BSc Nursing Nutrition & Biochemistry Kerala University of Health Sciences : Model Question Paper

Name of the University : Kerala University of Health Sciences
Degree : B.Sc Nursing
Subject Name : Nutrition And Biochemistry
Year : I
Document Type : Model Question Paper
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KUHS Nursing Nutrition & Biochemistry Question Paper

First year BSc Nursing Degree Examination – August 2011
Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 75

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KUHS B.Sc Nursing 1st Year Nursing Foundations Question Paper

August 2011

Answer all questions :
Write section A and section Bin separate answer books. Do not mix up questions from section A and section B. :
Q P Code: 1410

Essay : (1×10=10)
1. Explain the methods of cooking in detail.
Short answer : (5×5=25)
2. Beri-Beri
3. Nutritional agencies
4. Classification of proteins
5. Rickets
6. Role of fibre.
Answer Briefly : (5×3=15)
7. What is weaning.
8. List down the sources of iron
9. Prevention of food adulteration act
10. List out the food included and avoided by a diabetic patient
11. Define basal metabolic rate.

May 2013

Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 75
Answer all questions :
Write section A and section B in separate answer books. Do not mix up questions from section A and section B. :
Essay : (10)
1. Explain the sources, requirements and functions of carbohydrates. Add a note on digestion of carbohydrates.
Short notes : (5×5=25)
2. Nutritional classification of amino acids.
3. Basal metabolic rate
4. Principles involved in planning a diet
5. Importance of nutrients during adulthood.
6. Functions of lipids.
Answer Briefly : (5×3=15)
7. Food preservation
8. Functions of water
9. Mid-day meal program
11.Balanced Diet
1. Describe the biologically important compounds derived from phenylalanine. Mention the inborn errors associated with phenyl alanine.
Short notes : (2×5=10)
2. Scurvy
3. Jaundice
Define the following : (5×1=5)
4. Co-enzymes.
5. Lipoprotein.
6. ph.
7. Lysosome.
8. Fluorosis.

April 2012

Time: 3 Hour.s
Answer all questions :
‘Maximum Marks: 75
Write section A and section B in separate answer books. Do not mix up questions from section A and section B. :
Q P Code: 001410
Essay :
Section A -NUTRITION (10)
1. Explain the digestion and absorption of proteins. Add a note on functions of proteins.
Short notes : (5×5=25)
2. Goitre
3. Assessment of nutritional status of a community
4. Factors affecting basal metabolic rate
5. Food additives and adulteration
6. Scurvy
Answer Briefly : (5×3=15)
7. Defined balanced diet
8. List down the sources of calcium
9. What is anemia. Mention any two vitamins which prevent anemia.
10. List out the methods of cooking
11. Give the classification of food
Essay :
Section B : BIOCHEMISTRY Marks:25 (10)
1. What is normal serum calcium level. How is it regulated. Add a note on hypercalcemia and hypocalcemia
Short notes : (2×5=10)
2. Lipoproteins
3. Biologically important substances synthesized from phenyl alanine
Define the following : (5×1=5)
4. Lactose intolerance
5. Indications for oral glucose tolerance test
6. Mitochondria
7. Two important causes of metabolic acidosis
8. Immunoglobulin G.

October 2013

Essay :
1. “Explain the sources, daily requirement, absorption and storage,functions and deficiency of vitamin A. (1+1+2+3+3=10)
Short notes (5×5=25)
2. Factors affecting food and nutrition.
3. Protein energy malnutrition
4. Causes and prevention of obesity
5. Prepare a day’s menu for a pregnant woman.
6. Daily requirement and functions of fibre
Answer Briefly (5×3=15)
7. Body mass index
8. Diet for a diabetic individual
9. Functions of water
10. Food standards
11. Role of nurse in IDD program.

Essay :
1. Mention the normal fasting blood sugar level. How is the blood sugar regulated.
Short notes (5×2=10)
2. Digestion and absorption of lipids
3. Sources and deficiency manifestations of vitamin B6
Define the following (5×1=5)
4. Normal serum values of HDL and LDL
5. Alkaptonuria
6. Mini GTT
7. One enzyme indicating hepatocellular damage
8. Metabolic acidosis

October 2014

Section A – NUTRITION Marks:50
Essay (10)
1. Explain the national programs related to nutrition in detail.
Short notes (5×5=25)
2. Water balance.
3. Functions of carbohydrates.
4. Functions of vitamin D.
5. Discuss the importance of nutrition during adolescence period.
6. Food additives and food adulteration.
Answer Briefly (5×3=15)
7. Uses of five food group system
8. Define basal metabolic rate. Mention any two factors affecting BMR.
9. Food preservation.
10. Types of menus
11. Prevention of food adulteration act.

Section B – Biochemistry Marks:25
Essay (10)
1. Name the ketone bodies. Explain how ketone bodies are synthesized and utilized in our body. Add a note on diabetic ketoacidosis.
Short notes (2×5=10)
2. Digestion of carbohydrate.
3. Phenyl ketonuria
Define the following (5×1=5)
4. Hyperglycemia
5. Pellagra.
6. Fructosuria.
7. Jaundice
8. Enzymes.

Categories: Medical

View Comments (16)

    • Phenylketonuria:
      Phenylketonuria (commonly known as PKU) is an inherited disorder that increases the levels of a substance called phenylalanine in the blood. Phenylalanine is a building block of proteins (an amino acid) that is obtained through the diet. It is found in all proteins and in some artificial sweeteners. If PKU is not treated, phenylalanine can build up to harmful levels in the body, causing intellectual disability and other serious health problems.

      The signs and symptoms of PKU vary from mild to severe. The most severe form of this disorder is known as classic PKU. Infants with classic PKU appear normal until they are a few months old. Without treatment, these children develop permanent intellectual disability. Seizures, delayed development, behavioral problems, and psychiatric disorders are also common. Untreated individuals may have a musty or mouse-like odor as a side effect of excess phenylalanine in the body. Children with classic PKU tend to have lighter skin and hair than unaffected family members and are also likely to have skin disorders such as eczema.

    • Goiter :
      A goiter (GOI-tur) is an abnormal enlargement of your thyroid gland. Your thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of your neck just below your Adam's apple. Although goiters are usually painless, a large goiter can cause a cough and make it difficult for you to swallow or breathe.

      The most common cause of goiters worldwide is a lack of iodine in the diet. In the United States, where the use of iodized salt is common, a goiter is more often due to the over- or underproduction of thyroid hormones or to nodules that develop in the gland itself © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map