CE2021 Hydrology B.E Question Bank : fmcet.in

Name of the College : Fatima Michael College of Engineering & Technology
Department : Civil Engineering
Degree : B.E
Subject Code/Name : CE2021 Hydrology
Year : 3rd
Semester : 6th
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : fmcet.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper :https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/fmcet.in/3254-CE2021_qb.pdf

FMCET Hydrology Question Paper

Unit – I

Part -A
1. What are the data required for any hydrological studies?
2. What are the different forms of precipitation?
3. What is meant by Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) over a basin?

Related : SJB Institute of Technology 10CV55-Hydrology and Irrigation Engineering B.E Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/3213.html

4. List the methods of computing average rainfall over a basin
5. Define hydrology.
6. List the different types of precipitation.
7. State the importance of ocean in Hydrologic cycle?
8. The recession curve of a hydrograph is sometimes called the depletion curve, why?
9. Define precipitation
10. Define orographic precipitation
11. What are the disadvantages of weighing bucket type?

Part -B
1. Describe the working principle of a non-recording type rain gauge with neat sketch, Mentioning its advantages and disadvantages.
2. Explain the different methods of determining the average rainfall over catchment due to a storm. Discuss the relative merits and demerits of the various methods
3. Explain with the help of a neat sketch about the hydrological cycle with its various components

4. How is precipitation measured? Discuss the three methods which convert the point precipitation to areal precipitation and comment on the best method
5. The average annual rainfall of 5 rain gauges in a basin 890, 540,450,410 and 550 mm respectively How many additional gauges are required if it is desired to limit the error to only I0%?

6. Describe the working principle of a topping bucket type rain gauge with neat sketch Mentioning its advantages and disadvantages
7. What are the precautions to be taken in selection a site for the location of a rain gauge? Explain.
8. Describe the methods of determining the average depth of rainfall over an area.

9. (a) What is an optimum rain gauge network design?
(b) The normal annual rain fall depths of 6 rain gauge station are 55,77,40,57,85 and 23cms respectively. If the error in the estimation of basin mean rainfall should not exceed 15% how many additional rain gauge should be installed in the basin

10. Describe the working principle of a recording type rain gauge with neat sketch Mentioning its advantages and disadvantages.
11. Explain briefly with neat sketches of „Hydrologic cycle?

Unit – II

Part -A :
1. What is meant by infiltration index?
2. What are the factors affecting evaporation?
3. Define evapotranspiration.
4. State Darcy?s law

5. Why should consistency analysis be carried out?
6. Define Isohyet.
7. Distinguish between steam flow and runoff
8. Define infiltration capacity rate.
9. Define storage coefficient

10. Two lake P-with surface evaporation 32.4m and Q -with surface evaporation 28.4m 1400m away are separated by land lying on an impervious layer with an elevation of 24.4m.determine the flow between the lakes taking the permeability as 34.4 m/day. Neglect the infiltration loss.
11. Why Rainfall-Runoff relationship is necessary? Justify
12. What is effective rainfall to an hydrologist?
13. Why should consistency analysis be carried out for rainfall data?
14. State Darcy’s law and its limitations.
15. Sketch the stage discharge relationship and state its purpose.

Part -B :
1. Explain the step by step procedure involved to adjust the rainfall record at a suspicious station through the double mass curve technique.
2. What are the factors should be considered in selecting a site for a stream gauging station? Explain the dilution method of flow measurement.

3. State the Horton’s equation for infiltration capacity curve and sketch with salient components of the curve
4. Explain briefly about the O – Index and W – Index.
5. Explain with neat sketch the various methods of estimation of Evaporation
6. Differentiate the reservoir evaporation from the agricultural field Evaporation
7. Define infiltration. Describe how infiltration capacity rate can be measured using double ring infiltrometre. How is better than a tube infiltrometre.

8. Explain with neat sketches how to evaporation is measured using evaporation pan
9. Elaborate on the factor affecting infiltration and different methods of infiltration
10. Write short notes on the various methods of reducing evaporation losses from reservoirs

Unit – III

Part -A :
1. What is a synthetic unit hydrograph?
2. The recession curve of a hydrograph is sometimes called the depletion curve
3. Define unit hydrograph
4. Write short notes on return flow
5. Define base flow

6. Define S curve hydrograph
7. Distinguish between hyetograph and hydrograph
8. Define time of concentration
9. What is meant by base flow in a stream
10. List any four factors which affect the hydrograph
11. List out the uses of unit hydrograph
12. Compare the hygrographs obtain from a watershed and rural watershed.

Categories: Civil Engineering
Tags: fmcet.in
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