Basic Sciences as Applied to Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation MD Model Previous Question Paper : kuhs.ac.in

Name of the University : Kerala University of Health Sciences
Degree : PG Degree Examinations in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Subject Name : Basic Sciences asApplied to Physical Medicine& Rehabilitation
Paper : I,II,III & IV
Year : May 2013
Document Type : Previous  Question Paper
Website : kuhs.ac.in

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PAPER I : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kuhs.ac.in/3402-Paper%20I%20QP%20101113.pdf
PAPER II : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kuhs.ac.in/3402-Paper%20II%20QP%20102113.pdf
PAPER III : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kuhs.ac.in/3402-Paper%20III%20QP%20103113.pdf
PAPER IV : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kuhs.ac.in/3402-Paper%20IV%20QP%20104113.pdf

KUHS Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Previous Question Paper

PG Degree Examinations in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (MD) -May 2013
Paper I: BasicSciences asApplied to PhysicalMedicine& Rehabilitation Time: 3 hrs Max marks:100
Answer all questions :
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Related : KUHS Physiological Chemistry, Biophysics and Radiation Biology MD Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/3401.html

May 2013

Paper I

Essays: (20)
1. What are the different tracks passing through the spinal cord. How can this knowledge help us clinically localize the lesions in spinal cord. Draw appropriate diagram.
Short essays: (10×8=80)
2. Neuro-muscular junction.
3. Physiology of micturition
4. Calcium and vitamin D metabolism.
5. Determinants of gait cycle and its importance
6. Renal function test and its importance in rehabilitation medicine
7. Treadmill test
8. Ultrasound and its application in physical medicine
9. Cardiovascular system changes in spinal cord injury.

Paper II

Physical Medicine Including Physical Modalities, Biomedical Instrumentation and Prosthetic and Orthotics
Time: 3 hrs
Max marks:100
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Essays: (20)
1. Discuss the management options for a 50 year old lady doctor with the osteoarthritis of the knee.What are causes for pain in such patients.
Short essays: (8×10=80)
2. Floor reaction orthosis
3. Cognitive rehabilitation in head injury
4. Evaluation of foot drop
5. Non-pharmacological treatment of osteoporosis
6. Jaipur foot
7. Dysphagia management
8. Charcot’s foot
9. Lateral medullary stroke

Paper III

Physical Medicine Including Physcial Modalities, Biomedical Instrumentation & Prosthetics and Orthotics
Time: 3 hrs Max marks:100
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Essays: (20)
1. A 40 years old female acquired poliomyelitis when she was two years old. She had weakness of right lower limb with minimal weakness around ankle of the left lower limb. At the age of about 38 years, she started showing fresh weakness in the left thigh with increasing difficulty in walking and early tiredness . Discuss the diagnosis and rehabilitation management.
Short essays: (8×10=80)
2. A 50 years old gentleman suffering from diabetic ulcers has been posted for above knee amputation in a week. Discuss his rehabilitation management until the day of amputat ion.
3. Meningumylocoel and its rehabilitation management
4. Non pharmacological management of rheumatoid arthritis
5. Discuss the management of CTEV.
6. Fibromyalgia and its management
7. Rehabilitation management of a child with mental subnormality
8. Surgical management of scoliosis
9. Causes and management of dupuytren ‘s contracture.

Paper IV

Recent Advances
Time: 3 hrs
Max marks:100
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Essays: (20)
1. What is the role of modern prosthetic knee joint mechanisms in the management of above knee amputations. What are the prescription criteria for different prosthetic knee joints.
Short essays: (8×10=80)
2. What are environmental control devices. Explain how they are helpful in the rehabilitation of severely affected persons.
3. How would you guide a sports person to prevent injuries in a sports field.
4. Commonly used outcome measures in stroke patients
5. PWD act and its recent modification
6. Management of osteoporosis
7. Sexuality issues in 25 years old male with ankylosing spondylitis
8. Bionic prosthesis.
9. Post-polio syndrome.

November 2013

Paper – I

Basic Sciences as Applied to Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Time: 3 hrs
Max marks:100
Answer all questions
Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essays: (20)
1. What is normal motor unit action potential. What changes are observed in this in different phases of neuropathy.

Short essays: (10×8=80)
2. Control of respiration
3. Physiology of micturation and the changes in stroke patient.
4. Nutrition in spinal injured person.
5. Cryotherapy
6. Assessment of obesity and importance of body mass index in its management
7. Gabapentin and its use in rehabilitation medicine.
8. Drugs acting in the urinary bladder
9. Phases of human gait cycle.

Paper II

Physical Medicine Including Physical Modalities, Biomedical Instrumentation and Prosthetic and Orthotics
Time: 3 hrs Max marks:100
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Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essays: (20)
1. What is the classification of myopathy. Discuss the rehabilitation management of a ten years old patient having Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

Short essays: (8×10=80)
2. Short wave diathermy and principles in choosing a deep heating modality
3. Principles of evaluation of permanent disability of lower limb who sustained multiple burn injuries following a RTA
4. Discuss the management of wrist drop.
5. Stump complications in a below knee amputee and its management
6. Use of electomyopathy(EMG) in rehabilitation
7. Carpel tunnel syndrome
8. Management of low backache in a young lady following childbirth
9. Non-pharmacological management of osteoarthritis knee

Paper III

Physical Medicine Including Physcial Modalities, Biomedical Instrumentation & Prosthetics and Orthotics
Time: 3 hrs
Max marks:100
Answer all questions
Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essays: (20)
1. How will you manage a 55 years old house wife, who underwent total hip replacement two weeks back. What are the rehabilitation issues and its management in such a patient

Short essays: (8×10=80)
2. Evaluation and management of kyphotic in an adolescent girl
3. Rotator cuff tear and its management
4. Evaluation of heel pain and its management
5. What is claw hand. How would you manage it.
6. Management of wrist disarticulation
7. Complex regional pain syndrome
8. What are the common post-operative complications following amputation surgery and add a note on its management.
9. Postural drainage

Paper IV

Recent Advances
Time: 3 hrs
Max marks:100
Answer all questions
Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essays: (20)
1. Discuss the recent advances in prosthetic knee joint technology, including microprocessor knee joints.

Short essays: (8×10=80)
2. Body weight supported treadmill walking
3. Options for erectile dysfunction in spinal cord injured men
4. International classification of functioning, disability and handicap
5. Constraint induced movement therapy
6. Core muscle strengthening
7. Biological agents
8. United nations convention on the rights of people with disability – India
9. Augmentative and assisted communication

Categories: Medical
Tags: kuhs.ac.in
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