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ISFO Mathematics Olympiad Sample Paper : International Society

Organisation : International Society for Olympiad
Exam Name : ISFO Mathematics Olympiad Sample Paper
Category : Class I – X
Document Type : Sample Question Papers
Website : exam [dot] skool [dot] ai

ISFO Mathematics Olympiad Sample Paper

Download the Sample Paper of ISFO Mathematics Olympiad for the Classes I – X from the official website of International Society for Olympiad.

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Maximum Time : 60 Minutes
Maximum Marks : 50
1. Please DO NOT OPEN the contest booklet until you are asked to do so.

2. The question paper comprises of 4 sections (Total 35 questions)
Section A : Mathematical Reasoning 13-Questions (1 mark each)
Section B : Everyday Maths 12-Questions (1 mark each)
Section C : Logical Reasoning 5-Questions (1 mark each)
Section D : BrainBox 5-Questions (4 marks each)

3. All questions are compulsory. There is no negative marking.
4. No electronic devices capable of storing and displaying visual information such as calculator and mobile are allowed during the course of the exam.

5. Fill all your details properly on the OMR sheet.
6. There is only ONE correct answer of each question.
7. To mark your choice of answers by darkening the circles on the OMR Sheet, use an HB Pencil or a Blue/Black Ball Point Pen only.
8. Shade your answer clearly as per the given example.

Class 1

Section A : Mathematical Reasoning
1. Mark the correct number. Three hundred four.
a) 3004
b) 340
c) 304
d) 34

2. Which of the following is the greatest?
a) 218
b) 248
c) 274
d) 256

3. How much do the counters add up to?
a) 224
b) 242
c) 404
d) 421

4. Which of the following is in ascending order?
a) 45, 47, 34, 54
b) 34, 54, 45, 47
c) 34, 45, 47, 54
d) 34, 47, 45, 54

Section B : Everyday Maths
5. Irfan has 29 story books.
Mohit has 46 story books.
How many story books do they have in all?
a) 46 – 29
b) 49 + 26
c) 46 + 29
d) 49 – 26

6. Mr. Ramesh wants to change tyres of his 4 cars. How many tyres does he need to buy?
a) 4
b) 8
c) 12
d) 16

Section C : Logical Reasoning
7. How many squares are there in the figure given below?
a) 2
b) 4
c) 5
d) 6

8. Suhana was running around a park. She completed one round. How much did she run?
a) 24 m
b) 30 m
c) 36 m
d) 40 m

Section D : Brainbox
9. Sunny has 6 coins. 1 coin of ?2, 2 coins of ?5, and 3 coins of ?1. How much money he has?
a) 10
b) 12
c) 15
d) 18

10. Sanjay thought of a number between ten and twenty. Then he gave a clue: You say the number when you count by twos and when you count by threes, but not when you count by fours. What number was Sanjay thinking?
a) 12
b) 14
c) 16
d) 18

Class 2

Section A : Mathematical Reasoning
1. Look at the time on the clocks. How many minutes have passed from A to B?
a) 105 min
b) 75 min
c) 45 min
d) 30 min

2. Observe the pattern in the figure and find the missing number.
a) 1
b) 3
c) 6
d) 9

3. I have 1 curved edge. My flat faces are circles. What am I?
a) Cuboid
b) Cone
c) Sphere
d) Cylinder

4. Calculate : 61 + 6 – 12 + 16 – 8 = ____
a) 55 b) 63
c) 67 d) 71

Section B : Everyday Maths
5. Teena had some money. She bought two chocolates and two pencils. She was left with Rs. 33. How much money did she have first?
a) 70
b) 74
c) 105
d) 107
6. Some of the object role while others slide. Circle the odd one.

Section C : Logical Reasoning
7. The difference between the numbers shown by the two abacus is ________.
a) 276
b) 249
c) 233
d) 163

8. What is the weight of each ball?
a) 6 kg
b) 3 kg
c) 2 kg
d) 1 kg

Section D : Brainbox
9. Karan started doing his homework at 3:50 p.m. and completed it in half an hour. His sister, Tanu started doing her homework at the same time when Karan finished it. If Tanu took 30 minute to complete her homework then at what time did she finish her homework?
a) 4: 50 p.m.
b) 4:15 p.m.
c) 4:30 p.m.
d) 5:05 p.m.

10. Which of the following is incorrect?
a) 204 – 306 + 102 < 305 – 204 + 195
b) 712 – 412 – 99 < 312 + 112 + 11
c) 315 + 436 + 71 > 111 + 121 + 213
d) 421 + 215 – 60 > 212 + 325 + 96

Class 3

Section A : Mathematical Reasoning
1. In the given series, how many 2-digit numbers do not contain a zero?
10, 11, 12, 13, . . . , 98, 99
a) 80
b) 81
c) 90
d) 91

2. How many thousands are there in 120418?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 0
d) 4

3. If each pencil box has the same number of pencils. Find the missing number that replaces the (?).
a) 80
b) 88
c) 90
d) 94

4. A man sold balloons of different colours. The number of balloons of each colour sold is shown in the given bar graph. How many balloons did he sell in all?
a) 57
b) 54
c) 52
d) 48

Section B : Everyday Maths
5. Nikita was at a toy shop. She bought 2 different toys (out of the 4). Both were of lower value. She paid `100. How much change did she get back?
a) 44.1
b) 46.9
c) 83
d) 58.9

6. The image shows the fuel tank in Vinod’s car. When full, the fuel tank holds 128 litres. How much fuel does the tank at present?
a) 27 litres
b) 30 litres
c) 32 litres
d) 35 litres

Section C : Logical Reasoning
7. What is the 10th group in the sequence below? 1234, 2341, 3412, 4123, . . .
a) 1234
b) 2341
c) 3412
d) 4123

8. Jagjeet distributed 100 cards, numbered 1, 2, 3,…, 100 to the children in a contest. In the final lucky draw, all the children having the digit 4 in their number won the prizes. So how many kids won?
a) 9
b) 10
c) 19
d) 20

Section D : Brainbox
9. Which measurement will replace ‘?’
1 feet = 12 inches, 1 inch = 25 cm, 23feet = ? cm
a) 20 cm
b) 30 cm
c) 45 cm
d) 55 cm

10. In a garden, a flower grew on the first day, 2 flowers grew on the second day, 4 flowers grew on the third day, 8 flowers grew on the fourth day and so on. On the 16th day, the entire garden was covered with flowers. It took how many days for first half of the garden to be covered with flowers?
a) 4 days
b) 8 days
c) 12 days
d) 15 days

Download ISFO Mathematics Sample Paper :
Class 1 :
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Class 8 :
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