BA9254 Advertising & Sales Promotion MBA Question Bank : sriengg.com

Name of the College : Srinivasan Engineering College
University : Anna University
Department : Management Studies
Degree : MBA
Subject Code/Name : BA9254 Advertising & Sales Promotion
Year : 2nd
Semester : 3rd
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : http://www.sriengg.ac.in/

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Question Bank Part-A : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/sr…BA9254-ASP.pdf
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SRI Engg Advertising & Sales Promotion Question Paper

Unit – I :
Ques 1) What is advertising? :

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Ans : Advertising
Advertising is a form of communication used to persuade an audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to take some action with respect to products, ideas, or services. Advertisement has become an integral part in today’s marketing scenario. In earlier times, advertisement was not given as much emphasis as it is being given today. Advertising presents the most persuasive possible selling message to the right prospects for the product or service at the lowest possible cost.

Ques 2) What is paid form of advertising? :
Ans : Paid Form of Advertising
Advertising, as an activity, is not possible free of cost. If it is not paid for, it is publicity, propaganda or a rumor where the person may or may not spend. Advertising as an act of persuasion is deliberate and planned one and the sender of the message has to foot the bill. Whatever may be the media, each medium and media vehicle costs the advertiser. By its very nature, it is paid form of presentation of an idea, product or a service in an indirect way.

Ques 3) What do yon understand by informative act? :
Ans : Informative Act
Each and every advertisement is a piece of information to the listeners, readers, viewers and onlookers. An advertisement announces the arrival of a new product, talks about its special features and explains the best use of the product, thus, helping the hesitant and undecided prospect to make the decision to buy or not to buy.

Ques 4) What is the scope of advertising in merchandising? :
Ans : Merchandise
Advertising covers the attributes of the product. The merchandise, i.e., the product and services to be sold, has its advantages and disadvantages. The advertiser should demonstrate the attributes of the product and avoid the criticism of a similar product of the competitors. The outstanding qualities of the product should be assessed and exposed with emphasis.

Ques 5) Who are advertisers? :
Ans : Advertiser
Advertising begins with the advertiser, the person or organization that uses advertising to send-out a message about its products. The advertiser initiates the advertising effort by identifying a marketing problem that advertising can solve. The advertiser also makes the final decisions about the target audience and the size of the advertising budget. This person or organization also approves the advertising plan, which contains details outlining the message, and media strategies.

Ques 6) Define media? :
Ans : Media
The third player in the advertising world is the media. The media player is composed of the channels of communication that carry the message from the advertiser to the audience, and in the case of the Internet, it carries the response from the audience back to the advertiser. The development of mass media has been a central factor in the development of advertising because mass media offers a way to reach a widespread audience. The media I refer as channels of communication or media vehicles but they are also companies, such as local newspaper or radio station.

Ques 7) Define consumer advertising? :
Ans : Consumer Advertising
A very substantial portion of total advertising is directed to buyers of consumer products who purchase them either for their own use or for their households. The fact that buyers of consumer items are generally very large and are widely distributed over a large geographical area enhances the importance of advertising as a marketing tool, he preponderance of such advertising can be seen by looking into at random any general print media, such as newspapers and magazines etc.

Ques 8) What do you understand by direct action advertising?
Ans : Direct Action Advertising
It aims at generating immediate response. Many retail messages, for instance, request : consumers to buy now. Other advertisements in the direct category contain coupons, and request the consumers to redeem these soon. Finally, numerous mail-order marketers attempt to induce consumers to order .at once. These promote correspondence courses and indicate that consumers who are interested in the course should mail a card to the company.

Ques 9) How advertising change in motivation? :
Ans : Change in Motivation through Advertising
Advertising has radically changed the basis of human motivation. While people of earlier generations lived and worked mainly for bare necessities of life, the modern generation works harder to supply itself with the luxuries and semi-luxuries of life. Advertising has brought to the notice of the masses, numerous products which are more than mere necessities and has created in their minds a desire to possess them. Thus, the motive force of fear (or going without the bare essentials of life) has been replaced by desire (for more and newer products).

Ques 10) How advertising effect on national income? :
Ans : Effect on National Income
Advertising promotes demand, increases productive and industrial activities, promotes growth in agriculture, growth in service sector, increase in exports, etc. All these result in increase in national income. It also promotes standard of living of masses. Critics argue that advertising is a wasteful expense, unproductive in nature and results in wastage of resources. They argue that advertising does not result in increase in demand and production. But the argument of critics is wrong as advertising definitely creates demand, promotes new products, expands markets, promotes production and thus results in increase in national income.

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