BJ02 Communication & Development Communication BJ Question Bank : vmou.ac.in

Name of the University : Vardhman Mahaveer Open University
Degree : BJ
Subject Code/Name : BJ-02 – Communication & Development Communication
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : vmou.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/vmou.ac.in/3537.-BJ-02_24.pdf

VMOU Development Communication Question Paper

Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 80
Note: The question paper is divided into three sections A, B & C. Write Answers as per the given instructions.

Related : Vardhman Mahaveer Open University BJ03 History of Mass Communication Media BJ Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/3539.html

Section A

Very Short Answer Type Question :
1. Write any four types of media-
2. Who says Definition of communication is as difficult as definition of education- –
3. What is the meaning of feed back- –
4. Who is the writer of the play theory of mass communication- –
5. Who says communication elaborates human being- –
6. What is the meaning of communis- –
7. When the process of communication is possible- –
8. What is the message- –
9. Who says medium is the message-
10. What is the shape of Newcomb model of communication-

11. Who is the writer of “Communication and Social Development”- –
12. Class room teaching is which type of communication-
13. Write the full form of B.B.C. –
14. From which word the word ‘communication’ is originated- –
15. Fifth theory of the press is realeted to _______. ________
16. How the role of communication can be marked- –
17. What is the meaning of ‘mass’ in mass communication-
18. What is noise-
19. How are propelled messages between source and listener?
20. Write the full form of IRDP.
21. Write the full form of UNDP.
22. What is cultural dependency? ?
23. What is “Many Voices, One World”.
24. How many countries are in SAARC nations?

Section B

Short Answer Type Question
1- What do you understand by Media Convergence-
2- What is Pictorial communication
3- How does social media effect on youth-
4- What is NABARD- Explain its functions.
5- What are the main objectives of technology transfer-
6- What do you understand by participatory in development communication-
7- What is women’s Empowerment-
8- Write in brief on NWICO-
9- “Communication is a dynamic process”. Explain.
10- What do you understand by Community film-
11- Give a brief on Shannon-Weaver model.
12- Explains in brife the concept of participative technology development.
13- What is cultural globalization-
14- What do you understand by bullet theory-
15- Write about National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM).
Q.16- What are the types of Audiance?
Q.17- Write in brief on Soviet theory?
Q.18- “Communication is a two way process”.explain.
Q.19- What are the basic principles of communication?
Q.20-. What are the organizational barriers of communication?
Q.21- Explain the communication networks.
Q.22- Write about cultivation theory?
Q.23- What are the objectives of Regional Planning?
Q.24- Write about Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP). IWMP
Q.25- What is the role of television in development?
Q.26- What is the importance of distraction in communication?
Q.27. What is the most important media to communicate among illiterate people? Explain with examples.

Section C

Long Answer Question :

Note: Answer any two Questions. You have to delimit your each answer maximum upto 800 words. Each question carries 16 marks. 2X16=32
Q.1- What is communication? Discuss the characteristic of Traditional media of communication.
What do you understand by development? Discuss the various development indicators.

Q.2- Explain in detail any four normative theories of media with suitable examples.
“Media is a catalyst of development”. Explain.

Q.3 Describe the theory of communication as proposed by Shannon Weaver
Elobrate the contribution of media in agricultural development explain with sutaible example.

Q.4 Diffrentiate between intra-personal and interpersonal communication.
Discuss the various problems that hamper the development communication in India.

Q.5- What is communication? Describe various elements and process of communication.
Discuss the various factors that lead to a country undeveloped.

Q.6- While explaining various types of body languages, describe the salient features of Non verbal communication.
Discuss the various development programmes and government attitude towards development.

Q.7- What are the essential factors of effective communication? Explain with examples.
Whatdo you understand by Development? Discuss the theories of development.

Q.8- What is Herold D loswell model of communication?
Discuss the role of media in the field of education.

Q.9- What is communication? How is it useful in cultural development?
Discuss the process of development communication and technology?

Q.10- Describe the role of horizontal communication.
What do you understand by Development Support Communication?

Q.11. Some of the recent mass communication theories are of great relevance than the earlier ones in understanding the media role in society. Explain.6
In the development communication how different type of media is used?

Q.12. What is communication model? Discuss any two linear models of communication with diagrams.
“Radio is a boon for rural development”. Explain.

Categories: Journalism
Tags: vmou.ac.in
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