CE2353 Construction Planning & Scheduling B.E Question Bank : ccet.org.in

Name of the College : Chendu College of Engineering and Technology
University : Anna University
Department : Civil Engineering
Degree : B.E
Subject Code/Name : CE2353 Construction Planning & Scheduling
Year : 3rd
Semester : 6th
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : ccet.org.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper :https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/ccet.org.in/3253-4.construction_planning.pdf

CCET Construction Planning & Scheduling Question Bank

Unit-1 :
1. What is planning? :
Planning aims at formulation of a time based plan of action for coordinating various activities and resources to achieve specified objectives.

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Planning is the process of developing the project plan. The plan outlines how the project is to be directed to achieve the assigned goals. It specifies a predetermined and committed future course of action, based on discussions and decisions made on the current knowledge and estimation of future trends.

2. What is construction planning :
The construction planning process is stimulated through a study of project documents. These documents include but are not limited to the available technical and commercial studies and investigations, designs and drawings, estimation of quantities, construction method statements, project planning data, contract documents, site conditions, market survey, local resources, project environment and the client’s organization. The planning process takes in to account, the strengths and weakness of the organizations.

3. What are the objectives of planning? :
** Proper design of each element of the project
** Proper selection of equipment and machinery in big projects, the use of large capacity plants are found economical
** Procurement of materials well in advance
** Proper arrangement of repair of equipment and machinery Employment of trained and experienced staff on the project To provide incentive for good workers
** To arrange constant flow of funds for the completion of project
** To provide proper safety measures and ventilation, proper arrangement of light and water.

4. What are the types of project plans? :
Planning the entire project from its inception to completion requires a vast coverage, varied skills and different types of plans. The nature of plans encountered in a typical construction project are indicated below

Types of project plans :
** Development stage nature of plan
** Inception stage project feasibility plan
** Engineering stage project preliminary plan
** Implementation stage project construction plan

5. Define work tasks? :
Work tasks represent the necessary frame work to permit scheduling of construction activities, along with estimating the resources required by the individual work tasks and a necessary precedence or required sequence among the tasks. The terms work tasks or activities are often used interchangeably in construction plans to refer to specific defined items of work.

6. List out the project planning techniques? :
** Stages
** Planning process
** Techniques/methods
** Planning time
** Breaking
** down
** project
** Work break down, network
** work,developingtime
** analysis, gnat chart
** network plans
** Planning resources
** Forecasting
** resource
** Man power scheduling
** requirements,
** planning
** Material scheduling
** manpower
** requirements,
** Resource allocation
** planning
** material
** Cost planning & budgeting
** requirements,
** budgeting
** Equipment selection and
** costs,
** designing
** scheduling
** organizational structure
** Planning implementation
** Formulating
** monitoring Resource
** productivity
** methodology
** control,
** time
** control,
** contribution
** control,
** budgetary control

7.What are the steps involved in planning? :
a. defining the scope of work to be performed
b. preparing the logic or network diagram to establish a relationship among activities and integrating these diagrams to develop the network model
c. analyzing the project network or models to determine project duration, and identifying critical and non-critical activities
d. Exploring trade-off between time to cost to arrive at optimal time and costs for completing the project.
e. Establishing standards for planning and controlling men, materials, equipment, costs and income of each work package
f. Forecasting input resources, production costs and the value of the work done
g. Forecasting the project budget allocations for achieving targets assigned to each organizational unit
h. Designing a control system for the organization
i. Developing the resources, time and cost control methodology

8. What is the purpose of coding? :
a. To identify the data connected with each work package, as work packages from the database for managing various project functions.
b. To aid in the organization of data from the very detailed to the very broad levels
c. To enable the processing, sorting, and extraction of information required at various levels of management and functional units.
d. To computerize the data processing system

9. How many categories available in codification? :
In construction projects, the codes used can be broadly divided in to two categories i.e. project interfacing codes or simply referred as project codes and department specialized codes.

Project interface codes :
These are the common codes used for developing an inter department database. Ex : a project code for the foundation of a building.

Departmental specified codes :
These codes are developed by the departmental heads for their use. Ex : to indicate the location of materials in site ware houses

10. Define the types of labeling approach? :
a. alphabet codes
b. numerical codes
c. alphanumeric codes

Alphabet codes :
Alphabet letters A to Z, single or combined, can be used to represent a code. An alphabet in a single character space can represent 26 variations as compared to numerals 0 to 9, which can depict maximum of 10 variations

Numerical codes :
It is the most important form of coding in numerical codes, each character can be represented by a numerical varying from 0 to 9

Alpha numerical codes :
It is the combination of alphabets and numerals to develop a each code.

Categories: Civil Engineering
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