EC2021 Medical Electronics B.E Question Bank : sriengg.com

Name of the College : Srinivasan Engineering College
University : Anna University
Department : Electronics & Communication Engineering
Degree : B.E
Subject Code/Name : EC2021 Medical Electronics
Year : 3rd
Semester : 6th
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : sriengg.com

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Part-A : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/sr…d_answer1.docx
Part-B : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/sr…tion-bank.docx

Srinivasan Medical Electronics Question Paper

Unit – 1

1. What is meant by cell? :
The brasic living unit of the body is cell. The function of organs and other structure of the body is understood by cell organization.

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2. Give the abbreviation form for RNA, DNA? :
RNA Ribo Nucleic Acid
DNA De- Oxy Nucleic Acid

3. What are resting and action potential, bio electric potential? :
The membrane potential caused by the different concentration of ions is called resting potential. It is caused by very rapid change of membrane permeability to sodium ions followed by recovery period. The positive potential of the cell membrane during excitation is called action potential. Certain systems of the body generate their own monitoring signals conveying useful information about the functions they represent. Such signals are bio electric potentials and are related to nerve conduction, brain activity, heart beat etc.

4. What is meant by measurement? :
Measurement is an act or the result of comparison between the quantity and a predefined standard.

5. Mention the basic requirements of measurement. :
The standard used for comparison purpose must be accurately defined and should be commonly accepted. The apparatus used and the method adopted must be provable.

6. What are the 2 methods for measurement? :
1.Direct method and 2. Indirect method.

7. Explain the function of measurement system. :
The measurement system consists of a transuding element which converts the quantity to be measured in an analogous form the analogous signal is then processed by some intermediate means and is then fed to the end device which presents the results of the measurement.

8. Define Instrument. :
Instrument is defined as a device for determining the value or magnitude of a quantity or variable.

9. What is meant by Resting Potential? :
Equilibrium is reached with a potential difference across the membrane such that negative on inside and positive on outside. This membrane potential caused by the different concentration of irons is called Resting Potential.

10. What is meant by Action Potential? :
Cell has a slightly positive potential on the inside due to imbalance of potassium ions. This positive potential of the cell membrane during excitation is called Action Potential and is about 20 mV.

11. Give any 4 factors to be considered when we design any medical Instrument? :
Accuracy, Frequency Response, Linearity, S/N ratio, Stability, sensitivity

12. What is Electrode Potential? :
The voltage developed at an electrode-electrolyte interface is known as Electrode Potential.

13. What is the purpose of electrode paste? :
The electrode paste decreases the impedence of the contact the artifacts resulting from the movement of the electrode or patient.

14. Give the different types of electrodes? :
Microelectrodes, Depth and needle electrodes, Surface electrodes

15. What is PH electrode? :
The chemical balance of human body is identified by measurement of Ph content of blood and other body fluids. PH is defined as logarithm of reciprocal of hydrogen ion concentration.

16. Define polarized and non poloaraised electrode. :
Electrrodes in which no net transfer of charge occurs across the metal electrolyte interface is called as perfectly polaraised electrodes. Electrodes in which un hindered exchange of charge occurs across the metal electrode interface is called perfectly non polaraisable electrodes.

17. What is plethysmograph? :
The instrument used for measuring blood volume is called plethysmograph.

18. Define All or nothing law. :
All or nothing law states that regardless of the method of excitation of cells or by the intensity of the stimulus, the action potential is same for any given cell.

19. What is absolute refractory period? :
It is the time duration in which cell cannot respond to any new stimulus. Generally it is about 1ms in nerve cell.

20. What is Relative refractory Period. :
It is one during which another action potential can be triggered but a higher stimulus is required to reinitiate the action potentialand the subsequent contraction of muscles . generally the relative refractory period is several millisecond.

21. Define Conduction Velocity. :
The rate at which an action potential moves down a fibre or propagated from cell to cell is termed as propagation rate.

Unit – 2

1. Mention various types of chemical electrodes.
Hydrogen electrode, ph electrode, po2 electrode, pco2 lectrode.

2. Define circulation and respiration? :
We can define from the engineering point of view, the circulation is a high resistance circuit with a large pressure gradient between the arteries and veins The exchange of any gases in any biological process is termed as respiration

3. What is mean by transducer? :
It is a device which detects or senses the bio signal and converts it in to an electrical signal for bio signal processing

4. What is electrophoresis? :
Electrophoresis is a technique used to separate biological molecules, such as nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and amino acids, based on their movement due to the influence of a direct electric current in a buffered solution. Positively charged molecules move toward the negative electrode, while negatively charged molecules move toward the positive electrode.

5. What is the use of blood flowmeter in bio medical instrumentation? :
Blood flow meters are used to monitor the blood flow in various blood vessels and it also helps to measure cardiac output.

6. What are the different types of blood flow meters? :
Electromagnetic blood flow meter, Ultrasonic blood flow meter, Laser Doppler Blood flow meter, NMR Blood flow meter.

7. Give some applications of electromagnetic blood flow meters :
Blood flow measurements during cardiac surgery, blood flow measurements during shunt operations, blood flow measurements during carotid artery, blood flow measurements in rural arteries, blood flow measurements during organ transplantation.

8. What is cardiac output? :
Cardiac output is the quantity of blood delivered by the heart to the aorta per minutes. It is a major determinant of oxygen delivery to the tissues.

9. What happens when there is a fall in cardiac output? :
A fall in cardiac output may result in low blood pressure, reduces tissues oxygenation, acidosis, poor renal function and shock.

10. What are the different types of dilution methods? :
Indicator dilution method, Dye dilution method, Thermal dilution method.

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