MVN AHL113 Professional Communication MBA Previous Year Question Paper

Name of the College : MVN University
Subject Code/Name : AHL-113-Professional Communication
Year : Jan.2014
Degree : MBA
Sem : I
Website : mvn.edu.in
Document Type : Previous Year Question Paper

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Professional Communication – I Previous Question Paper

Time Allowed: 03 hours.
Maximum Marks: 100

Related : MVN University CAL507 Computer for Managers MBA Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/3106.html


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January 2014

Note: Question No. 1 is Compulsory and attempt two questions from each section. All questions carry equal marks.

Section – A

1. Do as directed. [10*2=20]
a. What are main points which need to keep in mind which giving a self intro?
b. What is Basic difference between English letters and sounds?
c. Write the transcription of ‘debt’ and ‘sky’.
d. Basic difference between skimming and scanning.
e. Use the pair ‘Eligible and Illegible’ in sentences of your own.
f. Correct the sentence ‘i. I am reading for 2 hours. ii. I have come yesterday from Mathura.’
g. Use the idiom ‘at stone throw distance, once in a blue moon’ in your own sentences.
h. Who is the writer of experiment and experience?
i. Define longevity.

j. Correct the sentence: It is 3 o, clock in my witch.
2(a) Write a ‘Self Introduction’ which you have prepared for appearing in an interview for a job? [10]
(b) Write two free speeches one on the occasion of Fresher’s Party and another on Farewell Party’. [10]
3. (a) Write the symbol of all diphthongs with at least on example. [10]
(ii). Fill in the blank with correct forms of the word (any five):
i. Mira said that her father………(go) to Agra next week.
ii. Fire and water do not………(agrees)
iii. No news………( are) good news
iv. It …………(seem) to be a nice and pleasant day.
v. The earth…………(moves) round the sun
vi. Are you ………(come) with us?

(b) (i) Fill suitable preposition in the blank [10]
i. Ram is standing ……the tree.
ii. The book is…….the table.
iii. He looked….him.
iv. The hunter shot the tiger…….gun.
v. I saw a snake…… tree.

(b) Transcribe any ten of the following words into I.P.A and write the number of syllable also: [10]
Wound, Quality, Saw, Heart, Queen, Ticket, Buy, Another, Boy, Sorry, Father, Breakfast, Enough, Handkerchief, Captain

4 (a) Write a story based on a college tour. [10]
(b) Paraphrase the following paragraph: [10]
Self-reliance is the pilgrim’s best staff, the worker’s best tool. It is the master key that unlocks the difficulties of life. ‘Help yourself and Heaven will help you’ is a maxim which receives daily confirmation.

He who begins with crutches will generally end with crutches. Help from within always strengthens but help from without invariablyenfeebles the recipient. It is not in the sheltered garden but in the rugged Alpine cliff where the storms beat most violently that the thoughts plants are reared.

It is not by the use of life jackets that you can best learn to swim but by plunging courageously into the waves and beating them. To wait until some charitable man passed by – to stand with arms folded, sighing for a helping hand is not the part of any manly mind. The habit of depending on others should be vigorously resisted,

since it tends to weaken the intellectual faculties nd paralyze judgment. The struggle against adverse circumstances has, on the contrary, a supporting and strengthening effect like that ofthe pure mountain air on an enfeebled frame. This is lesson which, nowadays, is not taught in college.

Section – B

5 (a) Read the following passages and answer the questions that follow. [10]
A leading Indian industrialist, in a recent article on ways to strengthen India’s economy has drawn attention to the problems of inflation andindustrial sickness among other things.

One of the main reasons for industrial sickness in our country has been the fact that business and industrial managers have not been able to look beyond the immediate future. They have been too preoccupied with their attempts to report favorable results for the current year: Higher profits and larger dividends to the share holders.

The planning horizon has already ever exceeded five years. Investments have been inadequate for new clients and towardsdiversification and expansions. Modernization and asset creation seriously lagged behind in business growth. Growth is needed for survival: One has to grow if one does not want to be wiped out.

This is particularly true today with liberalization of imports and increasing competition. Moreover, growth and higher predictability create employment and higher employment creates larger markets both for industrial and consumer products. It was Henry Ford who brought home the need for the creation of a larger and a more stable middle class, that is, a larger number of people who can afford more and more of goods and services.

(i) What are the two prominent causes a leading Indian industrialist has pointed as reasonable for India’s weak economy?
(ii) What is reasonable for industrial sickness in India?
(iii) Explain with references to the passage – one has to grow if one does not want to be wiped out.

(iv) Why did Henry Ford stress the need for a more stable middle class?
(v) Use the following words in sentences:
(a)Wipe out (b) Asset (c) Stable (b) [10]
(i) Explain the meaning of the following idioms\phrases by using them in sentences of your own:
i- A blessing in disguise ii- Bosom friends iii- A cock and bull story
iv- All that glitters is not gold v- On the eve of
(ii) Use the following in sentences of your own
(1) Lose and loose (2) Later and Latter (3) Eligible and Illegible (4) Vocation and vacation (5) Adept and Adopt

6. (a) [10]
(i) Spot the error in the following sentences and write the correct answer (any five):
i. One of the students have been selected.
ii. Each of the students are naughty.
iii. Neither of the boys were present in the class.
iv. The writer and director are here.
v. Distribute these sweet between the students of your college.
vi. Aristotle’s The Poetics are the best treaty on literature.
vii. The captain along with the team, have arrived.

(ii) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate tense forms:
i. I ……….. my work tomorrow. (do)
ii. It…………since morning. (rain)
iii. They…….a cricket match now. (watch)
iv. Rita…… to the market yesterday. (go)
v. Neha…….at the concert tomorrow. (sing)
7. What makes the author believe that by 2050 AD there will be adequate increase in food production? [20]

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