XCS472 Modeling & Simulation M.Sc Question Bank : niceindia.com

Name of the College : Noorul Islam College of Engineering
University : Anna University
Degree : M.Sc
Department : Software Engineering
Subject Code/Name : XCS 472 – Modeling & Simulation
Year : 4th
Semester : 7th
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : niceindia.com

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/niceindia.com/3141-XCS_472_MODELING_AND_SIMULATION.pdf

NICE Modeling& Simulation Question Paper

1. Define simulation. :
A simulation is the imitation f the operation of a real_world processes or system over time.

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2. What are the advantages of simulation ? :
** New policies can be explored without disrupting ongoing operations of the real system.
** New hardware design and be tested without committing recourses and their acquisition.
** Hypotheses about how are why certain phenomena occur can be tested for feasibility.
** Insight can be obtained about the interaction of variables.

3. What are the disadvantages of simulation? :
** Model building requires special training.
** Simulation results may be difficult to interpret.
** Simulation modeling and analysis can be time consuming and expensive.
** Simulation is used in some cases when an analytical solution is possible.

4. How will we overcome the disadvantages of simulation ? :
** Models have the generic the simulators or templates.
** Many simulation software vendors have developed output analysis capabilities.
** Simulation can be performed faster today than the yesterday.
** Closed-form models are not able to analyze most of the complex systems that are encountered in practice

5. What are the areas of application of simulation? :
** Institute of electrical and electronic engineering : computer society.
** Institute of electrical and electronic engineering : systems, man and cybernetics society.
** Institute of industrial engineers

6. Define entity activity and attribute? :
** An entity is an object of interest in the system.
** An activity represents a time period of specified lengt.
** An attribute is a property of an entity.

7. Define endogenous and exogenous :
** Endogenous is used to describe activities and evets occurring with in the system.
** Exogenous is used to describe activities and events in the environment that affects the system.

8. Define discrete and continuous system? :
** A discrete system is one in which the state variables change only at a discrete set of points in time.
** A continuous system is one which the state variables change continuous over time.

9. Define model. :
A model is defined as a representation of a system for the purpose of studying the system.

10. What are the steps in simulation study. :
** Problem formulation
** Setting of objectives and overall project plan.
** Model conceptualization
** Data collection
** Model translation
** verified? :
** Validated? :
** Experimental design
** Production runs and analysis
** More runs
** Documentation and reporting
** Implementation

11. What are the properties of random umbers? :
** The set of random numbers is uniformly distributed between 0 and 1
** Successive random members are independent

12. Define mathematical model? :
A mathematical model uses symbolic notation and mathematical equations to represent a system.

13. Define dynamic simulation model. :
Dynamic simulation models represent systems as they change over time.

14. Define deterministic model? :
Deterministic model have a known set of inputs which will result in a unique set of outputs.

15. Define stochastic simulation model. :
A stochastic simulation model has one or more random variables as output.

16. Define analytical methods? :
Analytical methods employ the deduction reasoning of mathematical to “solve” the model.

17. How will you implement data into simulation? :
It has four phases they are :
** Is a period of discovery or orientation
** Is related to model building and data collection
** Running the model
** Implementation

18. Define simulation clock? :
The simulation clock is used to track simulated time.

19. What are the steps involved in simulation? :
** Determine the characteristics of each of the simulation.
** Construct a simulation table
** For each repetition I, generate a value of the p inputs, and evaluate the function, calculating a value of the response yi.

20. Describe the uses of simulation :
** Simulation enables the study of the internal interaction of a complex system.
** Informational, organizational and environmental changes can be simulated.
** Simulation can be used to verify analytic solutions.

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