MC1705 Internet Programming MCA Question Bank : niceindia.com

Name of the College : Noorul Islam College of Engineering
University : Anna University
Degree : MCA
Department : Computer Applications
Subject Code/Name : MC 1705 – Internet Programming
Year : 2nd
Semester : 3rd
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : niceindia.com

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/niceindia.com/3080-MC1705_-_Internet_Programming.pdf

NICE Internet Programming Question Paper

1. What is Internet? :
The Internet is a network of networks that connects computers all over the world. The internet operates world wide using a common set of communication protocols.

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2. What is IP? :
IP stands for Internet Protocol. Computers connected to the internet communicate by the protocol IP.

3. What is TCP? :
TCP stands for Transmission control Protocol. This Protocol is used to communicate with the nodes in the internet with acknowledgement

4. What is ARPANET? :
ARPANET stands for Advanced Research Project Agency Network. The U.S.Military funded a network in 1969 called ARPANET.

5. List out the services provided by the Internet? :
Electronic Mail, World Wide Web, FTP, Telnet, Gopher, Chat

6. What do you mean by World Wide Web? :
WWW is a distributed system of inter linked pages that include text, pictures, sound and other information. It enables easy access to the information available on the internet.

7. What FTP? :
FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. It is Internet software for transferring files form one computer to another.

8. Distinguish File Upload and Down Load? :
The process of transferring a file from a network computer to local computer is known as down loading. The process of transferring a file from local computer to a network computer is called up Loading.

9. What is the use of Gopher? :
It is an access and retrieval system covering a wide range of information, from reference materials to magazine article to government documents and speeches.

10. What is Telnet? :
It is software that allows one computer to connect to another computer and make use of the other information.

11. Write note on Internet Addresses.
Numerical computer names that uniquely identify each computer on the Internet. Each address consists of four bytes, and each byte represents a decimal number from 0 to 255. This address is often represented by four decimal numbers separated by dots.

12. What is newsgroup? :
An on-line forum that allows users from all over the world to participate in a discussion about a specific topic.

13. What do you meant by Domain Name System? :
A distributed naming scheme in which unique names are assigned to computers on the Internet.

14. Write note on the protocol FTP.
File transfer- A way of transferring files from one computer to another computer; using a network

15. Write note on HTML element FRAMESET.
Frameset-An HTML features that allows you to divide a browser’s window into several independent parts.

16. What are absolute and relative URLs? :
An absolute URL is complete in that it contains all the components of a URL A relative URL as the name implies, relates to some base URL and may be used in any places in an HTML document.

17. What is MIME? :
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) – A system that is used by mailers and Web browsers to identify file contents by file extensions

18. What are Web browsers? :
Browser- A software Application that provides an interface between users and the Internet. Netscape’s navigator and Microsoft’s Internet explorer are two popular browsers. Browsers are also called Web Clients.

19. What is Search Engine? :
Search Engine-A search tool that allows a user to enter queries. The program responds with a list of matches from its database. A relevancy score for each match and click able URL are usually returned.

20. What are the values of lowest address and highest address in class B addressing? :
Write them in dotted decimal form.
Lowest address-10000000.0.0.0
Highest address-10111111.255.255.255

21. Define the term “electronic-mail”.
e-mail -Messages that are sent electronically over a network.

22. What is Network? :
Interconnection of two or computers is known as network that enables to share the common resources.

23. Write short notes on LAN? :
Local Area Network-LAN consists of computers that are geographically close together. A LAN uses cables to connect its users.

24. Write short notes on WAN? :
Wide Area Network-WAN consist of computer systems that are further apart and are connected by telephones lines or radio waves. Data is send over the Telephone lines as opposed to cables.

25. Write short notes on MAN? :
Metropolitan Area Network-MAN is networks designed for a town or city.

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