BA7011 Brand Management MBA Question Bank : srmeaswari.ac.in

Name of the College : Easwari Engineering College
University : Anna University
Subject Code/Name : BA 7011 – Brand Management
Dept : Department Of Management Studies
Degree : MBA
Sem: II
Website : srmeaswari.ac.in
Document Type : Question Bank

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SRM Easwari Brand Management

Question Bank :

Part –  A

1. What is brand management?
2. Define Brand.

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3. Define the following terms
a) Brand identity
b) Brand building
c) Brand equity
d) Brand image
e) Brand power
f) Brand awareness
g) Brand loyalty
h) Brand association
i) Brand profile

4. What is Co-Branding?
5. Write some advantages and disadvantages of Brand.
6. List some examples of top domestic and global brand products
7. Write few points on challenges of Brand Management.
8. What is brand strategy?
9. Define brand positioning.
10. Define brand value.
11. Explain brand vision.
12. List top 10 foreign brands
13. What is Global Brand?
14. What is brand image and give an example?
15. List some online promotion methods.
16. What is brand promotion?
17. Give some brand promotion methods.
18. Mention the pre requisites for brand image.
19. What is Re-branding?
20. List out few brand extensions.
21. Define brand extension.
22. Advantages of brand extensions
23. Explain brand Re-launching.
24. Define brand leverage.
25. Define brand Audit
26. State about the brand Hierarchy
27. Explain brand identity
28. Define Brand? Write about the branding levels
29. Illustrate the brand decision making process
30. Write about Brand Personality

Part – B

31. Write about the creation of Brand
32. State in detail how can be the Brands managed
33. Define brand loyalty and write about the loyalty levels of the customer with respect to brands
34. Discuss in detail the relationship between brand and product
35. Explain in detail the branding concept in marketing
36. Explain the characteristics of a good brand name with illustrations.
37. Explain the different types of branding strategies with suitable examples.
Service product ; Consumer product; Industrial Product
38. Explain the brand positioning strategies with suitable examples.
39. What are the differences among a local, a national, an international and a global brand?
40. How can buyer attitudes about a brand’s country of origin affect the buying decision?
41. Discuss the strategies used for online brand promotions.
42. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of celebrity endorsement for a brand use an example.
43. What is Brand Management? What are your favourite brands and why?
44. Suggest measures to retain brand loyalty and customer loyalty.
45. Identify a fading brand. What suggestions can you offer to revitalize its brand equity? Apply the different approaches and which strategies would seem to work best.
46. What are the advantages of branding?
47. Define co-branding.
48. What is brand positioning?
49. What is brand equity?
50. Distinguish between a branded product and a commodity.

Part – C

51. What is USP?
52. Are brand name and trade mark synonyms?
53. Give any four examples for numerical branding.
54. How brand image can be increased for a service brand?
55. Write short note on brand audit.
56. Define brand extension.
57. (a) Comment upon the significance of branding for consumer products in today’s competitive marketing environment.
(b) For a new brand of shaving cream to be introduced by your company, explain the brand name selection process that can be followed.
58. People prefer to purchase brand in place of product. Justify your answer with suitable examples.
59. Explain the concept of Commodities Vs Brands
60. Write short notes :
(a) Product Life Cycle
(b) Brand Recall
61. Discuss the positioning of brands and perspectives of brand positions
62. Describe in detail the brand image

63. Define Brand Equity and write about the methods of measuring Brand Equity
64. “Brand is the most enduring asset of Organization.” Elaborate this statement with reference to ‘Brand Equity’.
65. “Branding adds to the cost of an item.” Explain

66. Discuss various methods to measure Brand Equity.
67. Explain the various issues involved in managing brand equity.
68. “Brand loyalty is an asset.” Discuss
69. What do you mean by brand image and personality?

70. How is Brand image and Brand personality interrelated?
71. How can you build a brand’s image? Discuss with suitable examples.
72. What are the various criteria for choosing Brand Elements?
73. What are the different brand elements?
74. What things should be kept in mind while selecting brand name?

75. Highlight the importance of following elements in building a Brand:
** Brand symbol
** Brand Logo
** Packaging
** Slogans
76. Discuss in detail the concept of brand extensions.
77. Explain the concept and process of Brand building?

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