CS1018 Grid Computing Question Bank : kings.ac.in

Name of the College : Kings College Of Engineering
Department : Computer Science & Engineering
Subject : Grid Computing
Website : kings.ac.in
Document Type : Question Bank

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Kings Grid Computing Question Paper

Unit – I

Part –A :( 2 Marks)
1. Define grid computing.
2. List some of the QOS features available in grid computing.
3. List the features of computational grid

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4. State the features of data grids.
5. Mention the foundations of grid computing.
6. What is business on demand?
7. Define Grid Resource Brokers
8. Define Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)
9. Mention some major business areas of grid computing.
10. What is a Service-Level Agreement (SLA)?
11. Name some earlier derivatives of grid computing.

12. Mention some characteristics of virtual organization.
13. List the business benefits provided by grid computing.
14. Mention the common needs of grid applications.
15. List the support functions offered by resource broker.
16. List out the capabilities of grid portals.

Part – B :
1. Explain in detail about virtual organization. (16)
2. Write about the scope of grid computing. in business areas. . (16)
3. Explain some of the grid application and their usage patterns. (16)
4. Write short notes on. (16)
a) Schedulers
b) Resource broker
c) Load balancing
d) Grid portals
5. What are the data and functional requirements of grid computing? (16)
6. Explain briefly about grid infrastructure. (16)

Unit – II

Grid Computing Initiative :
Part –A( 2 Marks)
1. Name the classification of grid computing organization based on their functional role.
2. What are the basic goals of GGF?
3. What are the major works of GGF?
4. Mention the important characteristic of legion system
5. What are the core objects defined by legion system?
6. Name the components available in Nimrod architecture?
7. What are the scheduling algorithms used in Nimrod_G?
8. What are the major objectives of Euro grid project?
9. What are the application specific work packages identified for the Euro grid?
10. Define dynamic accounting system.
11. Mention the characteristic of connectivity layer?
12. What are the two primary classes of resource layer protocols?
13. What are the collective services available in grid computing
14. What are the basic principles of autonomous computing?
15. What are the four essential characteristics of on demand business?
16. What are the essential capabilities provided by on demand business?
17. Write note on GRAM.
18. Differentiate condor from condor _G.

Part –B :
1. a) Explain about the organization developing grid standards and best practices Guidelines. (8)
b) Explain about the organization working to adopt grid concepts into commercial products. (8)
2. Discuss briefly about organization building and using grid based solution to solve their computing data and network requirements. . (16)
3. Write notes on organizations developing grid computing toolkits frameworks and Middleware solution. (16)
4. Explain the layered architecture of grid with a neat diagram. (16)
5. Describe about the relation of grid architecture with other distributed technologies.(16)
6. Write notes on
Autonomic computing (4)
BOD and infrastructure virtualization (4)
Service oriented architecture and grid (4)
Semantic grids (4)
7. What are the third generation initiatives of grid computing?. (16)

Unit – III

Grid Computing Applications
Part –A : ( 2 MARKS)
1. What are the two commonly understood SOA architecture?
2. Define SOA.
3. Define Web Service .
4. Define Semantic Web
5. Write a note on Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
6. Define Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)
7. Define Web Services Architecture (WSA)
8. Define Web Service Description Language (WSDL)
9. What are the fundamental components of SOAP specification?
10. What are the features of SOAP?
11. What are the mechanisms available to implement the features of SOAP?
12. Write notes on Message exchange pattern.
13. List out the difference between WSDL 1.1 and WSDL1.2.
14. What is the vision behind global XML architecture?
15. What are the major building blocks identified by GXA?
16. Write notes on WS –Federation
17. What are the classifications of service state management?
18. List out the layers of grid architecture.
19. Compare and contrast Grid Computing and P2P computing
20. What are the third generation grid initiatives?
21. Mention the two type of message encoding used in WSDL 1.1.

Part -B :
1. Explain briefly about SOA. (16)
2. Explain briefly about Web service architecture. (16)
3. Explain in detail about SOAP. 16)
4. What are the service message description mechanism available? Explain. (16)
5. Explain briefly about WSDL. (16)
6. Discuss in detail about global XML Architecture vision. (16)
7. Discuss in detail about web service and grid service. (16)
8. Explain in detail about Basic Profile guidelines. (16)

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