KUHS Public Health Administration & Laws, Social Aspects of Health & Disease Occupational MD Previous Question Paper

Name of the University : Kerala University of Health Sciences
Degree : PG Degree Examinations in Community Medicine (MD)
Subject Name : Public Health Administration, Public Health Laws,Social Aspects of Health and Disease Occupational Health
Paper : I,II,III & IV
Year : May 2013
Document Type : Previous Question Paper
Website : kuhs.ac.in

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PAPER I : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kuhs.ac.in/3395-Paper%20I%20QP%20101104.pdf
PAPER II : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kuhs.ac.in/3395-Paper%20II%20QP%20102104.pdf
PAPER III : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kuhs.ac.in/3395-Paper%20III%20QP%20103104.pdf
PAPER IV : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/kuhs.ac.in/3395-Paper%20IV%20QP%20104104.pdf

KUHS Community Medicine Previous Question Paper

PG Degree Examinations in Community Medicine (MD) – May 2013
Paper I : Public Health Administration, Public Health Laws,Social Aspects of Health and Disease Occupational Health
Time: 3 hrs
Max marks:100
Answer all questions :
Draw diagrams wherever necessary :

Related : KUHS Basic Sciences Applied to Psychiatry, Clinical Psychology & Sociology MD Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/3394.html

May 2013

Paper  I

Essays: (20)
1. Discuss the provisions under health, welfare & safety of the Indian factories act and briefly critique the same.
Short essays: (10×8=80)
2. Goals of the national health policy 2002
3. Role of the central council of health
4. Prevention of food adulteration act
5. Unorganised workers social security act
6. Roles and responsibilities of the anganwadi worker
7. Uday Parekh’s classification of social strata
8. Focus group discussions
9. Occupational cancers and its control

Paper II

Maternal and Child Health and FamilyWelfare Chemistry and Physiology of Human Nutrition, Public Health Chemistry, Environmental Sanitation
Time: 3 hrs
Max marks:100
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Draw diagrams wherever necessary :
Essays: (20}
1. What are the quality indicators used tomonitor and evaluate the reproductive and child health programme -II.Add a note onthe integratedmanagement of neonatalandchildhoodillnesses.
Short essays: (8×10=80)
2. Injectable contraceptives
3. Natural methods of family planning
4. Couple protection rate
5. Nutritional blindness
6. Methods of assessing nutritional status
7. Noise induced hearing loss
8. Types of ventilation
9. Rapid sand filter

Paper III

Health Planning &Management ,Qualitative &Quantitative Techniques, InternationalHealth, BiomedicalWasteManagement, Disaster Management, EssentialMedicines andCounterfeit Medicines Recent Advances inCommunity Medicine, Health Economics
Time: 3 hrs
Max marks:100
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Draw diagrams wherever necessary :
Essays: (20)
1. Submit a public health plan for management of aftermath of a tsunami in your district.
Short essays: (8×10=80)
2. Disposal of sharps
3. Malaria vaccine
4. Cost benefit analysis
5. Shrivastav committee
6. Prevention of swine flu
7. Essential drug list
8. Geographic information system(GIS)
9. World health day 2013

Paper IV

Epidemiology Including Bio Statistics, Epidemiology of Communicable and Non-communicable Disease, Microbiology Including Entomology
Time: 3 hrs
Max marks:100
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Draw diagrams wherever necessary :
Essays: (20)
1. Discuss the.national vector diseases control programme implemented in India and offer your comments.
Short essays: (8×10=80)
2. Measures of obesity
3. Antigenic variation in influenza virus
4. Dietary approaches to stop hypertension
5. Directly observed treatment short course plus
6. Secondary prevention of depression
7. Iceberg phenomenon of disease
8. Risk measurement in cohort study
9. Non parametric tests

November 2016

Paper I

Public Health Administration, Public Health Laws, Social Aspects of Health and Disease Occupational Health
Time: 3 hrs
Max marks:100
Answer all questions
Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essays: (20)
1. What are the social determinants of health. List and briefly describe the strategies to identify and address any FIVE social determinants of diarrheal disease in an urban under privileged area.

Short essays: (8×10=80)
2. Strengths and limitations of types of leadership styles in heading an academic department of community medicine.
3. Accredited social health activist (ASHA) position in the national rural health mission (NRHM)
4. Measures of disability in a population
5. Personal protective equipment recommended for healthcare workers
6. Health hazards of rapid industrialization
7. Critically interpret the statement “primary health care – now more than ever”
8. Sickness absenteeism and its prevention
9. Role of cultural factors in prevention of maternal mortality

Paper II

Epidemiology Including Bio Statistics, Epidemiology of Communicable and Non-communicable Disease, Microbiology Including Entomology
Time: 3 hrs
Max marks:100
Answer all questions
Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essays: (20)
1. Define accidents and mention its type. Discuss the strategies for prevention of accidents.

Short essays: (8×10=80)
2. Fluorosis
3. Water related disease.
4. Vaccines for typhoid.
5. Sampling methods
6. Diagnosis of dengue fever
7. Reasons for no cases of yellow fever in India
8. Anti larval measures
9. Management of diarrhoea

Paper III

Maternal and Child Health and Family Welfare Chemistry and Physiology of Human Nutrition, Public Health Chemistry, Environmental Sanitation
Time: 3 hrs
Max marks:100
Answer all questions
Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essays: (20)
1. Describe the burden of the problem of anaemia in children in India. What measures can be suggested to prevent and control the situation.

Short essays: (8×10=80)
2. Management of a very sick child using the IMNCI approach
3. Global warming and public health
4. Common food toxicants in India
5. Unmet needs for family welfare
6. Food pyramid
7. Measures to deal with juvenile delinquency
8. Lead poisoning
9. Infant mortality as a sensitive indicator of health

Paper IV

Health Planning & Management , Qualitative & Quantitative Techniques, International Health, Biomedical Waste Management, Disaster Management, Essential Medicines and Counterfeit Medicines Recent Advances in Community Medicine, Health Economics
Time: 3 hrs
Max marks:100
Answer all questions
Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essays: (20)
1. Discuss the various health planning and development committees in India.

Short essays: (8×10=80)
2. Millennium development goals.
3. Adverse health impact of climate change.
4. Describe the salient points of twelth-five year plan.
5. Role of voluntary organisation in health care.
6. Use of mass media in disaster management.
7. Medical negligence.
8. Prevention and control of bioterrorism.
9. Top down versus bottom up approach.

Categories: Medical
Tags: kuhs.ac.in
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