megeducation.gov.in National Talent Search State Level Examination Question Paper : Directorate Of Educational Research & Training Meghalaya

Name of the Organisation : Directorate Of Educational Research & Training Meghalaya
Name of the Paper : National Talent Search (State Level) Examination
Class : X
Document Type : Question Paper
Website : https://megeducation.gov.in/

Meghalaya Education National Talent Search Exam Question Paper

Part I  :
(a) Mental Ability Test
Time  – 45 minutes
Maximum Marks -50

(b) Language Comprehensive Test
Time – 45 minutes
Maximum Marks -40

Instructions To Candidates

Read the following instructions carefully before answering the questions. Answers are to be written in the supply Answer Sheet.
1. Please write your Centre Code no. and Serial No. very clearly (only one digit in one block) as given in your Admit Card.

2. Please note that no block is left unfilled and even zeroes appearing in the Centre Code no. and Serial no. Each digit are to be correctly transferred to the appropriate block on both Question Booklet and the Answer Sheet. For all subsequent purposes your Centre Code no. and Serial no. shall remain the same even when you are allowed a change of centre.

3. Avoid over writing the numbers/ digits for both Centre Code and Serial No.
4. The Question Booklet and Answer Sheet are consisting of Two Parts. Each Part consists 90 questions.
5. All Questions carry one mark each.

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6. All Questions are Compulsory.
7. Begin with the first question and keep trying one question after another till you finish both the parts.

8. Since the time allotted to the two parts of these question booklets is very limited, you should make the best of it by not spending time on any one question.
9. Separate pages for Rough Work are provided at the last page of your question booklet.

10. The answer sheet has two parts. Part I and Part II corresponding to Part I and Part II of the Question Booklet. In part II, answers to a subject are to be given under the column where the name of the subject is given.

11. Answer to each question is to be indicated by encircling around alternative 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 OR a or b or c or d or e from amongst the ones given for the corresponding questions in the question Booklet, e.g.., if you think that alternative 1 is correct then encircle as example given below.

12. Now turn to the next page and start answering the questions.

Mental Ability Test

Direction (Question 1 to 5): Given below are based on letter series in which some letters are missing. The missing letters are given in a proper sequence as one of the alternatives among the four alternates under each question. Choose the correct alternates.1. a – baa – baa – ba
a. aba
b. bab
c. caa
d. bbb

2. – ab – ab – a – pab
a. aapp
b. apap
c. pppb
d. bbaa

3. – stt – tt – tts –
a. tsts
b. ttst
c. sstt
d. tsst

4. – nmmn – mmnn – mnnm –
a. nmmn
b. mnnm
c. nnmm
d. nmnm

5. b – b – bb – – bbb – bb – b
a. bbbbba
b. bbaaab
c. ababab
d. aabaab

Direction (Question 6 to 15): In each of the following Questions, four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
a. Pen
b. Calculator
c. Pencil
d. Ink
e. Eraser

a. Carrot
b. Radish
c. Potato
d. Sweet Potatoes
e. Beet

a. Mercury
b. Moon
c. Jupiter
d. Venus
e. Pluto

a. Silver
b. Iron
c. Gold
d. Zinc
e. Tin

a. Ring
b. Ornaments
c. Necklace
d. Bangle
e. Bracelet

a. Faster
b. Bigger
c. Greater
d. Larger
e. Taller

a. Himachal Pradesh
b. Haryana
c. Jammu & Kashmir
d. Punjab
e. Chandigarh

a. April
b. May
c. July
d. September

Direction (Question 16 to 20): In each of the Questions below, a related pair of words in Capital letter is followed by four parts of words as alternate. Choose a pair in vehicles he words bear the same relationships to each other as the words of the given pair bear.
16. BIRDS: WINGS:? : ?
a. Whale: Water
b. Dog: Lungs
c. Car: Wheel
d. Pen: Paper

17. DARKNESS: LAMP:? : ?
a. Fatigue : Exercise
b. Thirst: Water
c. Medicine ; Illness
d. Study: Classroom

a. Rectangle : Diagonal
b. Diameter: Radius
c. Square : Rectangle
d. Bisector : Angle

19. SHOE : LEATHER : ? : ?
a. Medicine : Doctor
b. Highway : Asphalt
c. Train : Wagon
d. Bus: Conductor

20. POOR : MONEY : ? : ?
a. Weak: Bold
b. Bold: Dark
c. Strong : Body
d. Weak: Strength

Direction (Question 31 to 35): To each of the following questions four probable answers have been given as alternatives. Select the best alternates as your answers.
31. Your School has organized a money camp for the education of poor children. you
a. Persuade your friends to donate
b. Donate your saving partly at the camp
c. Do not believe in this kind of donation and decide not to attend
d. Ask your parents to donate money

32. You are getting late for your school and no bus is available. In such situations
a. You start walking
b. You drop the idea of going to school that day and return home
c. You think about other possible conveyance
d. You wait patiently for the bus though you are

33. You have a new teacher in your school. You
a. Will be indifferent
b. Welcome warmly
c. Go out flatter him as he will help out in tutor
d. Have problems adjusting as you are still like your old teacher.

34. If wrongly accused of something, you
a. Try to convince others, but without any hope of doing so.
b. Try your best to convince others and hope that you succeed.
c. Not even try, as it would be of no use
d. Be able to convince others of your innocence easily.

Language Comprehensive Test

Q. 1-5 Read the following passage and answer the questions that are given after it. Sleep is crucial to maintaining one’s health. Without it, we increase our susceptibility to an astonishing array of health problems, including heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity and depression. Not sleeping enough can compromise your immune system, says Stanley Coren, noted professor of psychology and author of the very popular book, “Sleep Thieves”. You eat well and exercise in order to keep your immune system up, Coren goes on to explain, but if you aren’t sleeping, you undo all that good work. “The immune system works best when you are sleeping,” he says. “That’s when your natural killer cells are generated.”

1. Lack of sleep
a) decreases laziness
b) weakens the body’s capacity to combat disease
c) helps youngsters do well in their examinations
d) prevents a person from gaining weight

2. Our Immune system works best when we
a) eat well, exercise and have proper sleep
b) sleep all the time without proper food and exercise
c) eat good food without exercise and proper sleep
d) eat well and exercise without proper sleep

3. Natural killer cells are produced in
a) the brain
b) the bone marrow
c) the liver
d) the spinal cord

4. Natural killer cells
a) make a person look old pretty quickly
b) are produced in large numbers when we stay awake
c) help us fight viruses and bacteria
d) work well even for sleep- deprived people

5. If we don’t sleep well,
a) we may lose our appetite
b) we may become very thin
c) production of brain chemicals increases
d) our brain may stop functioning in a balanced manner

Q. 6- 10 Read the following passage and answer the questions that are given after it.
Jane Goodall was born in London, England, on April 3, 1934. On her second birthday, her father gave her a toy chimpanzee named Jubilee. Jubilee was named after a baby chimp in the London Zoo, and seemed to foretell the course Jane’s life would take. From an early age, Jane was fascinated by animals and animal stories. By the age of ten, she was talking about going to Africa to live among the animals there. At the time, in the early 1940s, this was a radical idea because women did not go to Africa by themselves……

6. What did Jane Goodall get as a birthday gift?
a) a baby chimp
b) a toy chimpanzee
c) a story book about animals
d ) a n animal from the London Zoo

7. The term ‘radical’ here means
a) far- reaching
b) crazy
c) unlawful d) bold

8. Jane Goodall was able to go to Africa at the age of
a) 30 years
b) 26 years
c) 24 years
d) 25 years

9. ‘She was able to enter their world….’ this phrase meansa) she was able to reach Gombe National Park
b) she was able to understand the communication of the chimpanzees
c) she was able to study the behavior of the chimpanzees
d) she was able to accept the chimpanzees into her world

10. The main goal of the Institute founded by Jane Goodall is
a) To improve the environment for all living things
b) To focus on the welfare of chimpanzees
c) To have quality education
d) To take necessary actions on the study done by environmentalists


1. The speed of light in vacuum is
a. 3 x 1010 m/s
b. 3 x 108 m/s
c. 3 x 1010 cm/s
d. 3 x 108 cm/s

2. When light falls on a surface or boundary separating two media a. usually a part is reflected
b. a part is transmitted
c. a part is absorbed
d. all of the above

3. The nature of image formed by a concave mirror is virtual and erect only when the position of the object is
a. at infinity
b. at centre of curvature
c. between the centre of curvature and the focus
d. between the pole of the mirror and the focus

4. The image formed by a convex mirror is always
a. real, erect and diminished in size
b. virtual, erect and diminished in size
c. virtual enlarged and diminished in size
d. none of the above

5. The human eye can focus objects at different distances by adjusting the focal length of the eye lens. This is due to.
a. accommodation
b. near sightedness
c. farsightedness
d. persistence of vision

6. The human eye forms the image of an object at its
a. cornea
b. retina
c. pupil
d. iris

7. Cinematography makes use of
a. accommodation
b. least distance of distance vision
c. persistence of vision
d. bi-focal lens systems

8. Myopia is corrected by using a
a. convex lens
b. bifocal lens
c. cylindrical lens
d. concave lens

9. Which of the following represents current
a. cs-1
b. dynes-1
c. erg c-1
d. erg s-1

10. Which of the following represents Potential difference
a. Jc
b. cs-1
c. Js
d. A.c.


1) If we open a bottle of perfume, its smell spreads in the entire room within a short time due to the process of.
a. Evaporation
b. Sublimation
c. Diffusion
d. Decantation

2) Which of the following statements about a balanced chemical equation is true?
a. mass is conserved
b. action are conserved
c. mass as well as atoms are conserved
d. molecules are conserved

3) Which of the following is acidic in nature?
a. Apple juice
b. Soap Solution
c. salted lime
d. lime

4) The term ‘PH’ comes from
a. Hydrogen purity
b. Pure Hydrogen
c. Hydrogen power
d. Purity and Hydrogen

5) Isotopes differ in
a. no. of electrons
b. no. of protons
c. no. of neutrons
d. chemical reactivity

6) Which amongst the following is not a noble gas?
a. Helium
b. Neon
c. Radium
d. Radon

7) Which amongst the following is a non-polar molecule
a. NH3
b. HCl
c. CCl4
d. H2O

8) In the reaction H2S + Cl2
a. H2S
b. Cl2
c. HCl
d. S

9) Which of the following gas is known as illuminating gas?
a. Ethane
b. Ethene
c. Ethyne
d. Propane

10) Crystalline form of Carbon having 60 Carbon atoms joined together
a. Polymer
b. Buckminster Fullerene
c. Coal
d. Diamond


1. Organisms like Amoeba and Paramecium, frogs and human beings shows
a. Parasitic Nutrition
b. Saprophytic Nutrition
c. Holozoic Nutrition
d. All of the above

2. Which of the following meristem helps in increasing the length of stem and roots?
a. Intercalary meristem
b. Apical meristem
c. Lateral meristem
d. All of the above

3. According to Binomial System of nomenclature, each organisms has scientific name consisting of.
a. Genus
b. Genus and family
c. Species and Family
d. Genus and Species

4. Which of the following is known as amphibian of plant kingdom
a. Thallophyte
b. Pteridophyte
c. Bryophyte
d. None of the above

5. Cristae are found in
a. Endoplasmic Reticulum
b. Golgi apparatus
c. Lysosomes
d. Mitochondria

6. Major part of a Walnut shell is made up of.
a. Parenchyma tissue
b. Collenchyma tissue
c. Sclerenchyma tissue
d. Aerenchyma tissue

7. Which of the following is not part of large intestine.
a. The Caecum
b. The Colon
c. The Ileum
d. The Rectum

8. The blood vessels that carry blood from the body parts to the heart is.
a. Cappilaries
b. Veins
c. Arteries
d. All of the above

9. Man, Tiger, Elephant, Whale belongs to class
a. Mammalia
b. Amphibia
c. Reptilia
d. Aves

10. Typhoid, cholera and pneumonia are diseases caused by
a. Virus
b. Bacteria
c. Fungi
d. Protozoa

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