AE2352 Experimental Stress Analysis B.E Question Bank : sriengg.com

Name of the College : Srinivasan Engineering College
University : Anna University
Department : Aeronautical Engineering
Degree : B.E
Subject Code/Name : AE2352 Experimental Stress Analysis
Year : 3rd
Semester : 6th
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : sriengg.com

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Part-A : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/sr…PART-A-ESA.pdf
Part-B : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/sr…PART-B-ESA.pdf

SRI Engg Experimental Stress Analysis

Two Mark Questions :
Unit I :

Related / Similar Question Paper : Srinivasan College B.E Finite Element Method Question Bank

1. Define Measurement :
The measurement of a given quantity is essentially an act or result of comparison between a quantity whose magnitude (amount) is unknown, with a similar quantity whose magnitude (amount) is known, the later quantity being called a standard.

2. What are the basic requirements for measurement? :
(i) The standard used for comparison purposes must be accurately defined & should be commonly acceptable.
(ii) The standard must be of the same character as the measure and (ie, the unknown quantity or the quantity under measurement)
(iii) The apparatus used and the method accepted for the purposes of comparison must be provable.

3. What are the methods of measurements? :
(i) Direct Method : In these methods, MEASURAND is directly compared against a STANDARD.
(ii) Indirect Method : Measuring systems are used in indirect methods for measurement purposes

4. What is dimensional measurement? :
Dimensional Measurements are characterized as determination of size of an object. These are the measurements of dimensions of an object.

5. What are the ‘STANDARD’S for the measurement of an angle? :
The primary standards of angle may be taken either as angle subtended by a circle at its centre ie, 360° or as angle between two straight line intersecting in a manner such that all four angles so formed are equal, ie, each angle is 90°

6. How we can measure the Area of survey plats? :
Measurement of area of regular and standard geometrical figures can be obtained from the dimensions using standard mathematical relationships.
There are many engineering applications which require the measurement of plane area.
Graphical determination of the area of survey plots form maps, the integration of function to determine the area enclosed by a curve analysis of experimental data may require the use of measurement of plane area.

7. Give any two methods for measure an unknown force :
An unknown force may be measured by the following methods,
1. Balancing the unknown force against the known gravitational force either directly
(or) indirectly using a system of levers.
2. Transferring the unknown force to a fluid pressure and then meaning the resulting fluid pressure. Hydraulic and Pneumatic load cells are used for transferring the force into pressure.

8. How we can measure the temperature changes? :
Temperature is not measured directly, but is measured through indirect means; change of temperature of a substance causes a variety of effects. These effects may be physical, chemical, electrical (or) optical and they may be used for the measurement of temperature through use of proper temperature sensing devices.

9. Tell some thing about ‘static characteristics’ and ‘static calibration’ in measurements :
‘Static characteristics’ of a measurement system are in general those that must be considered when the system or instrument is used to measure a condition not varying with time. All the static performance characteristics are obtained in one form or another by a process called’ static calibration’

10. What is accuracy and tell about point accuracy? :
Accuracy is the closeness with which an instrument reading approaches the true value of the quantity being measured. Thus accuracy of a measurement means conformity to truth.
‘Point Accuracy’ is the accuracy of the instrument only at one point on it scale.

11. Give the Type of errors in measurements :
(i) Gross errors
(ii) Random rrors
(iii) systematic errors
** Instrumental errors
** Environmental errors
** Observational errors

12. Differentiate Gross error and Instrumental Error :
Gross errors mainly cover human mistakes in reading instruments and recording and calculating measurement results.
Instrumental Error occurs due to the wrong adjustments of a measuring devices while it construction or misalignments of its pats.

13. Differentiate environmental and systematic errors :
Environmental errors causes due to the surrounding condition of instruments, but systematic errors causes because of the fault of the arrangement of measuring system during the whole measuring process.

14. What absolute static error? : Give example:
Absolute static error is the difference between measured values of quantity and the true value of quantity. ie, Eo= X(m) – X(t)

Example :
An error of 2mm is negligible when the length being measured is of the order of ( 1000 mm) 1 m but the same error of 12 mm may be considerable when the measurement of 10mm length.

15. What do you mean by limiting errors? :
The limits of the deviations from the specified values of measurement datas are defined as `Limiting errors’ (or) `Guarantee error’

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