12MBAMM313 Consumer Behaviour MBA Question Bank : sjbit.edu.in

Name of the College : SJB Institute of Technology
Subject Code/Name : 12MBAMM313-Consumer Behaviour
Dept : Master In Business Administration
Degree : MBA
Website : sjbit.edu.in
Document Type : Question Bank

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SJBIT Consumer Behaviour Question Bank

VTU Previous Year Question Paper :

Related : SJB Institute of Technology 12MBA32 Operations Management MBA Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/3278.html

Module – 01

1. a. “Marketers don’t create needs; needs pre-exist marketers.” Discuss this statement.
b. Can marketing efforts change consumers’ needs? Why or why not? (June.10)
2. Consumers have both innate and acquired needs. Give examples of each kind of need and show how the same purchase can serve to fulfill either or both kinds of needs. (June 10)

3. What is the need to study consumer behavior? (Dec-2010)
4. Compare consumer research and market research. (Dec-2010)

5. What is the difference between goals and needs? (Dec-2010)
6. Explain the concept of brand personality. (Dec-2010)
7. What is the sleeper effect? (Dec-2011)
8. What is the significance of CRM? (Dec-2011)
9. Who is the opinion leader? (Dec-2011)
10. What is the societal marketing? (May09-Jan10)

11. What is the significance of CRM? (Dec-2010)
12. What is the difference between positive and negative motivation? (May09-Jan10)
13. Who is an affluent consumer? (Jun10)
14. Define cross cultural analysis. (Jun11)
15. What is online decision making? (Jun11)

16. Who is surrogate buyer? (Jun11)
17. How can marketers use consumers’ failures to achieve goals in developing promotional appeals for specific products and services? Give examples. (Jun11)

18. Specify both innate and acquired needs that would be useful bases for developing promotional strategies for:
a. global positioning systems
b. Harley Davidson motorcycles
c. recruiting college seniors to work for a high-technology company. (mod Question)

19. Why are consumers’ needs and goals constantly changing? What factors influence the formation of new goals? (Jun10)
20. How can marketers use consumers’ failures to achieve goals in developing promotional appeals for specific products and services? Give examples. (Jun10)

21. Most human needs are dormant much of the time. What factors cause their arousal? Give examples of ads for audio/video equipment that are designed to arouse latent consumer needs. (mod que)
22. For each of the situations listed in Question 3, select one level from Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs that can be used to segment the market and position the product (or the company). Explain your choices. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Maslow’s hierarchy in segmentation and positioning applications? (Mod qp)

23. How do researchers identify and “measure” human motives? Give examples. (Dec.11)
24. You are a member of an advertising team assembled to develop a promotional campaign for a new digital camera. Develop three headlines for this campaign, each based on one of the levels in Maslow’s need hierarchy. (Mod qp)

25. Find an advertisement that depicts a defense mechanism. Present it in class and evaluate its effectiveness. (Mod qp)
26. Explain briefly the needs for power, affiliation, and achievement. Find three advertisements for different products that are designed to appeal to these needs. (Dec12)
27. What is the relevance of studying consumer behavior for marketers?. (Dec 13/Jan 14)

Module – 02

1. How would you explain the fact that, although no two individuals have identical personalities, personality is sometimes used in consumer research to identify distinct and sizable market segments? (Dec-2010)

2. Contrast the major characteristics of the following personality theories: a) Freudian theory, b) neo-Freudian theory, and c) trait theory. In your answer, illustrate how each theory is applied to the understanding of consumer behavior. (Dec-10)
3. Describe personality trait theory. Give five examples of how personality traits can be used in consumer research. (Dec-10)

4. How can a marketer of cameras use research findings that indicate a target market consists primarily of inner-directed or other-directed consumers? Of consumers who are high (or low) on innovativeness? (Dec-2010)

5. Describe the type of promotional message that would be most suitable for each of the following personality market segments and give an example of each: (a) highly dogmatic consumers, (b) inner-directed consumers, (c) consumers with high optimum stimulation levels, (d) consumers with a high need for cognition, and (e) consumers who are visualizers versus consumers who are verbalizers. (Dec 11.)

6. Is there likely to be a difference in personality traits between individuals who readily purchase foreign-made products and those who prefer American-made products? How can marketers use the consumer ethnocentrism scale to segment consumers? (Dec 11)

7. A marketer of health foods is attempting to segment a certain market on the basis of consumer self-image. Describe the four types of consumer self-image and discuss which one(s) would be most effective for the stated purpose. (July.11)

8. clothing preferences differ from those of your friends? What personality traits might explain why your preferences are different from those of other people? (Jan.12)

Categories: Management Studies
Tags: sjbit.edu.in

View Comments (1)

  • “Marketers don’t create needs; needs pre-exist marketers.” Discuss this statement.
    Can marketing efforts change consumers’ needs? Why or why not?

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