BC06 Business Environment B.Com Question Bank : vmou.ac.in

Name of the University : Vardhman Mahaveer Open University
Degree : B.Com
Subject Code/Name : BC-06 – Business Environment
Year : I
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : vmou.ac.in

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VMOU Business Environment  Question Paper

Very short answers type Questions :

Section – A

1. What is meaning of profit –

Related : Vardhman Mahaveer Open University BC05 Business Economics B.Com Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/3510.html

2. What is object of business –
3. Define business environment .
4. Write name of two social factors-
5. What do you mean by monetary policy –
6. Define monetary policy according to Johnson.
7. Define bank rate.
8. What is meaning of selective credit control –
9. Write any two instruments of monetary policy.
10. Define cheap monetary policy.

11. What is meant by fiscal policy –
12. Write any two objectives of fiscal policy.
13. What is budget –
14. Write full form of V.A.T.
15. Define deficit Financing.
16. What do you mean by industrial policy –
17. Why industrial policy is needed – Give any two reasons.
18. Which type of industries were categorized in first category –
19. How many industries are reserved for policy sector at present –
20. How many commodities are reserved for small industries.
21 Give maximum ivestment amount for a small scale industry.
22. Write the meaning of export import policy.
23. Write two objectives present export import policy.
24. What is import substitution –
25. Define economic planning.

26. From which year economic planning was introduced in india.
27. Give any two objectives of first five year plan.
28. Explain holiday in planning.
29. What was the exact period of fifth five year plan ?
30. Write annual GDP growth rate target of Xth five year plan.
31. Where we exists in world in regerence to number of scientists and technocrats ?
32. What are the main problems of our country ?
33. Give growth rate of india in 1951-52 .
34. How economic development is measured ?
35. What is green revolution ?
36. What was the domestic saving rate in india in the year 2006-07.
37. Define consumption .
38. Define devaluation.
39. Write the meaning of disguised unemployment.
40. Give the meaning of parallel economy.
41. Which sub sector are included in social service sector ?
42. Write the meaning of mixed economy.
43. Write the period of 11th plan was approved by NDC ?
44. On which date approach paper of 11th plan was approved by NDC ?
45. What GDP growth rate target was decided for 11th plan ?
46. When first industrial policy was declared in india ?
47. Give main features of industrial policy of 1991.
48. Give the meaning of public enterprise.
49. What is investment limit in very small or tiny industries.
50. Define induatrial sickness.
51. What is meaning of production ?
52. What do you mean by nationalsation ?
53. Define current assets.
54. What is meant by unemployment ?
55. Define technical unemployment ?

Section – B

Short answer type Questions :
1. Explain the elements of social basis of business.
2. How business and society is interdependent on each other – Explain.
3. How do cultural values affect functioning of a business –
4. Does political sability affect business environment – If yes, explain how –
5. Explain various types of monetary policies.
6. How bank rate affect supply of money –
7. Explain full employment objective of monetary policy.
8. Explain the concept of credit rashning.
9. Explain the concept of credit rashnining.
10. What are the charactertics of fiscal policy –
11. Explain the concept of public debt in detail.
12. Explain the concept of revenue deficit. Fiscal deficit and primary deficit.
13. Explain the industrial policy of india in pre independence period.
14. Write important objectives of industrial policy of 1991.
15. Write main objectives of industrial policy of 1956.

Section – C

Essay type Questions :
1.what is importance of study of business environment-
2. Explain various economic factors which affect business environment –
3. How will you define interval and external business environment-
4. Explain objectives of monetary policy.
5. What is utility and importance of monetary policy –
6. Explain various tools of monetary policy.
7. What is difference between quantitative and qualitative methods of monetary policy –
8. How monetary policy motivate exonomic development of a country – explain.
9. Write down the objectives of fiscal policy.
10. What are the components of fiscal policy – give in detail.
11. Give main features of fiscal policy of india.

Categories: Business Studies
Tags: vmou.ac.in

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