MVN CSL102 Advanced C Programming B.Tech Previous Year Question Paper

Name of the College : MVN University
Subject Code/Name : CSL-102-Advanced C Programming
Year : Jan.2014
Degree : B.Tech
Sem : II
Website : mvn.edu.in
Document Type :  Previous Year Question Paper

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Advanced C Programming Previous Question Paper

Time Allowed: 03 hours.
Maximum Marks: 100

Related : MVN University AHL113 Professional Communication MBA Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/3110.html


Before answering the question paper the candidate should ensure that they have been supplied the correct question paper. Complaints in this regard, if any, shall not be entertained after the examination.

January 2014

Note: Question No. 1 is Compulsory and attempt two questions from each section. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Explain the following: (5*4)
(a) Command Line Argument
(b) Declaring Pointer Variable
(c) malloc() Function
(d) Strcat() and Strrev() Function

2(a) Describe the concept of pointer and write an example to access a variable through its pointer. (10)
(b) Discuss the applications of pointers and list the disadvantages of them. (10)
3(a)Write a Program to compare two strings without using library functions. (10)
(b) What do you mean by String? Explain the purpose of null character (\0). (10)
4(a)Write a suitable program using function returning pointer. (10)
(b)Explain the use of pointer as function argument with examples. (10)

5(a) What are the Storage classes of C variables? Briefly explain each. (10)
(b) What is dynamic memory allocation? How does it help in developing complex programs? (10)
6(a)Define Macro? Write a Program to demonstrate the use macro in ‘C’. (10)
(b)What is a preprocessor? Define Preprocessor Directives and also differentiate between #define and #undef directive. (10)
7(a)What are the different functions related to file handling in ‘C’. (10)
(b) Write the typical error situation which can occur while dealing with files in ‘C’. (10)

June 2015

Subject – Advance C Progrmming
Subject Code: CSL-102/CSL-102-A
Time Allowed: 03 hours.
Maximum Marks: 100
** Before answering the question paper the candidate should ensure that they have been supplied the correct question paper.
** Complaints in this regard, if any, shall not be entertained after the examination.
** Attempt five questions. Question No. 1 is Compulsory and two questions from each section. All questions carry equal marks.

1 a) Write a program to convert upper case letter of string to lower case letter string.
b) Write the program to demonstrate the use of pointer expression.
c) What is the use of C preprocessor directives.
d) Difference between static and dynamic memory allocation?
e) Explain command line arguments? (20)

2. (a) Write a program to reverse a given string without using library function. (10)
(b) Write a program to concatenate two strings without using library functions. (10)
3. (a)What is pointer? How to declare a pointer? Explain chain of pointer using program? (12)
(b) Determine and explain output for the following code? (8)
i) #include<stdio.h>
int main()
char str[20] = “Hello”;
char *const p=str;
printf(“%s\n”, str);
return 0;
int main()
int ***r, **q, *p, i=8;
p = &i;
q = &p;
r = &q;
printf(“%d, %d, %d\n”, *p, **q, ***r);
return 0;

4.(a) What do you mean by pointer increment and scale factor.Explain array of pointer with the help of program. (10)
(b) Explain pointer to function using a program. (10)

5.(a) Define storage classes.What is the difference between static and auto storage classes. (10)
(b) Write a program demonstrating use of Malloc and Realloc function. (10)

6. (a) Explain the following: (2*6=12)
(i) fseek()
(ii) getc()
(iii) putw()
(iv) fscanf()
(v) fclose()
(vi) gets()
(b) Write a program to copy contents of one file in to another file. (8)

7. (a) Describe the advantages of using macro. Write a program to find the area of rectangle using macro. (10)
(b) What is the difference between conditional and unconditional directive? Explain with example (10)

June 2013

Subject Code: CSL-102
Time Allowed: 03 hours.
Maximum Marks: 100
Before answering the question paper the candidate should ensure that they have been supplied the correct question paper.
Complaints in this regard, if any, shall not be entertained after the examination.
Attempt any five questions and all questions carry equal marks.

Section – A :
1. (a) Define strcpy( ) function with its syntax. Write a program to copy one string into another string without using the string function. . (10)
(b) Write a program to concatenate two strings without using the string function and give its output. (10)
2.(a) Define pointer. How it is declared and initialized. Explain with the help of suitable example. (6)
(b) Explain chain of pointer with example? (4)
(c) Explain the use of pointer with array and give suitable example. (10)
3. (a) Define function. Explain the use of pointer as function arguments with the help of suitable example. (10)
(b) Write a program to find larger of two numbers using function returning pointer. (10)

Section – B :
4. (a) what do you mean by dynamic memory allocation? Define malloc ( ) and calloc ( ) and Give differences between them. (7)
(b) Define realloc ( ) and free ( ) function with their syntax and explain them with the help of suitable example. (10)
(c) Define file. Define the purpose of fclose ( ) function. (3)

5. (a) What do you mean by random access to files. Explain fseek ( ), ftell ( ) and frewind ( ) functions. (10)
(b) What are the common errors which can occur during input – output operations on file? Explain ferror ( ) and feof ( ) functions. . (10)
6. (a) Write a file copy program . (10)
(b) What do you mean by argc and argv [ ]. Explain with the help of suitable example. (10)

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