MVN CAL101 Fundamental of Computer & Prog Using C BCA Previous Year Question Paper

Name of the College : MVN University
Subject Code/Name : CAL-101-Fundamental of Computer & Prog. Using C
Year : Jan.2014
Degree : BCA
Sem : I
Website : mvn.edu.in
Document Type : Previous Year Question Paper

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MVN Computer & Prog. Using C Previous Question Paper

Time Allowed: 03 hours.
Maximum Marks: 100

Related : MVN University CAL209 Computer Application in Management BBA Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/3127.html 


Before answering the question paper the candidate should ensure that they have been supplied the correct question paper. Complaints in this regard, if any, shall not be entertained after the examination.

January 2014

Note: Question No. 1 is Compulsory and attempts any two questions from each section. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Write a short note on the following: [5 x 4 = 20]
a) Different types of computers
b) High level and low level languages
c) Variable vs. Constant
d) While vs. Do-While loop

2. Define computer. Draw a block diagram of a computer system. Explain the various components of computer system. [20]
3. a). Discuss the various symbols used in flow chart. Draw a flow chart to find the whether the number entered is prime or not. [10]
b) Explain the following terms: [10]
(i) Assembler
(ii) Compiler
(iii) Interpreter
(iv) Linker
4. a). Explain the different generations of computer in details. [10]
b). Define operating system. What are the various features of operating system? Discuss the various roles performed by operating system. [10]

5. a). Define array and structure. How both are different from each other? Write statements for declaration of both in C. [10]
(b)What are the different conditional statements in C? Write the syntax for each of these statements. [10]
6. a) Explain in details the different types of operators used in C with their precedence. [10]
b) Write a program in C to check whether the given number is palindrome or not. [10]
7. a). Define recursion. Write a program in C to find factorial of a given number using recursion. [10
b). Discuss the various decision control statements used in C in details [10]

January 2013

Computer Fundamentals & Programming in C
Subject Code: CAL-101
Time Allowed: 03 hours.
Maximum Marks: 100
Note :
** Before answering the question paper the candidate should ensure that they have been supplied the correct question paper.
** Complaints in this regard, if any, shall not be entertained after the examination.
** Attempt any five questions and all questions carry equal marks.

Section – A
1 (a) Define a computer system. What are the basic characteristics of a digital computer? (5)
(b) Draw the block diagram of functional components of a computer system and give brief discussion on each component. (10)
(c) Differentiate between primary memory and secondary memory (5)

2 (a) Define: bit, byte, and nibble, compiler, and interpreter (5)
(b) Convert the following decimal numbers into their equivalent binary numbers
(i) 75 (ii) 56.5 (iii) -76 (iv) 222 (4*2.5)
(c) Draw the flow chart that determines largest among three given numbers. (5)

3 (a) what is an operation system? Explain the concept of time sharing of the processor. (5)
(b) What are the various generations of computers? Give a brief discussion on each generation (10)

Section – B :
4 (a) Define the terms: token, keyword, identifier, variable, and constant (5)
(b) Write program that finds the smallest in a given list of N numbers. (10)
(c) What are the characteristics of C which makes it suitable for system programming (5)

5 (a) Explain the difference between logical and relational operators with the help of a suitable example? (6)
(b) What is a conditional operator? Explain with the help of an example. (6)
(c) Write program in C that converts a given Celsius temperature into its equivalent temperature into Fahrenheit using the following formula F = 9/5 Celsius + 32 (8)

6 (a) What do you mean by switch statement? Explain with the example? (5)
(b) Write a given program in C that checks whether a given number is palindrome or not? (10)
(c) Write a program that prints the following pattern on the screen (5)
1 2
1 2 3
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 5

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