answer any two que stions. You have to delimit your each answer maximum up to 800 words. Each question carries 14 marks.
1. Write in detail on ‘Era of State Intervention ’.
Write a note on failure of charity organization.
2. Explain the concept of Social Security
Elucidate charity Organisation Movement of United States of America.
3. Write an essay on Social work as a profession in India
Discuss different parts of the code of conduct for a businessman given by Prof. Ahmed.
4. Explain the role of planning commission.
Write a note on women welfare in India.
5. Discuss in detail the traits of the profession according to Miran Lubel.
What do you mean by social work ? Discuss the different views of experts on the Commerical phase of social work.
6. Explain the development of social security and emergency assistance in the United States of America from 1900 to 1950.
Elucidate the role and functions of a social worker.
7. Analysis the development of social work education.
Discuss the efforts made in America between 1800 to 1900 for assistance of disabled people.
8. Discuss the era of religious reforms in India before 1800.
Discuss the historical development of social work in India from 1900 to 1950.

9. Write short note on :
(a)Henry VIII
(b)Edward III
Discuss the role of the state in social welfare work.
10. Discuss Poverty Alleviation Programme of America.
Discuss the report given by William Bevridge.

Categories: Social Work
Tags: vmou.ac.in
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