BA1734 Entrepreneurship Development MBA Question Bank : niceindia.com

Name of the College : Noorul Islam College of Engineering
University : Anna University
Degree : MBA
Department : Management Studies
Subject Code/Name : BA 1734 – Entrepreneurship Development
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : niceindia.com

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/niceindia.com/3098-BA_1734_-_ENTREPRENEURSHIP_DEVELOPMENT.pdf

NICE Entrepreneurship Development Question Paper

1.What is an Enterprise? :
The enterprise is the basic unit for economic organization. It transacts with other unit in the economy, it produces a product worth more than the resources used

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2.What is Intrapreneurship? :
Intrapreneurship is the process by which other new ventures are born within the confines of an existing corporation. It involves expansion by exploring new opportunities through new combinations of existing resources.

3.Define Entrepreneur.
According to Noah Webster, Entrepreneur is “ one who assumes the risk and management of business”

4.Mention the different features of an Entrepreneur.
1.Capacity and willingness to assume risk
2.Willingness to hard work
3.Vision and foresightedness
4.Creative and imaginative thinking
5.Innovative and willingness to change

5.What do you meant by Achievement motivation? :
According to McClelland achievement motivation can be developed through training and experience. Ambition is the lever of all motives and nourishes achievement motive.

6.What are the types of Entrepreneur? :

7.What is motivation? :
Motive may be defined as the inner state of our mind that moves or activates or energies and directs our behaviour towards our goal.

8.What is social mobility? :
Social mobility involves the degree of mobility, both social and geographical and the nature of mobility.

9.What is the role of the Entrepreneurship in economic development? :
** Capital formation
** Improvement in per capita income
** Generation of employment
** Balanced regional development
** Improvement in living standards
** Economic development.

10.What are the requisites of success in business? :
** Clear cut objectives
** Efficient business planning
** Proper size
** Location and layout

11.What is project identification? :
It is the process of identifying opportunities for new business ventures.

12.What is selection of product? :
It is the first major step in the setting up of a business enterprise. Choice of the right product is to be produced is the first essential of success in entrepreneurship.

13.What is project formulated? :
Project formulated is the systematic development of a project idea for the eventual purpose of arriving at an investment decision. It involves a step by step investigation and development of project idea.

14.What is Technical feasibility? :
Identifying the technical specification of the product in terms of its functional design, adaptability of new customer demand, durability, reliability of performance, acceptable level of obsolescence, safety and standardization.

15.What are the assessments of project feasibility? :
** Technical Feasibility
** Economic Viability
** Financial Feasibility
** Managerial Competence
** Implementation Scheme

16.What is Market survey? :
Before the production actually starts, the entrepreneur needs to anticipate the possible market for the product. He has to anticipate who will be the possible customer for his product.

17.Define Partnership firm.
According to Sec(4) of the Partnership Act 1932, Partnership is the relation between persons who have agreed to share the profit of the business carried on by all or any one of them acting for all.

18.What are the characteristics of Partnership firm? :
** Existence of a lawful business
** Sharing of profit and losses
** Mutual agency among the partners
** No separate legal entity
** Unlimited liability
** Good faith

19.What is financial planning? :
Financial planning is the process of formulating policies and strategy relating to the procurement, investment and administration of funds for an enterprise.

20.What are the characteristics of small business? :
** High proportion of working funds
** High gearing
** Personal control
** Low credit standing
** Poor documentation

Categories: Management Studies
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