CS6303 Computer Architecture Question Bank : dmice.ac.in

Name of the College : DMI College OF Engineering
Subject : Computer Architecture
Website : dmice.ac.in
Document type : Question Bank

Download Computer Architecture Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/dmice.ac.in/354_CS6303.docx

DMI Computer Architecture  Question Paper


** State Moore’s Law
** Define addressing mode. What are the various addressing modes?
** What are the eight ideas used for designing a computer

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** Define Response time or Execution Time
** Define Throughput.
** What is computer architecture?
** What do you mean by power wall?
** List various instruction formats with example.
** Differentiate direct and indirect addressing modes?
** What is register indirect addressing mode? When it is used?
** What is auto increment and auto decrement addressing modes?
** What is immediate addressing mode?
** What is mean by stored program concept?

** Name the functional units of a computer?
** What does the term hertz refers to?
** Define SPEC rating?
** State and explain the basic performance equation?
** What is relative addressing mode? When it is used?
** State the advantages of multiprocessor systems
** What are the logical and control operations?

16 MARKS :
** Discuss the Eight Ideas in Computer Design
** Explain in detail about the technologies used for building processors and memory
** What the Components of a computer system. Elaborate each component in detail
** What are addressing modes? Explain the various addressing modes with example?
Explain the various types of instruction in detail.
(i)Write a short note on power wall.
(ii)Why Uniprocessors are changed to Multiprocessors? Discuss the reason in detail.
** Explain in detail about the various control operations.
** How to measure and report the performance of the systems.
** Explain about the various logical operations.
** What is an Instruction? Discuss the various operands and operations of the computer hardware.


** Draw the half adder circuit?
** Write the logic equations of a binary half adder.
** Draw the symbolic representation of the full adder and give the expression for the sum.
** Draw a full adder circuit and give the truth table.
** Draw the full adder circuit using two half adders.
** What is a ripple carry adder?
** Define overflow rule in addition?
** What is the disadvantage in using a ripple carry adder?
** How do you ascertain an adder as “fast”?
** Discuss the principle behind the Booth’s multiplier.
** Draw the format of floating point number.
** Define IEEE floating point single and double precision standard?
** In conforming to the IEEE standard mention any four situations under which a processor sets exception flag.
** Define underflow and overflow.
** What do you mean by sub word parallelism
** What are the two attractive features of Booth algorithm
** What are the two techniques for speeding up the multiplication operation?
** What is called Guard Bits?
** List out the rules for add/sub of floating point number.
** Represent 32.75 and 18.125 in single precision IEEE 754 representation.

16 MARKS :
** Explain ALU in detail.
** Explain sub word parallelism.
** Explain in detail the principle of carry –look-ahead adder.
** How floating point addition is implemented? Explain briefly with neat diagram.
** Describe the algorithm for division with suitable example?
** Explain floating point operation in detail?
(a) Explain IEEE 754 floating point representation
(b) Show the IEEE 754 binary representation of the number in single and double precision
** Explain the steps for Floating Point Multiplication with neat diagram and suitable example.
** Perform floating point addition using the numbers 0.5 and 0.4375 use the floating point addition algorithm.
** Explain addition and subtraction operation in detail with examples.

Categories: Computer Networks
Tags: dmice.ac.in

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