Organisational Behaviour MBA Question Bank : sriengg.com

Name of the College : Srinivasan Engineering College
University : Anna University
Department : Management Studies
Degree : MBA
Subject Code/Name : BA9204 Organisational Behaviour
Year : 1st
Semester : 1st
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : sriengg.com

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SRI Organisational Behaviour Question Paper


2 Marks :
1) Define OB :
Stephen .P. Robbins defines Organizational Behavior as a “field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior within organizations for the purpose of applying such knowledge towards improving an organizations effectiveness”

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Disciplines contributing for OB :
** Psychology.
** Sociology.
** Anthropology.
** Political Science.
** Economics.

2) What are the Characteristics of the term manager? :
Manager :
Individuals who achieve goals through other people. Managerial

Activities :
** Make decisions
** Allocate resources
** Direct activities of others to attain goals

3) What is organization? :
Organisation is the place where managers practice the art of management. An organization is a structured social system consisting of groups and individuals working together to meet some agreed upon objectives. In other words an organization consist of people who, alone and together in work group, strive to attain common goals.

4) What is Anthropology? :
Anthropology is understood as the study of man and his works. In particular anthropologists study the culture. Culture has significant influence on human behavior. It dictates what people learn and how they behave. An employee’s behavior, discretion about things good or bad, and his style of functioning are Influenced by the culture of his organization.

5) What is the importance & scope of OB? :
1. Personal Selection, Placement and Promotions
2. Education, Training and Development
3. Motivation
4. Productivity study.
5. Trade Union areas
6. Employee Relation and Public Relation

7) Differentiate effective Vs successful manager :
**  Traditional Management / Communication / People Management / Networking Managers Can Be Classified Into:
**  Average / Successful / Effective The Time Spent By Above Managers In The Activities Engaged By Them:
**  Managers Need To Develop Their People Skills If They Are To Be Effective

8) What is The Autocratic Model of OB? :
The basis of this model is power with a managerial orientation of authority. The employees in turn are oriented towards obedience and dependence on the boss. The employee need that is met is subsistence. The performance result is minimal.

9) What are the challenges to OB? :
1. Responding to Globalization :
i) Increased foreign assignments
ii) Working with People from different cultures
iii) Coping with anti-capitalism backlash.
iv) Overseeing movement of jobs to countries with low- cost labour
v) Managing people during the war on terror

2. Managing workforce Diversity :
i. Embracing diversity
ii. Changing demographics

16 Marks :
1) Explain the models of OB.
2) Explain the disciplines contributing for OB.
3) Explain the Challenges to OB.
4) What is the scope & importance of OB? :

Unit II

2 Marks :
1) Define personality.
The term personality has been derived from Latin name persona, which means speak through. It denotes the mask worn by actors in ancient Greece and Rome

2) What are the determinants of personality? :
1. Culture.
2. Family.
3. Social
4. Situational

3) What is trait theory of personality? :
A trait is what we call a characteristic way in which an individual perceives, feels, believes, or acts. When we casually describe someone, we are likely to use trait terms : I am, for example, somewhat of an introvert, a pretty nervous person, strongly attached to my family, frequently depressed, and awesomely intelligent.
I have a good sense of humor, fond of languages, very fond of good food, not at all fond of exercise, and a little obsessive. You see : I have just given you ten traits that actually go a long way towards describing me!
Psychologists, especially personologists, are very interested in traits. They are especially interested in finding which traits are broad and possibly genetically based, as opposed to ones that are rather peculiar and can change easily. Over the years, we have had a number of theories that attempt to describe the key traits of human beings.

4) Define Attitude :
It may be defined as a tendency to feel and behave in a particular way towards object, people or events. Attitude is a state of mind of an individual towards something.

5) What are the ABC components of attitude? :
Affect, Behaviour, and Cognition
Affective :
response is an emotional response that expresses an individual? :s degree of preference for an entity.
For an example : from heart, I love my job.
A component is the person? :s emotions or feelings about object of that attitude.

Behavioural :
intention is a verbal indication or typical behavioural tendency of an individual. (Intention to act I am going to get to work early with a smile on my face)

Cognitive :
response is a cognitive evaluation of the entity that constitutes an individual?:s beliefs about the object. (From brain- my job isinteresting). “C” component include the beliefs, opinions and information the person has about the object of the attitude.

Categories: Management Studies
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