EC02 Issues in Indian Economic Development BA Question Bank : vmou.ac.in

Name of the University : Vardhman Mahaveer Open University
Degree : BA
Department : Economics
Subject Code/Name : EC-02 – Issues in Indian Economic Development
Year : I
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : vmou.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/vmou.ac.in/3478-EC-02_205.pdf

VMOU Issues in Indian Economic Development Question Paper

Section – A

(1) Who wrote the book “Planned Economy for India”-
(2) When establish the planning commission-
(3) What is meaning of Bombay plan-
(4) What is capital-output ratio-
(5) How many total Area of India-

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(6) What do you mean by Natural Resources-
(7) What is the meaning of Relative Poverty –
(8) What do you mean by Infra-structure-
(9) Define National Income.
(10) What is Rolling plan-
(11) National Development Council –NDC.
(12) Primary Sector.
(13) Economic Infra-Structure.
(14) Per Capita Income.
(15) Liberalization.

(16) Privatization.
(17) Public Distribution System.
(18) Unemployment.
(19) Economic Growth.
(20) Economic Disparities.
(21) Family Welfare Programme.
(22) Economic Stability.
(23) Import Substitution.
(24) Fiscal Deficit.
(25) White Revolution.
(26) Minimum Support Price.
(27) Kishan Credit Card Yojana.
(28) Disguised Unemployment.
(29) Human Capital Formation.

Section – B

Explain the strategy of “11th Five year plan”-
Define the New Economic Policy.
(30) Discuss the characteristics of Indian Agriculture.
(31) Show the Importance of Irrigation in Agriculture in
(32) Explain the main elements of the Green Revolution.
(33) What do you mean by food security-
(34) Write the main targets of New Industrial Policy-1991.
(35) Show the Importance of small and cottage Industries in Indian
(1) Discuss the community development plan-
(2) Explain the main reasons of Rural Unemployment.
(3) What is the meaning of Foreign Direct Investment-
(4) Describe the New Trade Policy-
(5) Explain the main causes of unfavourable balance of payment-
(6) Discuss the main functions of State Financial Corporation(S FC)-
(7) What is the difference between FERA and FEMA- Explain.
(8) Describe the main characteristics of the Agriculture marketing
system in India.
(9) Explain about the Human Poverty.
(10) Discuss the non-economic factors in economic development.
(11) Describe distinction between Liberalization and Privatization.
(12) Give suggestions to increase in agriculture productivity.
(5) Write a short note on “Green Revolution”.
(6) What are the main problems of small and cottage industries .
(7) Give your suggestions for export promotion in India.
(8) What do you mean by vicious circle of poverty.

Section – C

(1) Discuss the characteristics of Indian Economy.
What do you understand by water resources- Explain the
forms and potentialities of water resources in India.
(2) Planned has failed in India”. Do you agree with this statement-
What do you mean by Economic liberalization- Write an
essay on Liberalization in India.
(3) What are the main changes in production and products of
Indian agriculture after Independence- How will you
explain, these changes-
Explain the causes of failure of land reform programmes adopted in
India since independence to bring about the required change in the
agrarian structure.
(4) Point out salient features of the new Industrial Licensing Policy of
What is the meaning of poverty- Explain the causes of poverty in
India. What steps Govt. has taken to solve this problem-
(5) Illustrate the role of infra structure in development of Indian economy
in Industrial, Agriculture, Mineral and Trade sector.
Discuss the objectives,strategy and growth targets of
Eleventh five year plan.
6) Evaluate the concepts of privatization, liberalization and
globalization in India context.
What do you mean by Land Reforms- Discuss the efforts made by
the Government in this regard.
(7) What do you understand by green revolution in India- What have
been its achievements and failures-
Critically examine the Industrial development in India after
(8) Discuss the importance of cottage and small scale Industries in
Indian Economy. What are the main problems of these Industries-
Critically examine the role of multinational corporation in India.
(9) What is meant by economic planning- Discuss the importance of
planning in a developing economy such as India.-
Explain the importance of agriculture in Indian Economy.
Give your suggestions to remove the backwardness of
Indian agriculture-
(10) Discuss the causes, consequences and remedies of subdivision
and fragmentation of Indian agriculture.

Categories: Economics
Tags: vmou.ac.in
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