CE2303 Railways Airport & Harbour Engineering BE Question Bank : ganeshenggcollege.org

Name of the College : Ganesh College of Engineering
University : Anna University
Subject Code/Name : CE2303 – Railways, Airport & Harbour Engineering
Dept : Civil Engineering
Degree : BE
Year/Sem: III / V
Website : ganeshenggcollege.org
Document Type : Question Bank

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RAILWAYS, AIRPORT & HARBOUR ENGINEERING : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/ganeshenggcollege.org/3357-ce2303-qb.pdf

Ganesh College Railways Airport Engg Question Paper


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1) What is mean by transportation?
Transportation is regarded as an index of economic, social, and commercial progress of a country. The transport industry which undertakes nothing more than mere movement of persons and things from the one place to another place has constituted one of the most important activities of men in every stage of advanced civilization.
2) What are the classifications from surface point of view of transport?
i) Land transport (e.g) Highways, railways, cableway, Ropeways etc.
ii) Water transport (e.g) Canalways, River ways, Ocean ways, Lake Ways etc.
iii) Air transport e,g, Airways.
3) Define the types of energy.

The types are:
i) Human energy
ii) Animal energy
iii) Petrol and diesel energy
iv) Steam energy
v) Electric energy
4) What is mean by track alignment?
The direction and position given to the centre line of the railway track on the ground is called the track alignment. The horizontal alignment includes the straight path, its width, deviations in width and curves. The vertical alignment of a railway track includes changes in gradients and vertical curves.
5) What are the basic requirements of good alignment?
The requirements are:
i) Purpose of track
ii) Feasibility
iii) Economy
iv) Safety
v) Aesthetic aspects.
6) What is mean by permanent way?
The combination of rails, fitted on sleepers and resting on ballast and subgrade is called the railway track or permanent way. Sometimes temporary tracks are also laid for conveyance of earth and materials on construction work.
7) Give the four requirements for ideal alignment?
The requirements are:
i) The gauge should be correct and uniform.
ii) The alignment should be correct i.e. it should be free form kinks or irregularities.
iii) The radii and super elevation on curves should be properly designed and maintained.
iv) If there is trouble from the creep, the precaution should be taken to prevent it.
8) What are the factors to be considered in track capacity?
The factors are:
i) By achieving faster movement of trains on a track and
ii) By decreasing the distance between successive trains.
9) Define gauge and wheel gauge.
The gauge of a railway track is defined as the clear distance between inner and running faces of two track rails. The distance between the inner faces of a pair of wheels is called the wheel gauge.
10) What are the types of gauge?
The types are:
i) Standard gauge
ii) Meter gauge
iii) Narrow gauge
iv) Feeder track gauge or light gauge.
11) Give the various functions of rails?
The functions are:
i) Rails provide a hard, smooth and unchanging surface for passage of heavy moving loads with a minimum friction between the steel rails and steel wheels.
ii) Rails bear the stresses developed due to heavy vertical loads, lateral and barking forces and thermal stresses.
iii) The rail material is such that it gives minimum wear to avoid replacement charges and failures of rails due to wear.
12) What are the types of rail sections?
The three types of rail sections, which have been tried so far for the construction of railway track, are:
i) Double headed rails (D.H.Rails)
ii) Bull headed rails (B.H.Rails)
iii) Flat footed rails (F.F.Rails)
13) What is mean by welded rail joint?
These are the best joints as they fulfill nearly all the requirements of an ideal or perfect joint and will be discussed in next article. It is called as welded rail joint.
14) Define creep.
Creep is the longitudinal movement of rails in a track. Creep is common to all railway tracks, but varies in magnitude considerably; the rail in some places moving several centimeters in a month while in other locations the movement of rails may be negligible.
15) What are the factors in percussions theory?
The creep by this theory will increase due to following factors:
i) Due to weak and loose fish bolts
ii) Due to worn out fishplates.
iii) Due to loose packing at joints
iv) Due to wide expansion gap
v) Due to heavy axle loads moving at fast speed.

Categories: Civil Engineering
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