BA1701 International Business Management MBA Question Bank : niceindia.com

Name of the College : Noorul Islam College of Engineering
University : Anna University
Degree : MBA
Department : Management Studies
Subject Code/Name : BA 1701 – International Business Management
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : niceindia.com

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/niceindia.com/3103-BA_1701-International_business_management.pdf

NICE International Business Management Question Paper

1) Define international trade :
International business consist of transactions that are devised and carried out across national borders to satisfy the objectives of individuals and organization.

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2) What is trade flow? :
Trade flow refers to the flow of goods and services across the globe through
commercial transaction.

3) What is investment flow? :
Flow of capital across the globe.

4) What is free trade? :
There is no restriction in export and import of goods and services.

5) What is trade? :
Trade refers to the flow of goods and services.

6) What is internal trade? :
Trade within the nation is known as internal trade.

7) Write down the various names of internal trade? :
Domestic trade, regional trade.

8) What is international trade? :
Trade with outside the nation.

9) Write down various names of international trade? :
Foreign trade, interregional trade.

10) What do you mean by absolute cost advantage theory? :
This theory suggest that a country produce and export those goods and services for which it is more efficient than countries.

11) What do you mean by comparative cost theory? :
This theory states that a country should produce and export those goods and services for which other country are relatively more efficient than it.

12) What do you mean by heckser ohlein theory? :
This theory presents that international trade occurs because of the differences in the supply of production factors.

13) Write down some important non-ownership forms? :
Merchandize export, import and counter trade, service export and import licensing and franchising, contract manufacturing, turnkey operations and management control.

14) What is licensing? :
Licensing means a firm in one country permits a firm in another country to
use its intellectual property.

15) What is counter trade? :
Counter trade is used as an entry strategy.

16) What is contract manufacturing? :
Under contract manufacturing a company doing international marketing contract with firms in foreign countries to manufacture or assemble the products while retaining the responsibility of marketing the product.

17) What are turnkey contracts? :
Turnkey operation is an agreement by the seller to supply a buyer with a facility fully equipped and ready to be operated by the buyer’s personnel, who will be trained by the seller.

18) What is strategic alliance? :
This strategy seeks to enhance the long term competitive advantage of the firm by forming alliance with its competitors existing or potential in critical areas instead of competing with each other.

19) What do you mean by Export Credit Guarantee services? :
This guarantee scheme was established by the Govt. of India in 1957 to promote the export.

20) What is exchange rate? :
The exchange rate is the rate at which the value of one currency is expressed interms of the value of another currency.

21) What are the various documents needed for export by ships? :
Shipping Bill, Commercial invoice, Bill of lading.

22) What are the various documents needed for export by post? :
Customs declaration form, customs invoice, certified invoice, black list certificate.

23) Write down the currency codes of Japan and Canada :
Japan = JPY
Canada = CAD

24) What is merchant deals market? :
Dealings between authorized dealers and others.

25) What is wholesale market? :
large scale foreign exchange dealings are done in this market.

26) What is retail market? :
Small foreign exchange dealings are done in this market.

27) What is spot market? :
Spot market is market for delivery normally two days after the deal.

28) What is Forward market? :
Forward market is a market for future delivery.

29) What is arbitrage market? :
Buying in one market and selling the same in another market to earn profit.

30) What is swaps market? :
Swaps deal involve temporary exchange, with agreement to reserve back to original situation.

Categories: Management Studies
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