BBA03 Business Economics BBA Question Bank : vmou.ac.in

Name of the University : Vardhman Mahaveer Open University
Degree : BBA
Subject Code/Name : BBA-03 – Business Economics
Year : 1
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : vmou.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/vmou.ac.in/3491-BBA-03_237.pdf

VMOU Business Economics Question Paper

Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 80
Note: The question paper is divided into three sections A, B & C. Write Answers as per the given instructions.

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Section A

Very Short Answer Type Questions :
1. Micro Economics.
2. What is utility-
3. Consumer’s equilibrium.
4. Price Elasticity of Demand.
5. Positive Economics.
6. Market Economy.
7. Macro Economics.
8. Margin Utility.
9. Consumer’s Equilibrium.
10. Consumer’s Surplus.

11. Law of Demand.
12. Small expenditure.
13. Law of Supply.
14. Law of Diminishing Returns.
15. ISO Product Curve.
16. Opportunity Cost.
17. Historical Cost.
18. Monopolistic Competitions.
19. Monopoly.
20. Non-price competition.
21. Kinked Demand.
22. National Income.
23. Economic Welfare.
24. Prosperity.

Section B

Short Answer Type Questions :
1. Explain various factors effecting supply.
2. Explain features of ISO-Product curves.
3. Explain various types of market.
4. Price war.
5. Difference between Extension and Contraction of Demand and Increase and Decrease
in Demand.
6. What is supply- Explain the law of supply.
7. Explain the features of ISO-product curves.
8. Discuss the modern theory of interest.
9. Relationship between Average Cost and Marginal Cost.
10. Distinguish between money and real wages.
11. Price elasticity of Demand.
12. Examine the role of business economics in business decisions.
13. Relationship between Business Economics and Management.
14. What is utility- Explain the total utility.
15. Explain Consumer’s equilibrium with the help of an indifference curve.
16. Explain the importance of demand.
17. What are the stages of laws of returns-
18. Explain various concepts of cost.
19. Define monopoly market and explain its features.
20. Difference between perfect competition and imperfect competition.
21. Discuss price and output determination under monopoly.
22. What is Gross National Income-
23. Explain different phases of business cycle.
24. What is Quasi-Rent- How it is determined-

Section C

Long Answer Type Questions :
1. Economics is the science which treats wealth. Explain
2. Critically examine the law of diminishing marginal utility.
3. Define indifference curve and explain its characteristics.
4. What is demand- Explain its importance.
5. Explain change in quality supplied and change in supply.
6. What do you mean by Return to Scale- Explain its various stages.
7. Explain short run costs by using suitable schedule and diagram.
8. Price of commodity is determined by demand and supply forces.
9. Discuss the price and output determination under perfect competition.
10. Discuss price and output determination under oligopoly.
11. Discuss the relationship between national income and economic welfare.
12. What do you mean by6 business cycle- Explain Keynes theory of business cycle.
13. What are the assumptions of marginal productivity theory of distribution.
14. Distinguish between economic rent and contract rent.

Categories: Economics
Tags: vmou.ac.in
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