BED14 Teaching of Chemistry B.Ed Question Bank : vmou.ac.in

Name of the University : Vardhman Mahaveer Open University
Degree : B.Ed
Subject Code/Name : BED-14 – Teaching of Chemistry
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : vmou.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/vmou.ac.in/3520-BED-14_186.pdf

VMOU Teaching of Chemistry Question paper

Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 80
Note: The question paper is divided into three sections A, B & C. Write Answers as per the given instructions.

Related : Vardhman Mahaveer Open University BED15 Teaching of Biology B.Ed Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/3521.html


Very Short Answer Type Questions :
1) Chemistry is originated by which Greek word-
2) Write the definition of Curriculum given by Woodbern and Aarborn –
3) Who said – ‘Oxygen is Depholigisticated Air.’
4) Who is invented Chromatography-
5) What is the basis of Remedial Teaching-
6) Deductive method is useful for which class level-
7) Write down the four demerits of Demonstration method.
8) Elucidate the Role which one has played in Panel discussion.

Short Answer Questions :
1) Write any three differences between measurement and evaluation.
2) Clarify the working procedure of Inductive method.
3) Elucidate the meaning and function of cognitive map of concept.
4) Discuss the principle of curriculum development.
5) Describe the problems of teacher of chemistry and its solution.
6) What is the difference between slide and film stripe.
7) Analyze the guiding principle for the use of Audio-visual Aid.
8) Mention the process of identification of pupil’s learning barriers.

Section ‘C’
Long Answer Questions :
1) Differentiate between project method and problem solving method.
2) Clarify the objective and characteristic of CHEM study project-
3) Differentiate between Unit plan and Daily lesson plan.
4) What is the difference between teacher made test and standardized test-
5) What should be the norms for evaluating the Chemistry textbook-
6) What is the use of improvised apparatus in chemistry teaching-
7) What is Chemistry is highly correlated with Physics and Biology.


Very Short Answer Type Questions :
1) Write down the name of components of system approach
2) Which institution promotes the establishment of science club-
3) Where is National Chemistry Laboratory situated-
4) When Science and Technology department established in India-
5) Write down the four new innovative technologies in the field of teaching-
6) What is the ultimate and important aspect of Unit Plan-
7) How many dimensions of child development is included in Evaluation-
8) Write down the principles of Programmed Instruction-

Short Answer Questions :
1) Describe the futuristic objective of teaching of chemistry.
2) Enumerate the steps of Micro teaching.
3) Enumerate the uses of programmed instruction in teaching of chemistry.
4) Discuss the common accidents in the laboratory.
5) Specify the uses of science club in the teaching of chemistry
6) Mention the function of department of science and technology.
7) Differentiate between Achievement test and Diagnostic test.
8) Describe the objective of Diagnostic test.

Section ‘C’
Long Answer Questions :
1) Mention the various branches and scope of chemistry
2) Explain the meaning and importance of constructivist view of learning.
3) Classify the educational objective given by Blooms-
4) Describe the approaches of Chemistry Curriculum Organisation-
5) What is meant by inductive deductive method- Discuss its merits and demerits –
6) What is multiple media- And what are its main components-
7) What do you mean by daily lesson planning-?
8) Prepare a unit plan any one of the unit of chemistry for secondary classes.
9) Give own comments on the need and importance of evaluation.
10) What is the role of teacher in teaching of chemistry-


Teaching of Chemistry
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 80
Note: The Question paper is divided into three sections A, B, and C. Write Answer as per the given instruction.

Section-A :
Very Short Answer Type Questions :
Note: Answer all questions. As per the nature of the question you delimit your answer in one word, one sentence or maximum up to 30 words. Each question carries 2 marks. 8×2=16
1. Who 1stly propounded the concept of cognitive map? Ans – Tolman
2. Who is invented heuristic method?
3. Mention the maxim of teaching in Inductive Method ans – page no 84
4. Which technique of evaluation are used in chemistry teaching ans –
5. written oral and experimental
6. What are the main aims of diagnostic testing?
7. What are the specific characteristics of chemistry teacher?
8. What is the process of assessment of student in cognitive areas? Ans – oral and written test
9. Who propounded the concept of cone of experience? Ans- Adger Dale

Section-B :
Short Answer Questions :
Note: Answer any 4 questions. Each answer should not exceed 100 words. Each question carries 8 marks. 4×8=32
1. Discuss the types of excursion?
2. What is the importance of science exhibition?
3. Write short note on field trip/ excursion
4. What is the meaning of computer assisted instruction.
5. Discuss the structure and uses of over head projector.
6. Describe the need and importance of audio visual aid
7. Mention the characteristic of measurement and evaluation.
8. Discuss the importance of integration of media in teaching.

Section ‘C’ :
Long Answer Questions :
Note: Answer any two questions. You have to delimit your each answer maximum up to 800 words. Each question carries 16 marks.

1. Mention the nature and future prospective of chemistry.
Discuss the place and importance of using chemistry laboratory in teaching of chemistry on secondary stage.

2. How does the effective use of chemistry museum in teaching of chemistry?
What precautions should a teacher take while selecting the method of teaching chemistry?

Categories: Education
Tags: vmou.ac.in
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