BSc Nursing Sociology www.kuhs.ac.in Kerala University of Health Sciences : Model Question Paper

Name of the University : Kerala University of Health Sciences
Degree : B.Sc Nursing
Subject Name : Sociology
Year : I
Document Type : Model Question Paper
Website : kuhs.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper :
August 2011 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kuhs.ac.in/3476-1-Sociology.pdf
May 2013 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kuhs.ac.in/3476-2-Sociology.pdf
April 2012 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kuhs.ac.in/3476-3-Sociology.pdf
September 2012 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kuhs.ac.in/3476-4-First.%20Year%20B.Sc%20Nursing%20Degree%20Examinations,%20September%202012%20Sociology.pdf

KUHS Nursing Sociology

First Year B.Sc Nursing Degree Supplementary Examinations, May 2013
Sociology :
Time: 3 Hrs
Max. Marks: 75

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Answer all questions :
Essays: (2×10=20)
1. Discuss the Indian caste system- its origin and features.
2. Define family and explain the functions of family.
Short notes : (7×5=35)
3. Personal disorganization.
4. Features of urban community.
5. Types of social process.
6. Nature of primary group.
7. Culture influence of health and diseases.
8. Features of modern family.
9. Social welfare programmes in India.

Differentiate between : (2×3=6)
10.Diversity and uniformity in culture.
11.Urban Community and Rural Community.
List out the following (5×2=10)
12.Types of mores.
13.Types of conflict.
14.Define social system.
15.Cultural lag.
16.Define status.
Match the following : (4×1=4)
17.Social control – Giving respect to elders.
18.Oral stage – E.A.Ross.
19.Rotary club – Child.
20.Norms – Socialization.
– Voluntary organization.
– Values.

April 2012

Time: 3 Hrs
Max. Marks: 75
Answer all questions :
Draw diagram wherever necessary :
Essays: (2×10:20)
1. Define Sociology. Explain the importance of sociology to the nursing profession.(3+7=10)
2. List out the features of culture … Describe the relation between culture and health.(3+7=10)
Short notes: (7×5:35)
3. Agencies of socialization.
4. Factors of Social change.
5. Causes of population explosion in India.
6. Health hazards of urban community.
7. Importance of secondary group to the society.
8. Positive functions of conflict.
9. Health effects of alcoholism.
Differentiate between : (3×2=6)
10.Caste system and class system
11.Co-operation and competition.
List out the following :
12.Types of unemployment
13.Major races found in India.
14. Elements of community
15.Types of culture.
16.Social welfare programmes in India.
Match the following :
18.Juvenile delinquency
19.Social- control
– Folkways
– Sanskritization
– Superiority complex
– Social-status
– Childcriminality
– Social system

September 2012

Time: 3 Hrs
Answer all questions :
Draw diagram wherever necessary :
Max. Marks: 75
. (2×10=20)
1. Define culture. Explain the influence of culture on health and disease.
2. Describe socialization. Explain the process of socialization.
Short notes :
3. Family welfare programs
4. Nature of social change
5. Secondary groups
6. Major urban health problems
7. The problems of modern family
8. Race as a biological concept.
9. Malthusian theory of population
Differentiate between :
” 10.Society and community 11.Joint family and nuclear family List out the following
12.Two types of status
13.Any four types of social processes
14.Two problems of aged
15.Any two types of theories of social change 16.Two important elements of community Match the following
17. Status 18.Social change
20. Family
– Closed group
– Basic unit of society
– Religion
– – Position
– – Law of nature

October 2013

Essays : (2×10=20)
1. List out the features of urban-community & describe the major urban problems. (3+7=10)
2. Mention the characteristics of primary group. Explain the importance of primary group to the individual and to the society. (3+7=10)

Short notes
: (7×5=35)
3. Causes of prostitution.
4. Forms of accommodation.
5. Health functions of a family.
6. Functions of culture.
7. Remedial measures for social- disorganization.
8. Factors affecting assimilation process.
9. Religion as a means of social control.

Differentiate between
: (2×3=6)
10. Westernization and sanskritization
11. Nuclear family and joint family
List out the following : (5×2=10)
12. Types of crowd
13. Agencies of socialization
14. Types of child abuse
15. Rural reconstruction programmes
16. Classification of isolation

July 2014

Essays : (2×10=20)
1. Explain the population explosion in India.
2. Discuss the application of sociology in nursing.

Short notes
: (7×5=35)
3. Nature of culture.
4. Process of socialization.
5. Theories of social change.
6. Major urban problems in India.
7. Community development project.
8. Features of caste in India.
9. Family welfare programmes.
Differentiate between : (2×3=6)
10. Society and community.
11. Culture and socialization.

List out the following
: (5×2=10)
12. Blended family.
13. Types of social mobility.
14. Types of social system.
15. Types of family.
16. Types of social control.

October 2014

Essays : (2×10=20)
1. Define family. Explain the functions of family. (3+7=10)
2. Describe the types of communities in India. Explain the features of village community.

Short notes
: (7×5=35)
3. Explain cyclical and linear theory
4. Individualization
5. Problems of marriage in India
6. Differences between primary and secondary groups
7. Causes of disorganization.
8. Differences between society and community.
9. Scope of sociology.

Differentiate between
: (2×3=6)
10. Role and status.
11. Co-operation and competition
List out the following (5×2=10)
12. Two causes of juvenile delinquency.
13. Mention four health problems of rural society.
14. Different types of family.
15. Two important types of social control.
16. Two reasons for prostitution

Categories: Medical
Tags: kuhs.ac.in
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