BJ03 History of Mass Communication Media BJ Question Bank : vmou.ac.in

Name of the University : Vardhman Mahaveer Open University
Degree : BJ
Subject Code/Name : BJ-03 – History of Mass Communication Media
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : vmou.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/vmou.ac.in/3539.-BJ-03_25.pdf

History of Mass Communication Media Question Paper

Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 80
Note: The question paper is divided into three sections A, B & C. Write Answers as per the given instructions.

Related : Vardhman Mahaveer Open University BJ04 Media Writing BJ Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/3543.html


1) Very Short Answer Type Questions :
2) Write the name of first news paper of Hindi Language in India-
3) Write the names of the editors of ‘Bharat Mitra’ and ‘Saraswati’-
4) How many Radio channels of India at the time of Independence-
5) Write the name of FM Radio operated by Reliance- When it is started-
6) When and Where the Colour Television in India Started-
7) Name the educational institutions is operating Gyan –
8) When t he Operation Duryodhan was held by which channel-
9) Who Started the Prabhat film company-
10) What do you understand by Devnagri-

11) How much circulation the Indian Newspapers have in present-
12) Write the names of main news papers of Rajasthan-
13) When and why the PTI established in India-
14) Write the name of the book of famous American journalist Jack Anderson-
15. What do you mean by ‘Aakashvani’?
16. Comment on PC Joshi Committee?
17. Where the first printing press of India was established? The books of which language firstly published form it?
18. Define Journalism? Write the name of main newspapers of Rajasthan?
19. Write the name of main department of Akaswani?
20. Where, when and who invented the ‘Betar ka tar’?
21. Who and when the Star TV was started in India?
22. Write the three main objectives of Television?
23. What is the meaning of sting operation? When the first Sting operation of India held by whom?
24. How many movies made by Sohrab Modi before Independence? Write the mane of all?
25. Write the names of editors of two main news papers of Rajasthan?
26. News agency?
27. Total number of Radio Channel in India?
28. Hindustan Samchar agency?
29. SITE project?
30. India TV?
31. Objectives of Mass Communication?
32. Alamara?


1. What do you understand by Mass Communication Medium? How many types they have?
2. Write the short note on Udant Martand and Samachar Sudhavarshan?
3. What are the different aspects in Journalism added with the evolution of Internet?
4. Define the Role of Rajasthani Journalism in the Independence Movement of India?
5. Write the importance of Indian language Journalism in your own words?
6. What do you mean by Press Agency? Write down about the Reuters?
7. Elaborate your views on difficulties in Journalism Education in India?
8. When was Chanda Committee Constituted & Elaborate the main recommendations of it?
9. Clarify the differences between Teletext and Videotext?
10.Which are the main newspapers and magazines at the time of independence movement? Write about the ‘Vandematram’ newspaper?
11. What do you understand by Radio Journalism? Write the name of five radio broadcasting channels?
12. Write about the three main newspapers of Rajasthan?
13. Discuss about the Media and Right to information?


Long Answer Questions :

Note: Answer any two questions. You have to delimit your each answer maximum up to 800 words. Each question carries 16 marks.
1. Describe the Importance of the Journalism of Mahatama Gandhi in Present Context?
Describe the journalism of India before and after Independence in your words?
2. ‘Journalism of Rajasthan is the story of scarifies’. Do you agree with this statement? Why?
Write your views on difficulties and possibilities of Indian Print Media in present era?

3. Write your views on difficulties and possibilities of Indian Print Media in present era?
In the era of new media write a detailed note the relevance of Radio?
4. In the era of Multiplex, write about the importance of Indian Cinema?
Define the word Censorship? ‘Censorship is important for Indian films’ critically write on the statement?
5. ‘Today there is importance of Market rather than thoughts in Journalism’. What do you understand by this statement?
‘Today there is difficulty of credibility before Indian press? Do you agree with this statement and why?

Categories: Journalism
Tags: vmou.ac.in
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