14MBA14 Business Analytics MBA Question Bank : sjbit.edu.in

Name of the College : SJB Institute of Technology
Subject Code/Name : 14MBA14-Business Analytics
Dept : Master In Business Administration
Degree : MBA
SEM: : I
Website : sjbit.edu.in
Document Type : Question Bank

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/sjbit.edu.in/3267-MBA-I-BUSINESS%20ANALYTICS%20%5b14MBA14%5d-QUESTION%20PAPER.pdf

SJBIT Business Analytics Question Bank

Question bank :
Module 1:
1. Define “Business”.( June’13)

Related : SJB Institute of Technology 14MBA15 Marketing Management MBA Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/3269.html

2. Discuss how institutions support markets. ( June’13)
3. Write a note on market capitalism model (June’14)
4. What do you understand by “ Laissez Faire”?( (June’14)
5. What is capitalism & Market Capitalism?( June’14)

Module 2:
1. What is corporate Governance? Explain the benefits of good corporate governance. ( June’13)( June’14)
2. Since the exposure of corporate scandals like Enron, Satyam & 2010 Telecoms License row, there is much interest at present in the Corporate Governance & related issues. Identify a range of stake holders with an interest in the quality of Management & Corporate Governance. ( June’13)
3. Explain the benefits of good corporate governance to a corporation & society.( June’14)

Module 3:
1. What is public policy? Explain the classification of public policy. ( June’14)

Module 4:
1. Write a detail note on causes, effects & measures to control industrial pollution. (June’14)
2. What are the environmental concerns of modern societies? How are they being addressed by Government? ( June’13)
3. Write short notes on: ( June’13)
** Sustainable Development
** Environmental Audit
4. Discuss the issues involved in the enforcement of environmental legislation. ( June’13)
5. Explain the role of stakeholders in the context of environmental preservation. ( June’14)
6. Write a note on a) Waste Management b) Business Power. (June’13)

Module 5:
1. What are the six main sources of knowledge of business ethics? ( June’13)
2. Explain the six personality traits as identified by Michael Josephson which are favorable to ethical decision making. ( June’13)

Module 6:
1. What is Corporate social responsibility? ( June’14)
2. Explain in detail the arguments for CSR. ( June’14)

Module 7:
1. Define sale of goods act 1930. ( June’13)
2. Define Contract. Explain the essentials of Contract. ( June’13) ( June’14)
3. What are the differences between conditions & warranty? ( June’13)
4. What is negotiable instrument? State its characteristics & types. ( June’13) ( June’14)
5. Explain the rule of “Caveat Emptor”. Discuss the cases in which the rule of caveat emptor does not apply. ( June’13)
6. M an old man of poor sight endorsed a bill of exchange for Rs. 3000 thinking that it was a guarantee. Is M liable to pay the amount? ( June’13)
7. State the differences between agreement & Contract. ( June’14)
8. Differentiate between pledge & bailment. ( June’14)

Marketing Management

Question Bank :
Module-1 :
1. What is the nature & scope of marketing & why is marketing important? (VTU10,13)
2. What are some fundamental marketing concept ? (VTU 09,12)
3. Distinguishing Features of the Marketing Concept(VTU 09,11)
4. How business & marketing are changing in India? (VTU 10)
5. Define Marketing?(VTU 14)
6. Define Marketing Myopia?(VTU 14)

Module-2 :
1. What are the various factors in Indian marketing environment & what is theneed to analyze the marketing environment? (VTU 09,12,13,14)
2. Explain the Natural Environment? (VTU 10)
3. Explain the Technology Environment? (VTU 09,11)
4. Explain the Legal Environment? (VTU 09,10)
5. Explain the need of studying buyer’s behaviour& what influences consumer Behaviours? (VTU 09,11)
6. Define Buying Motives & explain the different types of Buying Motives?(VTU 14)

Module-3 :
1. What are the distinguishing features of an Indian consumer ? (VTU 09,10)
2. Define the term market segmentation? What is the need to segment the markets? (VTU 12,13)
3. What are the basis for market segmentation? (VTU 12)

Module-4 :
1. What are the distinct stages in PLC? (VTU 12.14)
2. What are the various stages in New Product Development? (VTU 12,14)
3. What are the main decision areas in packaging? (VTU 10,11,14)

Module-5 :
1. What are the various tasks in product line appraisal? (VTU 09,10)
2. Explain the following terms or write short notes on:
(a) Brand Equity(VTU 09,10,13)
(b) Product Differentiation(VTU 10)
(c) Product Mix (VTU 09,10)
(d) Product Planning (VTU 09)

Module-6,7&8 :
1. Illustrate briefly the concept of pricing & the factors that influence pricing. (VTU 09,12,13,14)
2. What objectives does a firm seek in pricing? (VTU 09,10,12)
3. What are the various routes taken by the firm in fixing the prices? (VTU 09,10)
4. What the Traffic can Bear’ Pricing/Pricing strategies? (VTU 09,10,14)
5. Discuss briefly the steps involved in pricing procedure? (VTU 09,10)
6. What are channel conflicts How to reduce it ?(VTU 14)
7. Write a short note on i)Packaging ii)Labelling? (VTU 14)

Categories: Management Studies
Tags: sjbit.edu.in
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