10CS753 Java and J2EE B.E Question Bank : sjbit.edu.in

Name of the College : SJB Institute of Technology
Subject Code/Name : 10CS753-Java and J2EE
Dept : Computer Science Engineering
Degree : B.E
Website : sjbit.edu.in
Document Type : Question Bank

Download Model Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/sjbit.edu.in/3256-CSE-VII-JAVA%20AND%20J2EE%20%5b10CS753%5d-QUESTION%20PAPER.pdf

SJBIT Java and J2EE Question Bank

Question Bank :

Related : SJB Institute of Technology 10CS72 Embedded computing systems B.E Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/3251.html

Unit 1 Introduction To Java

1. How ‘compile once and run anywhere’ is implemented in Java, explain. (4M) Jan 2014, Jan 2013, Jan 2012
2. List and explain the Java buzzwords. (6M) Jan 2014, July 2013
3. Explain : i) >>> ii) short circuit logical operators iii) for each. (6M) Jan 2014
4. Describe the process of building and running Java program. (4M) Jan 2014, July 2012
5. Explain arrays in java with examples(6M) July 2013,Jan 2013
6. What is jump statement? (4M) July 2013
7. Discuss break and continue(5M) Jan 2013
8. Explain about JDK(7M) July 2012, Jan 2012
9. Discussthree OOP principles(6M) Jan 2012

Unit 2 Classes, Inheritance, Exceptions, Applets

1. Describe the significance of final and super, with examples. (6M Jan 2014, Jan 2012
2. What is an exception? Explain the different exception handling mechanisms, with an example, (8M) Jan 2014, July 2012
3. Write an applet program to display the message “VTU BELGAUM”. Set the background color to cyan and foreground color to red. (6M) Jan 2014, July 2013
4. Why overrien methods are used in java? Example(8M) July 2013
5. What are aommand line arguments? WAP to demonstrate (6M) July 2013
6. What is meant by instance variable hiding? How to overcome it?(4M) Jan 2013
7. Explain constructor method.how it differs from other member function(5M) July 2012
8. What is an applet? Different stages of an applet(8M) July 2012
9. Difference between method overloading & overriding(6M) Jan 2012
10. WAP for stack implementation(8M) Jan 2012

Unit 3 Multi Threaded Programming, Event Handling

1. What is synchronization? Explain with an example, how synchronization is implemented in Java. (6M) Jan 2014, Jan 2013, Jan 2012
2. What is producer – consumer problem? Explain the solution for producer – consumer problem with a program. (8M) Jan 2014
3. What is delegation event model? Describe the significance of adapter class, with an example. (6M) Jan 2014, July 2013
4. What is meant by multithreaded programming? Explain with an example interthread communication(10M) July 2013, Jan 2013
5. What is meant by thread priority? How it is assigned(6M) July 2013
6. Explain action event class & adjustment event class(4M) Jan 2013
7. Short notes on static, Final, Abstract, Native (10M) July 2012
8. What is a package? What are steps involved(10M) ,July 2012
9. What is a thread ? explain 2 ways of creating thread(10M) Jan 2012

Unit 4 Swings

1. What is swing? List the main swing features. Explain the different types of panes of swing containers. (6M) Jan 2014, July 2013,Jan 2013, July 2012

2. Create a swing application having two buttons named alpha and beta. When either of the buttons pressed, it should display “alpha pressed” and “beta pressed” respectively. (6M) Jan 2014

3. List the different types of swing buttons. Write a program to create four types of buttons on JApplet. Use suitable events to show actions on the buttons and use JLabel to display the action invoked. (8M) Jan 2014, Jan 2012

4. Write the steps to create Jtable. WAP to create a table with the column headings Name, USN, age, address & insert records and display(10M) July 2013
5. Difference between swings and AWT(5M) Jan 2013

Unit-5 J2EE Overview, Database Access

1. Explain the four types of JDBC drivers. (6M) Jan 2014, Jan 2013 , July 2012, Jan 2012
2. Describe the various steps of JDBC with code snippets. (8M) Jan 2014, July 2013 , July 2012, Jan 2012

3. Explain : i) callable statement ii) prepared statement. (6M) Jan 2014
4. Explain J2EE architecture(8M) July 2013 ,Jan 2013
5. Write a note on resultset(4M) July 2013 , Jan 2013
6. Explain different type of statement object.(6M) Jan 2012

Unit-6 Servlets

1. Explain the different stages in the life cycle of a servlet. (6M) Jan 2014, July 2013 , July 2012, Jan 2012
2. What is a cookie? List out the methods defined by cookie. Write a program to add a cookie. (8M) Jan 2014, July 2013, July 2012, Jan 2012

3. Write a program to describe parameter reading using servlets. (6M) Jan 2014
4. Write a note on HTTP status codes.(4M) July 2013

5. Explain servlet interface, generic class, cookie class (6M) Jan 2013, Jan 2012
6. Explian use of session information in servlets(6M) Jan 2013
7. Write short nots on HTTP request & HTTP response (5M) Jan 2012

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