Geotechnical Engineering B.E Question Bank : raisoni.net

Name of the College : G. H. Raisoni College Of Engineering
Subject Code/Name : Geotechnical Engineering – II
Dept : Civil Engineering
Degree : B.E
Website : raisoni.net
Document Type : Question Bank

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Raisoni Geotechnical Engineering – II


Geotechnical Exploration
Q.1. What is the importance and objectives of field exploration? (05)
Q.2. Enlist type of soil sample. (03)

Related : Raisoni College Of Engineering Manufacturing Process B.E Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/3292.html

Q.4. Mention the requirement of good sampler with respect to its Area ratio, Inside clearance and recovery ratio. (05)
Q.5. Explain various methods of BORING methods. Explain any one with a neat sketch. (07)
Q.6. Explain Geophysical method of soil exploration. And its limitations. (07)
Q.7. Explain ‘split spoon sampler’ and its use (05)
Q.8. Explain in brief SPT with its correction. (05)
Q.9. List out the current method of soil exploration as per I.S. code. (07)
Q.10. Explain the following terms:-
Representative and non representative samples, disturbed and un-disturbed Sample. (07)


Stability of slopes
Q.1. What are the types and causes of slope failure. (06)
Q.2. Explain the method of FELLINIOUS method for locating critical slip Circle. (07)
Q.3. Derive the relation for factor of safety of an infinite slope made of cohesion less soil subjected to seepage parallel to the slope. (07)
Q.4. Write a short note on Taylor’s Stability Number. (05)
Q.5. Explain friction circle method of slope stability analysis. (07)
Q.6. Write a short note on methods of improving stability if slope. (06)
Q.7. Find the factor of safety of a slope of infinite extend having C’ = 30kN/m2 ?’ =200 , e = 0.65, G = 2.7. under the following conditions
i) When soil is dry
ii) When slope is submerged
The angle of slope a =250 (07)
Q.8. Determine the FOS of an embankment by method of slices. If the slope is
(1.5 : 1) (H:V) and the height is 12m. The value of C and ? are 40kN/m2 and 250 resp. and r = 19kN/m3. Assume aA = 260 and aB = 350

Q.9. Enlist various types of shallow foundations. Describe in detail raft Foundation. (05)
Q.10. What measures would you take while constructing foundation in Black Cotton Soil? Explain. (05)
Q.11. Suggest a suitable foundation under the following circumstances and state Why ?
i) Foundation on sloping ground
ii) When it is not possible to extend the footing of an exterior column (04)
Q.12. What are the functions of foundation? Enlist essential requirements of good foundation. (06)


(Earth Pressure Theories)
Q.1. A soil is having properties: –
Cohesion (C) = 9 kN/m2
Angle of Internal friction (Ø) = 200
Unit weight (?) = 18 kN/m3
Calculate the critical depth of vertical excavation that can be made in the soil without any lateral support. The ground carries a surcharge load of 3 kN/m2 (06)
Q.2 (a) Explain:-
(1) Active Earth Pressure,
(2) Passive Earth Pressure,
(3) Earth Pressure at rest
Q.3 Derive Ball’s equation for calculation active Earth pressure For a cohesive soil. (06)
Q.3. A retaining wall has the following Data:-
i) Height of wall = 8m,
ii) Wall friction = 100
iii) Surchrge Angle = 100
iv) +ve Batter Angle of wall = 80
v) Angle of internal friction = 300
vi) Unit weight of Backfill = 19kN/m3
Using REBHAN’s method, find the total active Earth pressure per meter. (06)
Q.4. State the assumptions made in Ranking and Coulomb’s earth pressure. (06)
Q.5. Explain in brief Rebhann’s method for active pressure when ß ? Ø. (07)
Q.6. Give the critical comparison of coulomb and Rankine earth pressure Theory, mentioning the assumptions in both the theories. (06)
Q.7. A two layer cohesive horizontal backfill is supported by a 10m high Vertical smooth wall. Determine the Rankine active force per meter Length of the wall before and after tensile crack occure in top layer. Also determine the line of action of resultant in both cases

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