MC1701 Computer Networks MCA Question Bank : niceindia.com

Name of the College : Noorul Islam College of Engineering
University : Anna University
Degree : MCA
Department : Computer Applications
Subject Code/Name : MC 1701 – Computer Networks
Year : 2nd
Semester : 3rd
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : niceindia.com

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/niceindia.com/3092-MC-1701-COMPUTER%20NETWORKS.pdf

NICE Computer Networks Question Paper

1. Define a Protocol :
Protocol is a set of traffic rules and Procedures used for communication between entities in different systems.

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2. What are the key elements in a protocol? :
i. Syntax – Includes data format and Signal levels
ii. Semantics — Includes control information for co-coordinating & Error handling
iii. Timing — Includes speed matching and sequencing

3. What is a Data Communication? :
Data communication is the process of sending data electrically from one location to another. Linking one computer to another permits the power and resources of that computer to be tapped.

4. Bit stuffing :
The insertion of extra bits into a data stream to avoid the appearance of unintended control sequences

5. Bridge :
A functional unit that interconnects two local area networks (LANs) that use the same logical link control protocol but may use different medium access control protocols.

6. Switched Communication network :
A communication network consisting of a network of nodes connected by point- to-point links Data are transmitted from source to destination through intermediate nodes.

7. Define a Bandwidth :
Bandwidth or grade of a communication channel determines the rate or speed that data can be transmitted over a channel.

8. What are the applications of Optical fiber cable? : Optical fiber cable is used in:
a) Long-haul trunks
b) Metropolitan Trunks
c) Rural-Exchange trunks
d) Subscriber loops
e) Local Area networks

9. What are the applications of Coaxial cables? :
Coaxial cable is used in
a) Television Distribution
b) Long-distance telephone transmission
c) Short-run computer system links
d) Local Area Networks

10. What are the functions of network Layer. in OSI Model? :
** Routing
** Logical addressing (eg. IPaddressing)
** Address transformations
** Accounting & Billing
** Source to Destination error free delivery

11. What are the functions of Data Link Layer. in OSI Model? :
a. Addressing
b. Flow Control
c. Media Access Control(MAC)
d. Synchronization
e. Error Control
f. Node-to-Node Delivery

12. Medium access (MAC) :
For broadcast networks, the method of determining which device has access to the transmission medium at any time CSMAICD and token are common access methods

13. Microwave :
Electromagnetic waves in the frequency range of about 2 to 40 GHz.

14. What are the functions of physical layer in OSI Model.? :
a. Signal Encoding
b. Medium (what are the medium used & its Properties)
c. Bit Synchronization
d. Transmission type
e. Transmission Mode(Is transmission is simplex or half duplex or full duplex)
f. Topology identification(Star or ring or bus etc)
g. Multiplexing (Which multiplexing Techniques used)
h. Interface(How are the two closely linked devices connected)
i. Bandwidth( Which band width used
j. Signal type (eg. Are Analog or Digital Signal Used)

15. What are the responsibilities of Transport Layer. in OSI Model? :
a. Host-to-host message delivery
b. Application-to-application communication
c. Segmentation & Reassembly
d. Create logical connection between the source & Destination

16. Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model :
A model for communications between cooperating devices. It defines a seven- layer architecture of Communication functions.

17. What are the functions of Presentation Layer in OSI Model? :
a. Data format Translation
b. Encryption
c. Data compression

18. What are the responsibilities of Application Layer in OSI Model? :
a. Network Abstraction
b. File access & Transfer (File download and or upload)
c. Mail Services
d. Remote Login( Eg. TELNET)
e. World wide web – WWW (Access web pages)

19.Define a LAN? :
A Local Area Network(LAN) is a privately owned network within a single office, buildings or campus, covering a distance of a few kilometers.

20. Write a Short note about Computer Networks? :
Interconnected autonomous computer are called computer networks. Computers are interconnected using communication medial like Twisted pair cables, Coaxial cables, Fiber optic cable, Microwaves or satellites etc. Main reason for designing network is to share the resources like printers, disk, programs and data.

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