Applied Basic Sciences in Obstetrics & Gynaecology MD Question Bank : web.tnmgrmu.ac.in

Name of the University : The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University
Degree : Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Branch : Branch II – Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Subject Code/Name : 2009 Applied Basic Sciences in Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Paper : I
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : web.tnmgrmu.ac.in

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Applied Basic Sciences in Obstetrics & Gynaecology :

September 2008 :
I. Anatomy :
Answer any FOUR questions. (4 X 5=20)

Related : TNMGRMU Medicine including Children’s Diseases MD Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/3460.html

1. Supports of uterus and its significance in gynaecology.
2. Lymphatic Drainage of vulva.
3. Anatomy of urinary continence.
4. Course and branches of internal iliac artery.
5. Anatomy of anterior abdominal wall and incisions used in obstetric and gynaecology.

II. Physiology :
Answer any FOUR questions. (4 X 5=20)
1. Physiology of 3rd stage of labour.
2. Haemodynamic changes in normal pregnancy.
3. Describe the functions of oestrogen.
4. Describe physiology of ovulation.
5. Describe the role of prolactin in pregnancy.

III.Biochemistry :
Answer any THREE questions. (3 X 5=15)
1. Describe biochemical changes in HELLP SYNDROME.
2. Placental Hormones.
3. Glucose metabolism in pregnancy.
4. Abnormal Haemoglobins.

IV. Pharmacology :
Answer any THREE questions. (3 X 5=15)
1. Define tocolysis and its place in preterm labour.
2. Oxytocics.
3. Anticonvulsive régimes in eclampsia.
4. Selective Estrogen receptor modulator.

V. Microbiology :
Answer any THREE questions. (3 X 5=15)
1. Role of viruses in cervical cancer.
2. Discuss the organisms causing PROM.
3. How to diagnose Gonococcal infection in .
4. Describe the tests to diagnose HIV infections.

VI. Pathology :
Answer any THREE questions. (3 X 5=15)
1. Describe macroscopic and microscopic features of metropathia Haemorhagica.
2. Histogenesis of germ cell tumour.
3. Pathology of Krukenberg tumour.
4. Degenerative changes in fibroid Uterus.

March 2009 :
I. Anatomy :
Answer any FOUR questions. (4 x 5=20)
1. Supports of the uterus and its significance in gynaecology.
2. Lymphatic drainage of cervix.
3. Anatomy of urinary continence.
4. Development of fetus and placenta.
5. Bony pelvis.

II. Physiology :
Answer any FOUR questions. (4 x 5=20)
1. Physiology of labour.
2. Physiology of lactation.
3. Describe the role of prolactin in pregnancy.
4. Cardiac changes during pregnancy.
5. Describe the functions of oestrogen.

III.Biochemistry :
Answer any THREE questions. (3 X 5=15)
1. Describe biochemical changes in HELLP syndrome.
2. Describe iron metabolism in pregnancy.
3. Describe fluid and electrolyte balance.
4. What are the functions of pituitary hormones-

IV. Pharmacology :
Answer any THREE questions. (3 X 5=15)
1. Role of to colytics in preterm labour.
2. Selective estrogen receptor modulators. (SERMS)
3. What are the effects of oral hypoglycemic agents-
4. Dinretics in pregnancy.

V. Microbiology :
Answer any THREE questions. (3 X 5=15)
1. Discuss the organisms causing PROM.
2. Describe the tests to diagnose HIV infection.
3. Candidiasis.
4. TORCH infection.

VI. Pathology :
Answer any THREE questions. (3 X 5=15)
1. Vaginal cytology in obstetrics and gynaecology.
2. Histopathological changes in metropathia haemorrhagica.
3. Histogenesis of germ cell tumour.
4. Degenerative changes in fibroid uterus.

September 2009 :
I. Anatomy : Answer any FOUR questions. (4 x 5=20)
1. Explain the lymphatic drainage of vulva.
2. Describe the functional histology of the ovary and the application in Gynaecology
3. Anal canal and importance in obstetrics
4. Foetal circulation
5. Anatomy of Fallopian tube and its relevance to fertility

II. Physiology : Answer any FOUR questions. (4 x 5=20)
1. Physiology of micturition. What is Genuine stress incontinence?
2. Discuss the role of fetus in physiology of labour.
3. Discuss the physiological changes of cardio vascular system in pregnancy.
4. Post operative fluid management and electrolyte management.
5. Discuss the neuro endocrinal control of ovarian function.

III. Biochemistry : Answer any THREE questions. (3 x 5=15)
1. Steroidogesis
2. Discuss the nutritional requirements in pregnancy and iron metabolism
3. Biochemical changes in pregnancy induced hypertension
4. Changes in carbohydrate metabolism in pregnancy and its implications

IV. Pharmacology : Answer any THREE questions. (3 x 5=15)
1. Misoprostol use in obstetrics
2. Explain effect of iodine deficiency on reproduction
3. Discuss the chemotherapeutic drugs used in gynaecological malignancy
4. Ovulation induction drugs

V. Microbiology : Answer any THREE questions. (3 x 5=15)
1. Explain the microbiology of pelvic inflammatory diseases
2. Discuss the principles of infection control
3. How to diagnose bacterial vaginosis
4. Discuss the immunology in trophoblastic disease

VI. Pathology : Answer any THREE questions. (3 x 5=15)
1. Explain the blood picture in different types of anemia
2. Describe the pathology of germ cell tumours of ovary
3. Describe the pathogenesis in AIDS
4. Explain the skeleton changes in menopause

March 2010 :
I. Anatomy :
1. Describe the course of ureter in pelvis and its surgical importance.
2. Anatomy of internal iliac artery and its clinical applications.
3. Corpus luteum.
4. Lymphatic drainage of cervix and its clinical importance.

II. Physiology :
1. Physiology of ovulation.
2. Physiological changes in urinary tract in pregnancy.
3. Physiology of uterine action.
4. Functional cysts of ovary.

III. Biochemistry :
1. Iron supplementation in pregnancy.
2. Proteinuria.
3. Uric acid and perinatal outcome.

IV. Pharmacology :
1. Oxytocin.
2. Bromocriptine.
3. GnRH antagonists.

V. Microbiology :
1. Trichomonas vaginalis.
2. TORCH infection and its significance.
3. Asymptomatic bacteriuria.

VI. Pathology :
1. Couvelaire uterus.
2. Carneous mole.
3. Pathology of hydatidiform mole.

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