MVN Object Oriented Programming BCA Previous Year Question Paper

Name of the College : MVN University
Subject Code/Name : CAL-201-Object Oriented Programming
Year : Jan.2014
Degree : BCA
Sem : III
Website : mvn.edu.in
Document Type : Previous Year Question Paper

Download Model Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/mvn.edu.in/3139-BCA-Object-Oriented-Programming-CAL-201.pdf

MVN Object Oriented Programming Previous Question Paper

Time Allowed: 03 hours.
Maximum Marks: 100

Related :  MVN University CAL104 Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science BCA Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/3137.html


Before answering the question paper the candidate should ensure that they have been supplied the correct question paper. Complaints in this regard, if any, shall not be entertained after the examination.
Note: Question No. 1 is Compulsory and attempts any two questions from each section. All questions carry equal marks.

Subject Code – CAL-201

1. a) What is object oriented programming? Describe the major characteristics of a OOP Language.
b) What do you mean by Dynamic memory allocation? Define malloc and calloc functions with their syntax,.
c) What is the friend function and how it is declare with the class?
d) What is file and file stream? Give the type of file stream. (5*4)

2. Describe the following:-
a) Class and Object
b) member of class
c) access specifier
d) Definition of function inside class and outside the class using suitable example. (20)
3. a) what are the constructor and destructor. Explain all types of constructors with the help of example. (12)
b) What is operator over loading? Write a program to overload binary operator(+) using friend function. (8)
4 a) Define copy constructor .Give the benefits of copy constructor with a programming example. (10)
b) Explain the following:
I) abstract data types
II) abstract classes
III) objects and classes. (10)

5. a) What are the differences between function overriding and function overloading. Explain with example? (10)
b) What is Base and Drive Classes? Explain it with the help of suitable example. (10)
6. a) Explain the use of multiple inheritance and multi level inheritance with the help of suitable programming example. (12)
b) What is use of file handling in C++? How data is read from a Sequential access file? (8)
7. a) Explain all exception handling functions with their syntax. (8)
b) What are templates? Give its syntax and explain with suitable example. (12)

Subject Code – CAL-101

Time Allowed: 03 hours.
Maximum Marks: 100
Before answering the question paper the candidate should ensure that they have been supplied the correct question paper. Complaints in this regard, if any, shall not be entertained after the examination.
Attempt any five questions and all questions carry equal marks.

Section – A
1 (a) Define a computer system. What are the basic characteristics of a digital computer? (5)
(b) Draw the block diagram of functional components of a computer system and give brief discussion on each component. (10)
(c) Differentiate between primary memory and secondary memory (5)

2 (a) Define: bit, byte, and nibble, compiler, and interpreter (5)
(b) Convert the following decimal numbers into their equivalent binary numbers
(i) 75
(ii) 56.5
(iii) -76
(iv) 222 (4*2.5)
(c) Draw the flow chart that determines largest among three given numbers. (5)

3 (a) what is an operation system? Explain the concept of time sharing of the processor. (5)
(b) What are the various generations of computers? Give a brief discussion on each generation (10)

Section – B :
4 (a) Define the terms: token, keyword, identifier, variable, and constant (5)
(b) Write program that finds the smallest in a given list of N numbers. (10)
(c) What are the characteristics of C which makes it suitable for system programming (5)

5 (a) Explain the difference between logical and relational operators with the help of a suitable example? (6)
(b) What is a conditional operator? Explain with the help of an example. (6)
(c) Write program in C that converts a given Celsius temperature into its equivalent temperature into Fahrenheit using the following formula
F = 9/5 Celsius + 32 (8)

6 (a) What do you mean by switch statement? Explain with the example? (5)
(b) Write a given program in C that checks whether a given number is palindrome or not? (10)
(c) Write a program that prints the following pattern on the screen (5)
1 2
1 2 3
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 5

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