10CV755 Highway Geometric Design B.E Question Bank : sjbit.edu.in

Name of the College : SJB Institute of Technology
Subject Code/Name : 10CV755-Highway Geometric Design
Dept : Civil Engineering
Degree : B.E
Website : sjbit.edu.in
Document Type : Question Bank

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SJBIT Highway Geometric Design Question Bank


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1. Briefly discuss the various design factors to be considered for geometric design of highway.(dec2013/jan2014,may/Jun 2010)
2. Explain the design control and criteria which governs the design and highway.(dec2011, dec2010,jun/jul 2011)

3. Enumerate the concept of PCU in geometric design of highways. List out the factors governing PCU. Give some typical values as recommended by IRC.(dec2013/jan2014, june/july2013, dec2011, may/Jun 2010, dec2010, Jun/jul 2011)

4. Explain the geometric elements to be considered for the design of highway(June/july2013)
5. Explain the objects of highway geometric design. List the various geometric elements to be considered in the highway design.(dec2010)
6. Explain significance of design speed and design vehicle in the geometries(June/july2013)
7. Explain the important functional aspects of geometric design.(Jun/jul2011)


1. List the important pavement surface characteristics and explain briefly[: i) Friction and factors affecting friction; ii) Pavement unevenness. (Dec 2011, Dec 2010, June/July 2011, Dec 2012)
2. Write notes on the following and mention the IRC standards: i) Carriage way ii) Right of way. (Dec 2011)

3. Draw the typical cross sections of the following roads indicating all the details: i) NH – in cutting ii) SH – in embankment. (Dec 2010, 2012)
4. What is camber? What are the objectives of providing camber? When straight and parabolic cambers are preferred? List the functions of camber. Discuss the factors governing camber. Explain different shapes of camber with help of neat sketches (June/july 2011, dec2013/jan2013)

5. What is right of way? State the factors influencing right of way (June/july 2011, Dec 2012 )
6. What Objectives of providing transition curves (Dec 2010)
7. Mention the various cross-sectional elements to be designed for a pavement and explain them briefly. (June 2010, May/ June 2010)

8. Design the road hump as per IRC recommendations, with a neat sketch.( June 2010, May/ june 2010)
9. Distinguish between skid and slip with practical examples. Enumerate the factors affecting friction of skid resistance. (dec2013/jan2014)


1. Draw a neat sketch of overtaking zone with all detail for overtaking and overtaken vehicles speeds are 80 kmph and 65 kmph. Take average rate of acceleration as 3.6 kmph/sec, single lane. (Dec 2011, June/july 2011, June 2010, May/ june 2010)
2. Calculate the SSD on a highway at a descending gradient of 2% for a design speed of 80kmph. (Dec 2010, Dec 2012)

3. Explain sight distance and factors causing restriction to sight distance. Give significance of SSD, ISD and OSD. (Dec 2011)
4. Derive an expression for calculating the overtaking sight distance on the highway (June 2010, Dec2011, May/ june 2010)

5. What are the factors on which the SSD depends? Explain the reaction time of the driver. (Dec 2010)
6. Find the safe overtaking sight distance for a design speed of 96 kmph. Assume all the required data as per IRC (Dec 2010, Dec 2012)
7. Derive the expression for SSD for ascending, descending gradient and level surface (June/july 2011)

8. What is stopping sight distance? List out the factors affecting SSD. Derive the expression for finding SSD on a road with a down gradient of — n%.( dec2013/jan2014)
9. The speeds of overtaking & overtaken vehicles are 96 kmph and 80 kmph respectively, on a two way traffic road. If the acceleration of overtaking vehicle is 2.5 kmph/sec calculate the safe overtaking sight distance (OSD) sketch the overtaking zone ( dec2013/jan2014)

Unit 4

1. Derive necessary conditions for centrifugal ratio to avoid overturning and skidding of vehicle (Dec 2011, June/july 2011, Dec 2012, Dec 2010)
2. Write a note on maximum and minimum super elevations (Dec 2011)

3. Derive expression for super elevation (May/ june 2010)
4. What are the objectives of providing extra widening of pavements on horizontal curves? Derive an expression for the same. (Dec 2010)

5. Design all the geometric features of a horizontal curve for a state highway passing through rolling terrain, assuming all the data as per IRC for a ruling minimum radius. Also, specify the minimum setback distance for a sight distance of 255 mts. (Dec 2010)

6. While aligning a highway in a built up area, it was necessary to provide a horizontal curve of radius 325 meter. Design the following geometric features. I) Super elevation ii) Extra widening of pavement iii) length of transition curve Data available are design speed = 65 kmph, length of  wheel base of largest truck = 6 pavement width = 10.5m. (June/july 2011)

7. There is a horizontal highway curve of radius 400m and length 200m on this highway. Compute the setback distance required from the centre line on inner side of curve so as to provide for safe overtaking distance of 300m. The distance between the centerline of road and inner lane is 1.9 m. (June/july 2011, Dec 2012)

8. A national highway passing through rolling terrain in heavy rainfall area has a horizontal curve of radius 500 m. Design the length of transition curve. Assume data suitably. (June 2010, Dec 2012, May/ June 2010)

9. What is superelevation? With the aid of sketches, explain how super-elevation is introduced on a horizontal curve in the field(Dec 2013/jan2014)

10. Calculate the length of transition curve of the shift using the following data : Design speed=80 kmph; Radius of horizontal curve =500m; normal pavement width=7 m. Allowable rate of introduction of super-elevation =1 in 150 (Pavement rotated about inner edge). (Dec 2013/jan2014)

Categories: Civil Engineering
Tags: sjbit.edu.in

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