Disaster Management B.E Question Bank : selvamtech.com

Name of the College : Selvam College of Technology
Subject Code/Name : 080280074- Disaster Management
Dept : Electrical And Electronics Engineering
Degree : B.E
Year: : IV
Website : selvamtech.com
Document Type : Question Bank

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Selvam Tech Disaster Management Question Bank

1. Define Disaster.
Disaster may be defined as realization of a hazard that inversely impacts things of human value.

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Unit – I

2. Name the categories of disaster.
Natural disaster and Manmade disaster.
3. List the types of natural disaster
1. Rapid onset natural disaster and
2. Slow onset natural disaster.
4. What are the examples of rapid onset disaster?
Earth quake , Cyclone ,Flood and Landslide.
5. What are the examples of slow onset natural disaster?

Drought ,Desertification , Environmental degradation and Famine.
6. Give examples of Manmade disaster.
Wars , Industrial accidents , Transport accidents ,Terrorism and Crow incidents.
7. What is disaster preparedness?
It is based on the root causes of the event and a sustainable approach towards relief and rehabilitation.
8. Expand the following.
a. INDR : International Decade of Natural Disaster Reduction b. CHAD : Conflict and Humanitarian Affairs
c. DFID : Department for International Developement d. HDP : Holistic Development Program
e. DRM : Disaster Risk Management
f. ITDG : Intermediate Technology Developement Groups g. DMF : Disaster Management Facility
h. GIS : Geographic Information System
9. Explain about holistic developement planning.
It is based on adequate analysis , will not leave room for hazards and disaster.
10. What is DRB? Explain.
DRM : Disaster Risk Management. It is the integral part of a comprehensive development for any geographical area or sector leave to reduction in relief and rehabilitation.
11. Mention some goals of ISDR programme.
a. Reduce the economic and social losses of disaster
b. Increase public awareness of the risk that natural, technological and environmental hazards pose to modern societies.
12. Mention the objectives of ISRD programme.
a. Develop a proactive interface between management of natural disaster & risk reduction practises.
b. Form of global community dedicated to make risk and disaster prevention.
13. Explain Risk Identification.
It involves information on the nature & extend of risk that characterises a particular location. It includes information on the nature or particular physical hazards obtained through hazard assessment.
14. Explain Risk Sharing.
In emergency economics, the state and the individuals bear much of the cost of disaster. Tools have to be developed to assist the very poor to more effectively manage disaster risk.
15. Mention about developement plans & disaster management.
Some of the concepts & definitions that appear in the current discussion on the questions of disaster & developement. Demonstrates the application & non application of the same at the ainstitutional & community levels.
16. What are the four different institutional arrangements?
a. Rural and Urban developement
b. Developement planning & implementation c. Ministry of agriculture
d. Irrigation developement department
17. What is disaster event?
Social & economic issues related to disaster have been discussed for oveer a decade. During this period some important concepts & terms have been introduced and clarify and researches and practitioners have elaborated the classes, which leads to what is commomly termed as disaster event.
18. Define hazard.
Hzard is defined as the propability of the occurance of a dangerous phenomena at a given place within a given period of time.
19. Define Risk.
Risk is defined as the product of Hazard and Vulnerability.
Risk = Hazard x Vulnerability
20. What are the factors that effect people’s vulnerability?
Caste , Class , Gender and Disability.

21. What are the fives roles to be played by insurance in natural disaster relay?
a. The insured persons are entities.
b. The primary insurers.
c. Re- insurers.
d. Capital markets and
e. Govt / public authorities.

22. Give the Principle of risk partership.
Under this partership the roles played by the affected persons & entities , the financial sector and the state are described from an international perspective drawn from actual business practice.

Unit – II

Application Of Technology In Disaster Risk Reduction :
1) Explain YOKOHAMA declaration.
1.Disaster prevention

2) How comprehensive emergency management is viewed.
1. 2 P`s —-Prevention & Prepardness
2. 2 R`s —-Response &Recovery

3) Give the objectives of database
The objective is to limit the human material and economic cost of an emergency or disaster and this is achieved through a range of strategies from hazard management and prevention to speedy restoration of the affected community.

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