Genesis Classes Talent Search Exam XII Question Paper 2019 : genesisclasses.in

Organisation : Genesis Classes Pvt. Ltd.
Exam : Talent Search Exam
Document Type : Question Paper
Class : XII Std
Year : 2017
Website : http://www.genesisclasses.in/questionpaper#

Genesis Classes Talent Search Exam XII Question Paper

Sample Question Paper of Genesis Classes Talent Search Exam 2019 Class XII Question Paper is now available in the official website of Genesis Classes.

Related : Genesis Classes Talent Search Exam Class XII Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/29736.html


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1. This booklet is your question paper containing 90 Questions. Attempt any one of the Biology OR Mathematics. The booklet has 20 Pages.
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1. On an imaginary planet the acceleration due to gravity is same as that on Earth but there is also a downward electric field that is uniform close to the planet’s surface. A ball of mass m carrying a charge q is thrownupward at a speed v and hits the ground after an interval t. What is the magnitude of potential difference between the starting point and the top point of the trajectory ?

2. A large insulating thick sheet of thickness 2d carries a uniform charge per unit volume ?. A particle of massm, carrying a charge q having a sign opposite to that of the sheet, is released from the surface of the sheet. The sheet does not offer any mechanical resistance to the motion of the particle. Find the oscillation frequency ? of the particle inside the sheet.

3. In the given circuit, the switch is closed to the position bc from the earlier position of ac at t = 0. The current in the inductor after 2s of closing the switch between b and c is

4. Three successive resonant frequencies of a string are 90, 150 and 210 Hz. If the length of the string is 80 cm, the speed of the transverse wave in the string is……………………..
(A) 96 m/s
(B) 48 m/s
(C) 24 m/s
(D) 32 m/s

5. For a given thermodynamic process, the P – V diagram is as shown below: Which of the following is the V – T diagram for the process?
A ? B : isobaric
B ? C : adiabatic
C ? A : isothermal


41. Which letter in the word ‘SELFRIGHTEOUSNESS’ does not change its position when the letters are reversed ?
(A) E
(B) G
(C) H
(D) T

42. Mirror is related to Reflexion in the same way as Water is related to………….?
(A) Conduction
(B) Disprersion
(C) Immersion
(D) Refraction

43. The last day of a century cannot be
(A) Monday
(B) Wednesday
(C) Tuesday
(D) Friday

44. A wall clock strike 12 and it takes 33 seconds to do so. How much time it will take to strike 4?
(A) 9 seconds
(B) 10 seconds
(C) 11 seconds
(D) 12 seconds

45. In a certain code language ‘526’ means ‘sky isblue’ ; ‘24’ means ‘blue colour’ and ‘436’ means ‘colour is fun’. Which of the following digit stands for ‘fun’?
(A) 5
(B) 4
(C) 3
(D) 2

(A) 82
(B) 124
(C) 68
(D) 100

51. If the positions of the first and sixth letters of the word ‘BENEFICIAL’ are interchanged, similarly the positions of the second and seventh letters are interchanged and so on, which letter will be third from right end after rearrangement?
(A) C
(B) E
(C) F
(D) N

52. Tuesday fell on which of the following date’s of April, 2002?
(A) 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th
(B) 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th
(C) 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th
(D) 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th


61. Some embryonic changes in humans is described below. How many of the above changes appear by the end of 24th weeks, Separation of eye-lids, body is covered with fine hair, limbs & fingers development, heart formation, appearance of external genitalia
(a) 5
(b) 4
(c) 3
(d) 2

62. Read the following statements
(A) Saheli is weekly oral contraceptive pills.
(B) Mala-D is daily oral contraceptive pills.
(C) Quinestrol is monthly oral contraceptive pills.
Which of the above are wrong?
(a) A, B
(b) B, C
(c) A, B, C
(d) None of these

63. Which of the following will not support the out breeding?
(a) Anther and stigma placed at different position
(b) Pollen release and stigma receptivity are synchronised
(c) Production of unisexual flower
(d) Difference in length of style of different flowers of same plant

64. This graph indicate which type of natural selection
(a) Directional
(b) Stabilishing
(c) Disruptive
(d) None of the above

65. In E.coli rho–factor is required for:-
(a) Initiation of transcription at specific site
(b) Initiation of transcription at many site
(c) Termination of transcription at specific site
(d) Termination of transcription at many sites

66. Read the following sentances and select correct option with all true statements.
(A) During parturition oxytocin induce intense contractions in the uterus.
(B) After parturition oxytocin stimulates milk ejection.
(C) The labour pain during child-birth is due to oxytocin.
(D) Oxytocin secret from placenta and ovary.
(a) Statement B, C and D
(b) Statement A, B and C
(c) Statement C and D
(d) Statement A and C

67. How much linkage strength is present between two genes A & B, which are 6 cM far from each other in a chromosome?
(a) 6%
(b) ??50%
(c) 94%
(d) Data insufficient

68. Which of the following is not related with Darwinian concept of evolution?
(a) Survival of fittest
(b) Natural selection
(c) Mutation
(d) Descent with modifications

69. Different types of assisted reproductive techniques are given below
(E) AI
Select correct type of fertilisation in the above techniques
(a) Invitro ? D, B, C Invivo ? A, E
(b) Invitro ? A, B, C Invivo ? D, E
(c) Invitro ? D, E Invivo ? A, B, C
(d) Invitro ? A, C, E Invivo ? B, D

70. In corn, the trait for tall plant (T) is dominant to the trait for dwarf plant (t) and the trait for coloured kernels (C) is dominant to the trait for white kernels (c). In a particular cross of corn plant, the probability of an offspring being tall is 0.5 and probability of a kernel being coloured is 0.75. Which of the following most probabaly represents the parental genotypes?
(a) TtCc × TtCc
(b) TtCc × ttCc
(c) TtCc × ttcc
(d) TTCc × ttCc

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