Tropical Medicine MD Question Bank : tnmgrmu.ac.in

Name of the University : The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University
Degree : Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Branch : Branch I – General Medicine
Subject Code/Name : 2002 Tropical Medicine
Paper : III
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : tnmgrmu.ac.in

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TNMGRMU Tropical Medicine Question Paper

I. Essay questions : (2 x 20 = 40)
1. Discuss multi drug resistant tuberculosis.
2. Discuss about the neurological diseases occuring in HIV infection.

Related : TNMGRMU Medicine including Psychiatry MD Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/3456.html

II. Write short notes on : (10 x 6 = 60)
1. Active and passive immunisation in rabies.
2. Visceral leishmaniasis.
3. Lymphogranuloma venereum.
4. Superficial mycoses.
5. KURU.

6. Heat stroke.
7. Thiamine deficiency.
8. Scorpion sting
9. Amoebic liver abscess.
10. Cysticercosis

September 2010

I. Essay questions : (2 X 20 = 40)
1. Discuss etiopathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis and management of tuberculous meningitis.
2. Classify Hepatitis. Discuss in detail Hepatitis B virus infection and add a note on Hepatitis B vaccine.

II. Write short notes on : (10 X 6 = 60)
1. Herpes simplex virus and its clinical manifestations.
2. Dengue fever.
3. H1N1 Infection.
4. Chicken pox.
5. Tropical splenomegaly syndrome.
6. Complications of Falciparum malaria.
7. Investigations for Chronic diarrhoea.
8. Dimorphic Anemia.
9. Infective endocarditis.
10. Neuro Cysticercosis.

May 2011

I. Elaborate on :
1. Describe the life cycle, Pathology, Clinical features and Management of Wuchereria Bancrofti.
2. Enumerate the various parasites that affect the Liver and describe the lifecycle and management of any one in detail.

II. Write notes on :
1. Microbial Bioterrorism.
2. Non typhoidal salmonellosis.
3. AIDS dementia complex.
4. Japanese Encephalitis.
5. SSS syndrome.
6. Visceral larva migrans.
7. Treatment for chloroquine resistant Falciparum malaria.
8. Scrub Typhus.
9. Lepra reaction.
10. CD4 count and HIV associated disease.

October 2011

I. Elaborate on :
1. Discuss the etiopathogenesis, clinical features management of Neurocysticercosis.
2. Discuss the pathophysiology and staging of chronic kidney disease. Write clinical features and managements.

II. Write notes on :
1. Diabesity.
2. Auto immune hepatitis.
3. Pemphigus Vulgaris.
4. ABG.
5. Perinicious malaria.
6. Obsessive compulsive disorder.
7. Non filarial elephantiasis.
9. Infectious mononucleosis – complications and management.
10. Traveller’s diarrhoea.

April 2012

I. Elaborate on :
1. Discuss the etiopathogenesis, clinical features, management of Acute Renal Failure.
2. Discuss the etiopathogenesis, clinical features, management and investigations of Pulmonary thrombo embolism.

II. Write notes on :
1. Enumerate the illnesses in the Heat. Discuss Heat Stroke.
2. Enumerate photosensitive dermatosis. Add a note on Pellagra.
3. Causes and management of DIC.
4. Discuss the mechanism of action of OPC. Discuss intermediate syndrome.
5. Discuss the features and management of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
6. Clinical features and management of Toxic shock syndrome.
7. CD4-HAART-correlate clinically.
8. Pathogenesis of renal osteodystrophy.
9. Name the clinical syndromes of leptospirosis. Add a note on Weils disease.
10. Discuss Myasthenia syndromes. Add a note on management

October 2012

I. Elaborate on : Pages Time Marks
1. List the major viral Hemorrhagic fevers. Describe in detail the clinical manifestations, complications and management of viral Hemorrhagic fevers.
2. Classify Leptospirosis. Give an account of the management and complications of Icteric Leptospirosis.

II. Write notes on :
1. Tropical oral health and prevention of disease.
2. Types and clinical features of salmonellosis. Add a note on multidrug resistant enteric fever.
3. Relevance of artimesinin combination therapy in resistant malaria.
4. Clinical features and management of podoconiosis.
5. Enumerate various infectious diseases associated with polyserositis. Add a note on familial Mediterranean fever.
6. Pharmaco clinical therapy with Rifampicin.
7. Magnitude and future dangers of Bio-terrorism.
8. Recent out breaks with various influenza viruses Add a note on H5 N1 influenza.
9. Classify intestinal protozoal infections. Briefly outline the life cycle of Giardia.
10. What are ectoparasitic infestations? Discuss their relevance in HIV/AIDS.

April 2013

I. Elaborate on: (2X15=30)
1. Describe the life cycle of Plasmodium falciparum. Discuss clinical features and management of falciparum malaria.
2. Discuss the aetiology, clinical features & management of dilated cardiomyopathy.
II. Write notes on: (10X7=70)
1. Management of α – Thalassemia.
2. Diagnosis of Leptospirosis.
3. Treatment of community acquired pneumonia.
4. Etiology, investigation & treatment of Bacillary dysentery
5. Clinical features of disseminated tuberculosis
6. Diagnosis of infectious mononucleosis
7. Management of amoebic liver abscess
8. Management of mucocutaneous candidiasis
9. Epidemiology and management of Japanese encephalitis
10. Treatment of pneumocystis carinii pneumonia

October 2013

I. Elaborate on: (2 x 15 = 30)
1. Enumerate the various protozoa that affect the intestine and describe the life cycle, clinical features and management of any one in detail.
2. Name Blood Flukes – Discuss the life cycle, clinical features and management of any one in detail.
II. Write notes on: (10 x 7 = 70)
1. Mycetoma Foot.
2. TPE.
3. Onchocerciasis.
4. Isospora Belli .
5. Louse borne relapsing fever.
6. Life cycle of Ankylostoma duodenale.
7. Toxoplasmosis complications.
8. HEAF test.
9. Clinical features and diagnosis of Brucellosis.
10. Spinal TB.

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