10EE72 Electrical Power Utilization B.E Question Bank : sjbit.edu.in

Name of the College : SJB Institute of Technology
Subject Code/Name : 10EE72-Electrical Power Utilization
Dept : Electrical And Electronics Engineering
Degree : B.E
Website : sjbit.edu.in
Document Type : Question Bank

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SJB IT Electrical Power Utilization Question Paper

Question Bank :

Unit 1

Heating and Welding:
1. Explain the principle of dielectric heating and derive an expression for the heat produced in a di electric heating. (June /July 2014)

2. Explain high frequency eddy current heating and applications of eddy current heating. (June /July 2014)

Related : SJB Institute of Technology 10EE71 Computer Techniques In Power Systems B.E Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/3260.html

3. A piece of insulating material is to be heated by an electric di heating. Size of the piece is 12*12*3cm.A frequency of 20 Mhz is used and the power absorbed is450W.If the material has Er =5 and the power factor of 0.05, calculate the voltage necessary for heating and current that flows in the material .if the voltageis limited to 1700 V, what will be the frequency to get the same loss? (June /July 2014)

4. With a neat diagram, explain the working of direct arc furnace. Mention its application (Dec2013/Jan 2014)
5. With a neat diagram, Explain butt welding and mention its uses. (Dec2013/Jan 2014)

6. A cubic water tank has surface area of 96 m2 and is filled to 90% capacity 2 times daily. The water is heated from 20°C to 70°C. The losses per square metre of tank surface per 1°C temperature difference are 16 W. Find the loading in kW and the efficiency of the tank. Assume specific heat of water = 4,200 J/kg/°C . (Dec2013/Jan 2014)

7. What are the different modes of heat transfer? Discuss in brief. (June /July 2013)
8. List the requirements of good heating element. (June /July 2013)

9. A resistance oven employing nichrome wire is to be operated from 220 V single-phase supply and is to be rated at 16 kW. If the temperature of the element is to be limited to 1,170°C and average temperature of the charge is 500°C, find the diameter and length of the element wire. Radiating efficiency = 0.57, Emissivity=0.9, Specific resistance of nichrome = (109 ×10–8) ohm-m. (June /July 2013)

10. Give a classification of different electric heating methods and explain them briefly. (Dec2012/Jan 2013)

11. Determine the efficiency of a high-frequency induction furnace which takes 10 minutes to melt 2 kg of a aluminium initially at a temperature of 20°C. The power drawn by the furnace is 5 kW, specific heat of aluminium = 0.212, melting point of aluminium = 660° C and latent heat of fusion of aluminium. = 77 kcal/kg. (Dec2012/Jan 2013)

Unit 2

Elecrolytic process:
1. State and explain Faraday’s laws of electrolysis.(June /July 2014), (Dec2013/Jan 2014)
2. What is electro deposition / explain the factors influences the quality of electro deposition. (June /July 2014), (Dec2013/Jan 2014), (June /July 2013)

i. current Efficiency
ii. Energy efficiency. (June /July 2013) (Dec2012/Jan 2013)

4. A rectangular plate 20*10 cm is to be created with Nickel with a layer of 0.2mm thickness,
Determine the quantity of electricity in Amp-hr and time taken for the process, assume
Current Density=190 Amp/M2,
Current efficiency-90%,
Special gravity of Ni=8.9 grms?cc,ECE of Ni=0.0003043 (June /July 2013)

5. Explain the processes:
i.Extraction of metals.
ii.Anodizing. (Dec2012/Jan 2013)
6.Nickel coating of 1mm thickness is to be built on a cylindrical surface 15 cms diameter and 20 cm long in 1.5 hours. Calculate the electrical energy needed if ECE of nickel is 0.3043 mgm/coulomb.specific gravity 8.9 and voltage used in electroplating is 10 volts. (Dec2012/Jan 2013)

Unit 3&4

Illumination Engineering :
1. State and explain two laws of illumination. (June /July 2014), (Dec2013/Jan 2014)
2. With a neat Sketch, explain the working principle and constructional details of a fluorescent tube light. (June /July 2014), (Dec2013/Jan 2014)

3. An incandescent lamp has suspended from the ceiling of a room. The illumination below the lamp vertically downwards is 80 lux. When the illumination is measured at a distance of 2m from the ceiling, its value is 40 lux. Find the candle power of the lamp and its vertical distance from the floor. (June /July 2014)

4. Define the following terms:
i) solid angle, ii) MHCP iii) MSCP (Dec2013/Jan 2014)

5. What are the factors, which have to be taken into consideration for design of the lighting scheme? Explain two of them in detail. (Dec2013/Jan 2014), (Dec2012/Jan 2013)
6. Two lamps A and B of 200 candela and 400 candela respectively are situated 100 m apart. The height of A above the ground level is 10 m and that of B is 20 m. If a photometer is placed at the centre of the line joining the two lamp posts, calculate its reading. (Dec2013/Jan 2014) (Dec2012/Jan 2013)

7. Define:
i) Luminous Efficiency, ii)Depreciation factor, iii) coefficient of utilisation iv) Space –Ht ratio. (June /July 2013)

8. The illumination in a drawing office 30 m × 10 m is to have a value of 250 lux and is to be provided by a number of 300-W filament lamps. If the coefficient of utilization is 0.4 and the depreciation factor 0.9, determine the number of lamps required. The luminous efficiency of each lamp is 14 lm/W. (June /July 2013)

9. A directly beneath the source. How far is B from A if the illumination at B is only 1/10 as great as at A? Let the intensity of the lamp be I and the distance between A and B be x metres as shown in Illumination at point A, EA = I/102 = I/100 lux Illumination at point B. (Dec2012/Jan 2013)

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  • Resistance oven employee nichrome wire is to be operated at 220volt single phase supply and is to be rated at 16KW.if the temperature of the element is limited to 1170°C and average temperature of charge is 500°C .Find the diameter and length of wire. emmissivity is =0.9,resistivity of nichrome wire is =109×10>_8.and radiation=0.57. Please provide solution.

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