BA9255 Consumer Behaviour MBA Question Bank : sriengg.com

Name of the College : Srinivasan Engineering College
University : Anna University
Department : Management Studies
Degree : MBA
Subject Code/Name : BA9255 Consumer Behaviour
Year : 2nd
Semester : 3rd
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : sriengg.com

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Question Bank Part-A : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/sr…-Behaviour.pdf
Question Bank Part-B : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/sr…r-16-marks.pdf

Srinivasan Consumer Behaviour Question Paper

Unit I

1. What do you mean by consumer behaviour? :
It is the study of why, how, what, where, and how often do consumers buy and consume different products and services. In other words it refers to the behaviour that consumers display in searching for, purchasing, using evaluating, and disposing of products and services that they expect will satisfy their needs.

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2. What is the significance of consumer behaviour? :
The goods we purchase and the manner in which we use them significantly influence how we live our daily lives.

3. Who is an esteem buyer? :
The one who prefer to purchase in prestigious stores and to purchase for impressing others.

4. What do you mean by Black Box (in consumer behaviour)
A term used by marketing researchers to describe the consumer’s mind and to indicate that what goes on inside is largely hidden from the researcher’s view.

5. What do you mean by impulse buying? :
A type of low-involvement decision-making; purchases made with little or no advance planning. Eg : buying a Ice cream while seeing the ice cream parlour.

6. What is demarketing? :
The term demarketing refers to all such efforts to encourage consumers to reduce their consumption of a particular product or service.

7. What is evoked set? :
The specific brands a consumer considers in making a purchase choice in a particular product category.

8. What do you mean by compulsive buying? :
Most consumers engage in buying as a normal and routine part of their everyday lives. But when buying becomes compulsive, the goal shifts from obtaining utility from the purchased item to achieving gratification from the purchasing process itself. Compulsive buying is chronic, repetitive purchasing that becomes a primary response to negative events or feelings. It becomes very difficult to stop and ultimately results in harmful consequences to the individual and/or others.

9. What do mean by shoplifting? :
Shoplifting is an example of a fraudulent or criminal type of deviant consumer behaviour that involves the theft of retail merchandise during store hours by someone who is shopping or pretending to shop.

10. List down the approaches to study the consumer behaviour? :
Managerial approach
Holistic approach

11. Can you predict behaviour of consumers? :
No. Behaviour is constantly changing.

Unit II

1. What is an attitude? : Explain.
Attitudes are an expression of inner feelings that reflect whether a person is favourably or unfavourably predisposed to some “object” (e.g., a brand, a service, or a retail establishment). Attitudes are not directly observable but must be inferred from what people say or what they do.

2. What is personality? :
Personality can be defined as those inner psychological characteristics that both determine and reflect how a person responds to his or her environment.

3. Define the term ‘consumer life style’.
Life style can be viewed as a unique pattern of living which influences and is reflected by one’s consumption behaviour. It refers to the goal a person shapes for himself and the ways he uses to reach it. Many products today are “life style” products, that is, they portray a style of life sought by potential users. In other words it is a Intrinsic psychological, socio cultural, and behavioral characteristics that reflect how an individual is likely to act in relation to consumption decision.

4. Explain the term ‘motivation’.
The driving force within individuals that impels them to action. (for eg., being hungry motivates them go for food).

5. What is Emotional motives? :
The selection of goals according to personal or subjective criteria eg. The desire for individuality, pride, fear, affection, status etc.

6. What is Rational motives? :
Motives or goals based on economic or objective criteria, such as price, size, weight or miles-per-liter.

7. What do you mean by perception? :
The process by which an individual selects, organizes and interprets stimuli into a meaningful and coherent picture of the world. In other words giving meaning to the environment.

8. What is selective perception? :
Consumers actively seek out messages that they find pleasant or with which they are sympathetic, and they actively avoid painful or threatening ones. Eg., heavy smokers avoid articles that link cigarette smoking to cancer.

9. What do you mean by subliminal perception? :
It means perception of stimuli that are below the level needed to reach conscious awareness.

10. What do you mean by learning? :
It is the process by which individuals acquire the purchase and consumption knowledge and experience that they apply to future related behaviour.

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